"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d
thrice and once the hedge-pig whin’d
Harper cries: ‘tis time! ‘Tis time!
‘Tis time, indeed. It’s an honor, really, that both sides have come to them, requesting to be allies. The women have Beqanna at their hooves, and all they need to do is choose.
Their Khaleesi summons them with a resounding call, ululating to make it carry through the densely packed land. It’s been two years or so since she’s been crowned, and hopefully there are enough newcomers that will want to take the pledge if they haven’t done so already. But that isn’t the main reason for this gathering. No, the main reason should be heralded with drums of war and trumpets and fanfare loud enough to rouse the sleeping old ones from their slumber.
It isn’t, of course. But Lagertha can hope. She, too, has made some personal changes. Her horns, the ones that spiralled high above her head and gave the illusion of a headdress are now gone. They fell off recently, when the Jungle offered her a far more deadly weapon. As Beqanna seems to do this days, the spirit required that she give up something. The horns were merely a symbol for the position she held (one that she still seeks to fill - but that is another story), and knew the gift it offered would change her for the better. So now she is simply a gunmetal gray mare, broad-chested and well-muscled who hides her skills instead of flaunting them. All the better to take one’s opponent by surprise, right?
Oh, and then there’s the blue roan colt that takes the place of Anguisette. That might be a small surprise as well.
She waits until they come to her, making small talk if they wish, but generally waiting until more than two or three have come to start her speech. She’s been rehearsing it, trying to figure out how to present the two sides equally. The decision was finally made to leave her personal opinions out of it for now, unless asked. “Sisters, it is good to see you all. Let’s get down to it. We have been approached by two kingdoms that are seeking alliances: The Chamber and the Gates. Some of you may know that last year the Chamber attacked the Gates, stealing their Queen and burning down their tree. The Gates is itching for revenge and have been actively recruiting. I’ve seen them far more often in the Field than I have seen our own members.” Nevermind that when she did come up against Magnus in the friendly competitions, she usually won. Perhaps that speaks more to her ability to pick suitable candidates than her own skill at recuriting.
“The Chamber has been causing some ruckus about Beqanna, and clearly are not afraid of confrontation. I imagine that they are allies with the Valley which could make them formidable opponents. I do not know if the Gates has anyone else on their side. Frankly, I would not be surprised if everything depended on our response, given our size and our strength, and our alliance with the Dale. What I do believe is that the possibility of war is very real and could be imminent.” She pauses, looking out over the faces she loves and feels a great deal of responsibility for. “So I am putting it to a vote. Do we ally with the Chamber or the Gates? You may abstain from the vote, but you may not vote for staying out of the conflict. We cannot stand by and not take action. I am not that kind of mare, and I do not believe that you are either. You may of course, choose not to fight should it come to that, and that choice will be fully respected. That being said, our choice is up to you. Majority will rule.”
That is the absolute truth. She would never make them fight if they didn’t want to. For now, she waits, letting them take all the time they need to make their own decisions.
i don't dance, don't ask......i'll be over here, oh here..
She is so close that the noise reverberates through her eardrums in an almost painful manner. The Queen doth call, Sarkis thinks with a soft smile, and flits from her grazing towards the Khaleesi.
She finds the meeting place not yet full, and that surprises her. Where are all her Sisters? She wonders as she settles in place, somewhere in what she considers the front. She wanted to see, not just hear, because the excitement was static on the air. When Lagertha begins, Sarkis turns her ears forward, discontinuing her eavesdropping and trying her best to focus. What she does notice and observe is that Lagertha no longer wears her General horns. She stands before them a simple grey mare, accompanied by a young colt. Had the khaleesi even been pregnant? How had that slipped her notice, well whatever she had done to hide it, she had done well.
Getting right down to the point, their Queen has words for them, information that requires action to be taken. Make an alliance, choose a side. Which side though? She turns her gaze to the ground as Lagertha finishes, thinking over their two options. The Chamber or the Gates, right or wrong, because of course she had an opinion on what the right thing to do was. The Chamber had burned the Gates tree, their garden, the news had spread like wildfire. The act was simply unthinkable to the young roan mare, how could anyone with a conscience do such a thing? How could they as a Kingdom choose the Chamber? How could they not? Was helping the Gates a suicide mission?
