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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There is never a day that goes by; Lagertha
    It has been ages since he has visited these parts of Beqanna. The icy realm of the north has been his home for so long now that he scarce remembers anything else exists. He can easily spend days, weeks, without speaking to another soul. In truth, he has become something of a recluse.

    It is not often he longs for companionship. After his years as king, he has needed the respite. But now, today, he finds himself unexpectedly heading towards the meadow, desirous of something different, something new.

    Winter is rapidly approaching, bringing with it icy fingers of sleet and snow. Autumn in the Tundra is frigid (though not nearly so much as the darkest depths of winter), and already his pale coat grows thick and shaggy. In the highest reaches of the clouds, this serves him well, keeping him warm even with the sharp sting of the wind cutting against his dappled coat. The strong beat of his wings, the chill wind whipping his pale locks, the crisp, thin air flowing through his lungs, it is all as familiar to him as breathing.

    There is something indescribable about flight, something only those who can breach that invisible barrier will understand.

    But even he must land eventually. And so, he does, surprising even himself when he chooses the meadow. The air here is warm, almost sticky, when compared to the dry, chill air of his home. But he ignores it as easily as he does the discomforts of his home. He has long since grown accustomed to doing so.

    As he settles onto the dying grasses of the late fall meadow, he glances around, dark gaze sharply observant. Tucking his ivory, feathered wings against his side, he wonders what in the hell had possessed him to come here.
    There is never a day that goes by
    that is a good day to die.

    It truly seems like some act of vengeance from the Furies that has her in the middle of the Meadow at the tail end of autumn. She longs for the hot and heavy swaddling blanket of the Jungle - but in the name of keeping the gears rolling, she wanders and listens and updates her working knowledge of Beqanna. It’s a thankless but necessary task. The Amazons are isolated, much like the Tundra is; easily cut off from the real world if no one makes a concerted effort to be the kingdom’s eyes and ears. When one thinks about it, there’s no wonder so many of her Sisters wander off into the dense jungle and take years to return. The Jungle takes care of its own.

    Lagertha could easily cover herself in something insulating, like moss, but that looks… ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. She’s tried it before, and while she isn’t the type to give a fuck about what someone else thinks, even the gray warrior has her limits. So she stubbornly endures, and privately bitches and moans.

    A light gray blur in her peripheral vision causes her to turn her head, and after a moment she recognizes the winged man. Well, she hadn’t seen him in years. Not since their alliance fell apart and the Tundra failed to come to their aid. Could they have done anything while the Jungle burned? Maybe. Maybe not. Could they have give then the indisputable upper hand in the War? Maybe. Maybe not. But some gesture would have been fucking appreciated. She takes a deep breath, settling the resentment that is so obviously bubbling up from some repressed place. She should let bygones be bygones… should being the key word.

    Ah, but movement is good. Movement keeps her warm. So Lagertha walks towards him from the tree-lined edge of the meadow and hails him not with his name, but with a snarky comment. She’s known him since he began his rise in the Tundra’s ranks - when she was merely a General. And then they were rulers together. And now… they have nothing in common. He doesn’t even remind her of Crito.

    “And here I was, thinking you must have died, for the Tundra to reneg on its promises. You could have at least chosen a better replacement.” She makes a face indicating distaste for Offpsring. It’s kind of silly. Just to take the edge off her words.  

    Warrior Queen of the Amazons

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