"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Your kingdom has turned to a bone yard,
The look on your face as you leave.
You cut me so deep that it left scars,
You had the world right at your feet.
He had become much bolder now that he had ventured from the depths of the forest he had called his home since a young foal, and today was the first time he decided to leave the safety of the forest behind him and brave the meadow. His soft brown eyes shut together as the sun rays hits him, challenging his golden coat in a test to whom was the brightest. The sun of course. The young stallion flicked his forelock over his eyes and he carefully made his way through the meadow, feeling the grass brush against his legs and belly as he did so. He quickly found a nice shaded area beneath one of the few trees that dotted the area, standing close to a creek, Cai had found himself quite the spot and the tree helped ease his anxiousness. He was still worried that someone would look at him, and they'd know all that he was.
His journey to the meadow had not been simply to test his nerves, though that play a part in it. He was in search of answers, the main reason he had those couple of days ago ventured for the first time to 'the outside'. Though the thought that someone would know him, would know what he had done -though he wasn't entirely sure he had actually done something- still absolutely terrified him, he needed answers. Long enough had he tortured himself with scenario after scenario, reason after reason. Why would his own flesh and blood let him to be left alone to die. Why would she do such things, how could she do such things.
Cai shook his head as he found himself rolling back into depressing thoughts and focused on the soun of the creek, the water was flowing fast, which was to be expected as the snow had began to melt and trickle into various different flows of water, feeding the land and pushing life into action. Cai had already heard a few birthing's, off to the distance as the mares distressed at the pain, but he did not go and investigate, he knew he would not be welcomed, even if something pulled at him to go to these places just in case a foal ended up like he had those years ago, lost, alone and confused.
The sun was warm, it was a nice feeling, not one Cai had felt all that much, and he was enjoying its warm golden rays whilst grazing on the emerald green blades until the sound of something approaching startled him. His head shot up in alarm and he brown eyes narrowed as he looked around, ears flicking back and forth, trying to spot the incoming company before they saw him.
She should be at home, really, but Vlinder cannot help it but to venture away from the Gates. Ever since the rise of their new king the kingdom has been slowly stirring. Both her parents had become more active already, setting out on diplomatic tasks Wyrm had given them. Yet there was nothing she could do. Sometimes she might come off brave, but she simply wasn’t. Her mind was both too scarred and too troubled to contribute something to the Gates. In an attempt to find some peace she had fled to the meadow, recalling a pleasant meeting she had had with a stranger not too long ago.
Yet she wasn’t the one to approach another, at least not alone, without the guidance and company of her mother. The looking eyes aren’t that pleasant either, she hated the feeling of being watched. That they knew nothing of her nor her defects didn’t matter, to Vlinder it felt like they knew anyway and that they humoured her because of it. Ellyse had done that. And with her many others. Those who didn’t humour her, pitied her, and to the winged girl that wasn’t any better. So she wanders off to find a more quiet place, to hide herself from all the criticizing eyes.
”It’s no use.. No matter how much I practise..” she murmurs to herself, head dipping towards the ground to pull out some grass. Not that she really felt like eating, it was more out of habit and to be actually doing something. ”But maybe if I try again? Maybe it'll be different this time?” Even though she knows she shouldn’t, she cannot help it but to secretly hope that this time would be different. It had been quite a while since she had last tried, already long given up after her niece’s birth, but she couldn’t stop the desire that flew through her veins once again.
And so it happens. Unsecure she folds out her white and blue wings, ruffling them a little. Like that she stands in the sun for a moment, allowing the sun to warm her and her whole span completely. Meanwhile she’s trying to gain some confidence. When Vlinder opens her eyes again she takes a deep breath, before moving her wings as she tried to lift herself off the ground. She feels how her wings catch the wind and she longs to move up, to soar the sky, and she starts to walk to use that movement to help her off the ground.
She manages to do so, but only a little. Every time she jumps the euphoric feeling gets to her and she can enjoy the feeling of the wind underneath her wings, but it’s always for a short time. No matter how many times Vlinder tries she is only able to flitter around a little, flying is out of the question. This time is no different. It is with a disappointed heart that she comes down to earth again, sides heaving heavily to catch her breath from just one single attempt to fly, unaware of the eyes that are now watching her.