She raked the ground absently, tracing lines of no meaning with her hoof. The more she thought about it, the more complicated her decision making dilemma grew. The outcome of this meeting not only affected the Sisters, but also the Dale. Shouldn’t they be having a say also? She ponders, hazel eyes unfocused on the Jungle floor. If they chose the Gates, they would be doing the morally right thing, simple as that. However, they risked the destruction that could befall them if they went up against the forest kingdom. Choosing the Chamber would cast them all in a dark light, whether they cared, whether they liked it or not. It would potentially spare the lives of her Sisters, of the Dale peoples, for the time being.
Biting her lip, she steps forward a pace, speaking loud enough so that she is heard but her voice does not boom or carry far. “Though morally I am conflicted with my decision...For the good of the Sisters, and for the Dales people we have allied with, I choose Chamber.” Again she falls silent, waiting to hear what the others had to say.
She has been waiting for this. Dreading it, really. Not that she knew every detail. Rhy hadn’t been privy to the conversation with Straia (doesn’t know it’s happened, truthfully), but she is aware that the Gates had come to them. And she also knows, if only because of her connection to Straia, that the Chamber would be more than happy to ally with the Amazons. Assuming, of course, the Amazons wanted to play a little dirty.
Rhy come quickly, but she lingers off to the side a bit. In the end, though she doesn’t know exactly what will be said, she already knows this is not a choice she can make. It’s not one she should make, even if she could. Rhy is silent, not really making much small talk, but rather wishing to be invisible through all of this. She just doesn’t want anything to do with it.
Why? Oh, for far too many reasons.
But she’s hear, and she listens as Lagertha speaks. But she doesn’t agree, of course. They could stand by and not take action. That, to her, is a better decision then aiding the destruction of Beqanna. Either help the Gates to stay the hell away. But she knows why it’s not an option. Lagertha is a warrior. She wants a war, and more to it, she wants to remind Beqanna that the Amazons are a force to be reckoned with. Rhy would argue that Beqanna already knows this, with both sides looking for the help of the sisters. But she can see Lagertha’s point of view, even if she does not like it.
And here’s the rub. There’s a dark bit in heart that clambers to fight with the Chamber. A piece of her burned dark and deadly after her time in space, after she felt the thrill of her own powers, the thrill of blood beneath her claws. They could destroy Beqanna. And oh, she can see it. Can see how easily she could light up the sky, could set the trees alight.
But how could she ever agree to that. How could she watch the Gates burn simply for the pleasure of it? Her family still lived there, though they were no longer close. But those were Kaelie’s children (adopted or not, it had never mattered to Kaelie). And on the other hand, there was Straia. Her family as well. How could she ever be asked to destroy one side of her family?
And so she won’t answer. In the end, she is not a fighter, though that dark part of her heart begs to differ. She’d better equipped to be a spy. Better equipped than most to stay behind and protect the Jungle (she could do so single handedly, if she had to). Not all of them could leave here. And perhaps others would stay, but Rhy had always been the sentry here. Though the snow, when no one else could stay. And likely, she suspected, through the war. One that could probably be avoided, but would not, simply because Beqanna was restless.
“I’ll do what the Sisters want.” she says, and nothing more.
I feel different. Older and younger at once, a dichotomy I do not know how to explain. I miss my mother with a deep seated ache but I feel a strange sense of freedom in moving beyond the Jungle's borders to live within the Valley. I feel useful in a way I have not before. There is no room for a princess who preens and watches in the Jungle. My title is one I am grateful for, not because it grants me any sort of special privileges (if anything, I think mother is careful to be more particular with me) but because it shows my devotion to the home of my heart. I will do all I can to be worthy of that.
Mother's voice rings across the Jungle just as I am returning home for a visit. I adjust my course, following the sounds of the gathering sisters. Our Khaleesi stands there, her body humming with energy. A small blue roan colt stands at her side and I first offer the boy an open hearted smile. My little brother. In a quiet tone I speak to him, affectionately lipping his prickly mane. “Hello brother. I'm Sette, your big sister.”
To my mother, I nod solemnly, although curious excitement dances in my eyes. I have a small idea of what she may be gathering the sisters for. Fennick had mentioned an alliance with the Chamber and from what I have learned in the past months, it seems a war may be brewing. The Valley, at least, is restless for activity and the Chamber is strong. Where the Jungle will fall in this scheme is something I am interested to find out.
I do not know what I want to happen. But it isn't about me, and it isn't about making the choice that others perceive as right. It's about the jungle and the sisters, and what is best for us.
