The meadow was the only place Loka knew well. With it's golden and green grass and the crystal water that ran through the mountains, she felt secure as she saw other horses and ponies in the distance. Although Loka had grown up a lone mare with only her mother to keep her company, she was four years old and couldn't deny her need to be part of a herd. Her white tail twitched nervously as she thought of ways she could approach strangers, however every time she worked up the courage to trot up to another horse, she'd chicken out last minute. So the paint palomino kept her head down, her heart sinking.
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Joining a herd;; any
---- Im new, so I don't have much experience.
The meadow was the only place Loka knew well. With it's golden and green grass and the crystal water that ran through the mountains, she felt secure as she saw other horses and ponies in the distance. Although Loka had grown up a lone mare with only her mother to keep her company, she was four years old and couldn't deny her need to be part of a herd. Her white tail twitched nervously as she thought of ways she could approach strangers, however every time she worked up the courage to trot up to another horse, she'd chicken out last minute. So the paint palomino kept her head down, her heart sinking.
01-12-2016, 12:11 PM
![]() Brynmor "With my speechless calm eyes." With his sight restored again, thanks to Djinni who had listened to his wish, Brynmor found himself much more often around in the field. He had been trying to recruit during the time he was blind too, yet it had become so much easier now he could actually see something. Today he had walked down the path from the icy Tundra to the field again, hoping that he would find more males willing to join the Tundra’s brotherhood. "Nothing is coming to rise." OOC: I know the Tundra is a kingdom and therefore not really a herd, but the life of a mare in the Tundra would be sort of the same as the life of a mare in a herd. So I thought give it a shot ^^. I understand if you rather not have her joining the Tundra, as it’s mostly a man’s kingdom. OOC2: Brynmor has been born blind, but by Djinni’s magical ‘djin’ powers his wish to see again was granted. He is no longer blind ![]()
Slightly startled to be greeted by the stallions, the young mare tried to cover up her obvious perturbation. It was hard for Loka to comfortingly ease into a conversation, but the field was a golden safe place and she had to learn to make friends. Besides, the two stallions seemed welcoming, and she pushed away her fears of aggressive brutes and opened her mind.
The horse who called himself Brynmor drew Loka's attention, because she just noticed his parculiar eyes. Something was off, although she didn't stare, as it was none of her business. The other, who had the name Phaedres, had wings, and that itself gave Loka the sense of wonder. She had never before had the pleasure of meeting a winged horse. "It's nice to meet you both," Loka says softly, and continues lively, "I'm Loka." She then pauses to think of how she can answer Brynmor's question honestly, as she feels unsure of what she wants. Loka responded, "Yes, I was hoping to find a herd to join."
01-13-2016, 05:12 PM
![]() Brynmor "With my speechless calm eyes." He can hear and smell the winged male before Phaedrus voice reaches them. Like many .. disabled horses his ‘other’ senses are better. In his case the lack of sight was compromised by more sensitive hearing and a better sense of smell. It’s not like Brynmor’s senses are superb and perfect, just better than average. And the fact that he had been granted sight didn’t mean his other – well trained – senses changed too. "Nothing is coming to rise."
Unease filled her stomach as Brynmor greeted Phaedrus, she could see that they had known each other already. She felt slightly uncomfortable, but Phaedrus and Brynmor were both very friendly so she shook off her slight worry.
When Brynmor spoke of kingdoms, Loka was deeply confused. She had known of kingdoms, however her knowledge was limited. In the mares mind, a herd was what she had always imagined becoming apart of, but what Brynmor said made her question those thoughts. What did he mean when he said that a kingdom could offer her more? More stallions meant more protection, that was true, and if the other stallions in the bachelor kingdom were as outgoing as Brynmor or Phaedrus, she'd be happy. The way the grey stallion talked about his Kingdom made her eager and curious. Brynmor also appeared to know a lot more then she did, and all Loka wanted was to learn more about the land and horses around her. She had heard of the Tundra, as well as the Amazon, the Falls, and the others. Other than that, she hoped she'd learn more through experience. "I've heard of kingdoms before, but I don't know much," Loka says honestly, and continues thoughtfully, "and despite the fact that I've been looking for a herd, your kingdom seems wonderful. Thank you for telling me about it, I'd love to join if you'd have me." Loka hopes her eagerness doesn't seem childish, but fears to be alone any longer. She is also nervous, as she isn't sure what happens when you join a kingdom or if she even could join it. OOC : Do users usually make separate accounts for their horses? Sorry there's just a lot I still need to learn! Also, what rank is Brynmor? Do you have to be a certain rank to invite others in your kingdom? |
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