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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Pale legs carried the mare into the field.Petal shaped audits swiveled as she slid to a stop.The various scents of other horses filled her nose.Shaking slightly the young mare turned her head looking about the open space.

    After taking in the scenery her pale muzzle dropped to the earth to pick at the grasses.Soon becoming bored of this the hyper mare turned circles where she stood ears perked.How odd she was.But she didnt mind it.She quite enjoyed being her.Being Kalipso.To her Kalipso was quirky,funny, and hopefully fun to be around.Thats what mattered most to her.


       The sun had never been his favorite. Though its light was enticing to him, due to his unfortunate physical similarity with a certain insect, he much preferred the comfort of the shadows to bathing in the warmth of sunlight. It often agitated his delicate cretlin wings, which shielded his golden pelt from the soft breeze that was rustling through the field, causing beads of sweat to gently tickle down his hide - leaving dark stains behind. He moved forward from the shadows at last, his four forelegs and two hindlegs moving in swift, graceful harmony as he stalked forward, taking in the stench of the other bodies that mill about.

       It was not often that he ventured out of the comfort of the valley, preferring its quiet, shaded solace, but he had a duty to perform and he would go out of his way and embrace the inevitable discomfort if it meant serving his King. His dark, compound eyes slowly piece together the image of golden tendrils of wheat wavering in the soft gust of wind, finally landing his gaze on a coal-painted female with various alabaster markings. She is circling the land, creating deep imprints with each step, and he finds himself amused with her antics. She was quirky, to be sure - and certainly she would fit in among the misfits of the Valley.

       Quietly, he approaches, his limbs slowing as he nears her. He is unusual looking, this he knows, and he does not want to startle her. His voice is soft, but it echoes in the emptiness of the thin air, his tenor tone breaking the silence.

       "Hello; my name is Elysium. I come from the Valley; a kingdom to the southeast. What brings you here?"


    equus lepidoptera, student of the valley

    The equine froze looking up towards the other before her.Raising her head slightly she took in his appearance.He was odd for certain.But who was she to judge?He was that way for a reason she supposed and he was perfect in her eyes.All creatures were perfect to her.So no.She would not judge this stallion who called himself Elysium.She would hope he would return the favor.

    Finally finding the courage to speak  a soft squeak escaped her.Clearing her throat she spoke clearly this time."Hello Elysium I am Kalipso.I have no particular reason to be here other than the simplicity of being here.What about you?" She uttered."Why might you find yourself here on this fine day?" She hummed her hazel orbs meeting his as the breeze wafted over her.Bringing in the scent of the others of the valley.Other scents too.Flowers.As well as other creatures other then the equine that surrounded them.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.


      He finds himself momentarily relieved as he observes her reaction to him; she barely flinches nor does she bat an eye as she turns to face him. He can feel her eyes scouring his unusual limbs, and he observes hers in turn. She is absolutely ordinary, which he finds to be beautiful in itself. He spent many of his youthful years pining to be as average as she is (in the way her body is shaped, at least - she herself is anything but average), but he had long since come to accept his strange physique.

       The warmth of the sun now seeps into his golden skin, causing him to roll the muscles of his shoulders in mild discomfort. He already ached for the comfort of his dwelling of the Valley, and he hoped to have company on the long journey back. His dark eyes continued to study her, attempting to mentally absorb the way her limbs are shaped and the way her spine gently slopes. He meets her eyes finally as she clears her throat to speak, her tone pleasant to his highly sensitive ears.

      "A pleasure to meet you, Kalipso. I am seeking recruits for our kingdom. If you are in search of a dwelling that will offer you companionship, safety and solidarity, I can certainly offer you such a home in the Valley."


    equus lepidoptera, student of the valley

    Audits flicked as he looked her over in turn.But she was not uncomfortable.He was simply doing what she was moments before.Observing as she would like to call it.Observing.Taking his words to thought she stood silently for a few very long moments.She pondered his words.Thinking it over.Recruits?She thought it very rude to ask about it.Also rude in a way to say no.Looking to the ground she nodded ot herself taking in a deep breath she exhaled looking up to him once more twisted ears perking yet again.

    "I would love to.On one condition."

    She began.For certainly she wouldnt just agree entirely! She would be careful.Oh so careful WIth this new beginning so to call it.

    "If I do not like it at your home,May I return here?" She asked after mustering the courage to do so.Blinking a few times she raised a hoof only to smack it back to the earth leaving an indention in the soft ground.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.


        His thundering laughter almost startles him as she questions him. It had never occurred to him that someone might actually dislike the sloping mountains, the brilliant emerald foliage, the thick brush or the smooth granite that frames the Valley. He cannot hide his now almost sheepish smile; he had not meant to laugh at her inquiry. It seemed a perfectly reasonable one on the surface, but he knew better. He knew she would come to love it and all of its allure in time, and this it what fuels the simper that remains on his lips. He shifts his many limbs as he lowers his neck in a small gesture to her, his compound eyes alight with mischief as his brow raises.

        "Forgive me, I do not mean to laugh - you are welcome to go anytime. We will not hold you hostage, but allow me to explain myself." His smile now fades to a slight smirk as he gazes off to the edge of the field, towards the direction in which his dwelling lies. "I only laughed because I myself have never had a second thought of leaving, simply because to me, it is home. I have grown to love it, including those that reside within its borders, and I am certain you too will come to love it as I do. But I do promise," His eyes meet hers now. "you are always free to come and go as you please."


    equus lepidoptera, student of the valley

    The rumbling laughter that erupted out of the stallion startled the mare.Startled her so that she took many a steps back and away from him.As he calmed she listened to his words her muscles beginning to relax she took those few steps forward.

    "Then do take me to this Valley of yours Elysium.Show me what you are so deeply fond of.And maybe just maybe my love for your home will grow like ivy on long forgoten ruins, and I will stay there with you and the rest of its inhabitants." 

    Her voice was a whisper.She was so eager to see this place this stallion showed such a deep love for.She knew that for sure she would love this valley too.Taking on last glance around the beautiful field she snorted smiling as the breeze drifted through her ebony tendrils and butterflies scooted lazily along with it.She was ready to leave.To go to her new home.
    Take my tears love,they will carry you home.

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