Mother speaks, and all of us listen, ruminating on our own thoughts. Some, like Rhy, keep their feelings hidden well while others show the inner workings of their decisions on their faces. I am one of those. I wait quietly, listening as first Sarkis and then Rhy speak. Finally there is a lull, and I voice my opinion with a soft but steady tone.
Whatever we choose, the Valley will back up the Chamber. And they both want a fight.” Like my mother, I feel this conflict is unavoidable. Whether by fate or design, war is coming. I can't help the bubble of excitement that rises in my chest. “I would choose Chamber. Though a fight against two strong kingdoms would be a sure test of us, I do not think it would end well for the Jungle. And the spirit is still young. I don't think we can risk her being hurt.”
I understand why the Gates is itching for revenge but from a purely tactical standpoint, we cannot help them. Losing the Jungle spirit in the way they lost their tree is not an option.
"There is a third choice," say the magickal mare from the back of the pack. She, like Rhy, knew this was coming - though for different reasons. When Magnus crossed their border and spoke to Lagertha the Amazonian spirit came to her, touched her head, showed her visions. She understands now that they were visions of the past - a woman stolen. A tree on fire. Fire fire fire. At the time she'd felt the rolling fear off the members of the Gates, the charged fright of the Chamber. It was a shift in balance that made her insides turn over.
Sunday is, first and foremost, of peace.
But the visions didn't stop. She saw fire in her nightmares. She could feel the fire licking her skin and eating her whole. She often woke in a thick sweat, panic seering to her very core. This sensation of immense foreboding - here's its climax. Here is where she must confront the very real catalyst of these actions.
"The Amazons can be a conduit for peace. We are so strong that both sides seek us actively - they trust us. They know us to be fair and just, and that our strength is in our immense sisterhood. No other kingdom can claim such. Why not use that strength and justice to mediate peace talks? Of course the Gates want blood, but perhaps this is a matter that can be decided with words and not with might?"
She's hopeful, but not optimistic her suggestion would take root. As an empath she can feel the emotions rolling off the women around her, weighing their choices, thinking over the strengths of each alliance. She lets her words hang in the air for as much time as she dare, then turns her gaze to Lagertha solely. "This is my hope, my deep wish. But, ultimately, I am a sister of the Jungle first and will support our decision with what gifts I can offer." No matter what pain it causes her heart.
11-16-2015, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2015, 08:07 PM by Joscelin.)
There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye.
She has been quiet lately, biding her time. The need for action simmers within her, but is one easily controlled. She has patience. Which, when combined with her penchant for seeking out trouble, is probably a good thing. She has been anticipating this meeting. Waiting until a decision is made and she could take action.
So when the call rings through the trees, gathering the sister’s together, Joscelin is quite ready. She flits easily through the thick foliage that is the hallmark of the Jungle having long since grown used to the wild tangle of roots and limbs. If she appears to be flying occasionally, it is because she is, using her flight to her advantage so that she might more easily navigate the jungle’s depths.
It does not take her long to reach the meeting site. Rhy and Anguisette are there already, as well as a third mare whom she has seen but not yet met. And of course Lagertha, at the head. She dips her head in a brief nod of greeting before settling in to wait.
Once most have arrived, Lagertha begins speaking, outlining recent events before finally putting forth a choice for the sisters. She had known of the Chamber’s attack on the Gates, and could well understand the kingdom’s desire for revenge. Could sympathize even.
So when the choice is put before them, Joscelin knows almost immediately which she will choose. She waits though, giving others a chance to speak first. She is curious what the others might think of this. She listens quietly, studying each sister in turn as they speak. When a moment of silence falls, Joscelin decides to add her two cents. After all, this conversation could really use someone advocating for the other side.
”I choose the Gates.”
She has always been a sucker for the underdog. Though in this case, if the Amazons did decide to team up with the Gates, they would not be much of an underdog, if at all. Aside from their alliance with the Dale (others might choose to underestimate them, but Joscelin knows better), the Gates had been growing in strength and numbers. One would have to be blind not to have noticed. The attack had served to motivate them, to provide them with a force with which to them forward, to increase their strength. While not yet as strong as the Amazons or the Chamber, if they kept up as they were, they soon would be. Besides, what fun is a victory taken too easily?
”You underestimate the Dale if you think that they could not handle themselves in such a confrontation. Certainly if we ally with the Chamber we could beat all of Beqanna into submission, and we would soon be bored and bickering with our allies no doubt. Is the point of such a thing not to test our mettle? Do we really want to become known for our frightening ability to overpower the weak?”
She pauses for a moment, considering the gathered women.