Your kingdom has turned to a bone yard,
The look on your face as you leave.
You cut me so deep that it left scars,
You had the world right at your feet.
The golden watches her in silence, easing around her already. A soft, sad smile twitches at the corner of his mouth as pitty fills him for her. She was so determined and yet could not succeed. This he could relate to, perhaps this was what caused him to ease around her so much. He wanted to reach out to her and offer her some support and comfort, but something held him back and instead he stood there in silence, mouth shut tightly as he watched the mare attempt to dance with the wind.
He could only dream what it was like to fly high above the clouds, to escape the reach of those who wished him harm. A glorious feeling that must've been, yet this one seemed incapable of achieving such heights and he could see the disappointment in her eyes as she landed once more. He cocked his head to the right, watching her with his one good eye and thought back to the massive black beast, Offspring. Thinking to himself what would he do in a situation such as this. Nothing came to mind immediately, but he felt deep down that he should at least let the female aware of his presence.
He gave a grunt, clearing his throat as he did so, and flicked his tail, ridding his hind of the irritable flies. "Hello" He said, his throat was still sore, and his voice croaked as they a toad had found residency within his mouth. Cai flinched at the sound of his own voice and pulled his head back slightly at the sound of it. So unfamiliar to him, yet another thing time would require for him to get used to.
I. Suck. I had this saved as a draft for a while, thought I posted it, obviously hadn't. @[Vlinder]
She too could only dream of flying. Both her parents were able to fly, although in different forms, and her young niece could fly too. The girl’s father too, but Gyps’ mother couldn’t, just like Vlinder herself. Her sister didn’t seem to be bothered by it at all, but maybe that was because she didn’t have wings or the ability to change forms. Anyway, the blue roan girl couldn’t help but to feel like a failure, unable to use the gift that was given to her and disappointing and displeasing all around her.
Vlinder stands there, just standing, tips of her wings touching the ground. She simply is too troubled to care, just dropping them and giving up all attempts to keep them neat and folded at her sides. Why should she? It’s not like she could actually do something with them, they were nothing more but decoration. A painful one that was. She had cursed them so many times already, wishing them to just disappear from time to time. Her life would’ve been so much easier without.
He catches her by surprise when he clears his throat, effectively making his presence known, and causes her to jolt up. She panics, of course she does, and when their gazes met it’s clearly visible. Along with that she looked like she got caught in the act. Vlinder backs away from the stranger, still upset and disappointed by her nth failed attempt to fly, and also afraid from what he might think, say or do. Her head is low to the ground, ears distressed turning backwards before flicking around again. If he had seen her, how many others would be there? She glances around, making sure that he was the only one, and she relaxes when she notices that that is the fact.
It is only then that she actually looks at him, still almost painfully coy and hesitant. Tears are threatening to spill from her wet eyes, they surely would if he would either taunt or pity her with words. ”H-hi.” She doesn’t say any more, sounding somewhat rusty due to how close she is to tears. Already embracing herself against the pain his next words might aflict.
Your kingdom has turned to a bone yard,
The look on your face as you leave.
You cut me so deep that it left scars,
You had the world right at your feet.
She seemed so distraught that he had seen her. His brown eyes watched her but his mind began to run wild already, she seemed so untrusting of him already. Did she know? She couldn't. Right? Maybe she recognized him from a foal. No. Not possible, she looked about his age, a bit younger maybe, but he had never been one to tell ages very well.
He watched her just as cautiously as she did him, his eyes trained on her, scared of her judgement, scared of what she might know about him. But he forced more words to form, he had to now, for it would become rather awkward if nothing was said after a hello. "I'm.. I'm Cai" He manages to mutter, loud enough for her to hear, but not so loud so as to give away his fear toward the young mare. He shifts his weight uncomfortably beneath the females gaze, starting to regret saying hello to her now. He didn't even know where he wanted to go from this point, he simply didn't want to startle her if she turned to see him watching her. He thought saying hello might ease that fear but obviously he stood wrong. His ears pivoted around, falling back in unease. Think Cai! Think! He screamed at himself, trying to at least make himself look a little less of a fool. Use your words damn you! He shouted again at himself. But none came. Instead all he could offer was a small friendly smile, one that held hurt and fear, but a smile nonetheless. "I'm sorry to have startled you, I was hoping to avoid that by saying hello. I'm sorry. It was not my intention." Finally words came to play in his mind and before he knew it he had blurted them out all in one go. He took a deep breathe and heaven out a sigh slightly happy he had managed some words, and then he remembered she was there, judging him with those soft hazel eyes of hers, probably something he could have spent days watching and melting away in. Stop! He caught himself quickly and rebuilt the barriers around him, watching her with untrusting brown eyes.
She didn’t know him, how could she? She had barely left the Gates and he obviously wasn’t from there. He smelled different, the Heaven’s familiar scent wasn’t laced with his. So she doesn’t understand his sudden weariness. He looks almost just as distressed as herself and this puzzles Vlinder quite much. Why would he react to her in such way? Or did he only act like this to fool her? She shudders at the thought, instantly afraid of letting him get closer, afraid of him hurting her. Not necessary physical, but emotionally. And she already was so broken.
He stutters, just like herself, and somehow it put her a bit at ease. Only a little bit though, as she was still trembling. Somewhere during the time she had been awkwardly and fearfully staring at him she had folded her wings at her side and although it took quite much effort, she clenched them at their sides. Her body was sore and Vlinder was so tired, on top of that she was close to tears, emotionally drained. There simply was no way that she could keep this up much longer, it just cost too much energy. ”V..lin-der. I’m Vlinder” she manages to get out, gaze dropping to the ground both shy, hesitant and afraid of how he might look at her.
The smile surprises her and strangely has her off guard for a second. Vlinder blinks, just blinks at him, while all other expressions fall from her face. However, hearing him apologising has the blood drain from her face. Instantly she shakes her head, dropping it towards the ground as she casts her eyes down. ”No, no. I.. I should be ap-apologising” she manages to stutter out, only quickly glancing up to make sure he wasn’t making fun of her or charging. ”I.. I just thougth that.. no-nobody would be here..” She doesn’t notice how he blurts the words out, only how she stutters in responds. Not that his thought of her could get any worse now. He had already seen her fail, he had already seen how much a failure she was, surely her stuttering couldn’t make it any worse. She was at her worst already.
Zeik x Felinae
OOC: Sorry, this is crap. Just wanted to get a reply up now I'm back..
08-08-2016, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 10:08 PM by Cai.)
Cal X Carys
Your kingdom has turned to a bone yard,
The look on your face as you leave.
You cut me so deep that it left scars,
You had the world right at your feet.
He stood there in awkward silence, battling with himself over what to say, how to save the situation. It seemed he had just ruined it from the start. There was no hope it seemed. But he couldn't help but feel for her. So delicate, so fragile. So much like him. He wanted to protect her from the evils of the world, without even knowing her. The way she spoke held so much fear, insecurity. His heart ached for her.
He still feared she might know him somehow, but I mean, how could she? She looked young, there was no way anyone his age would know. But logic escaped him when it came to this. He had spent his whole life fearing. Hiding. It was completely irrational. He hadn't even done anything, and yet the guilt killed him everyday, that he wasn't enough for his mother. That she never came looking for him when that stranger took him away. The fairies accepted him like his was their own, only to be taken by an older mare, and then she left him all over again.
"I, uh.. I d-don't mean to sound... rude." He began stuttering, trying his hardest to focus on his words, to not make a fool of himself even more. He wanted to comfort her, to ease any discomfort she felt. His gaze softened as he rolled more of his words over in his head. And then a wave of courage swept over him. "I think your wings are pretty..." He pauses watching her face for reaction before continuing. "Even if you can't soar the sky, I think their pretty unique either way. Besides, I heard the birds can be a bit jealous if you steal their sky." He attempted -and probably failed- at a joke to cheer her up. He braced himself for even more catastrophe to fly his way.
@[Vlinder] not sure if you don't mind being tagged or not. Sorry if you don't & it shall not be done again in the future.