”If we can fight for justice even while showing the world our strength, all the better. I do not believe the Chamber is stronger than us, even allied with the Valley. Especially when we would have the Dale and Gates at our backs.”
Tiphon x Elysteria
html c insane | picture c mikanicole.deviantart.com
Sorry, I didn't see Sunday's post! I'll edit this later to include her.
11-16-2015, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2015, 07:30 AM by Lagertha.)
I am iron and I forge myself
Lagertha knew (like Sunday, though not in the same way) that this was coming the moment Magnus insisted on asking for their support. She does not blame him; as a stubborn woman, she would have done the same, and then pestered the King or Queen with why they should support her. Probably without much tact, too. Such is her bull-headed way.
Their Khaleesi had left a few details out, preferring to let them make up their own minds. And while she tried not to feel it, Rhy’s absence of support is painfully noticeable. Again, she knew this would happen; her gaze almost feels accusing, as if she could see the glee that Lagertha had forced down when presenting the facts. It would not do to appear eager for battle. One does not willingly put one’s Sisters in danger. Rhy’s abstainment speaks volumes, and Lagertha knows she should feel ashamed - but instead she keeps looking at the gold and white mare long after she’s chosen to abstain. Voices ring out and a few votes are tallied, though she can see that the majority are still thinking. Good.
Sunday is of the same mind as Rhy, she imagines, and offers a third solution. Lagertha nods solemnly and is about to concede and add it to the options (it is the smartest move, though by far the less exciting one) when Joscelin chimes in. Ah, so there she is. The Iron Lady had been wondering where she’d gone off to. A small fraction of a grin spreads ever so slowly as the mare defends her home’s honor (which was never in question), prompting Lagertha to speak again.
“I do not doubt that the Dale can handle themselves, or that they are not valuable allies in any situation. In fact, if we were to choose the Chamber I wonder if they would stand beside us…” She muses out loud, playing Devil’s Advocate in a sense. The only way someone would know what she and Straia spoke about was if a mind reader showed up and plucked it from her memories. Or Prague. But she’s been so unreliable lately. “Sunday is right - there is a third option, if we want to offer it. I’m not sure words can overcome the insult and injury the Chamber has done, but it is an option. Thank you, Sunday.” She nods to the odd little mare, hoping that she isn’t putting too much doubt in their minds. “Joscelin also brings up a good point, but it should be paired with caution. Allying with the Gates will show our mettle, and, as someone put it, place ourselves on the right side of history. It is also by far the more dangerous option. If we ally with them and they declare war, some of us might die. I absolutely think we could win, but I will never disregard the life of a Sister.” Again, she takes a breath and pauses. Then verbally takes the plunge.
“If there’s a tie, the Gates has my vote. Even if I’m the only one fighting with them.” She clears her throat and then looks to Sunday, then quickly at Rhy. She has not lied - but can they know? Could they know about her conversation with Straia? That she and the Raven Queen brokered an agreement to bring about war? There is no doubt that this is what she wants, but if there is not full disclosure that someone could die - well, it would be a dark stain upon their victory. A mask of iron neutrality continues to sit comfortably on her face while she looks out over her women. “Give the third option, and discussion,if you want to change your vote, you may. Otherwise, please continue.”
War is messy. She would be surprised if the voting went on without a hitch.
Elektra had not been in the Jungle long enough to understand much about it. The possibility of her understanding the complexities of kingdom alliances was equally distant. She did, however, want to make a good show of trying. So, she walked up with the others, trying not to look too much like an overgrown parrot, as he head rocked back and forth between the speakers.
The bay and purple mare wished that the idea of war chilled her. She really wished she could approach the idea of battle with respectful reverence. She tried to paste that look on her face, and that was about as far as the act would go. If truth be told, it wouldn’t be difficult to stir her up for a fight. A selfish thought, to be sure, but perhaps one that would come in handy on the eve of war. Without really knowing why she believed this, and without any sound reasons to back it up, Elektra shrugged.
“I choose the Gates. Who doesn’t love an underdog?” Okay, so not the most sound of political reasoning. But hey, she was in the warrior caste, she would try her damnedest to beat the living hell out of whoever they wanted. They were really asking for trouble, by letting her speak in this meeting at all.
OOC: So I'm still on away until the end of the month. I just wanted to get this up.
Her trip to the Deserts had left her with nought but a hide full of sand. So, she had ventured further away from the Jungle. There, in the shadows of the Meadow, she heard rumors of revenge. There, she felt the rising discontent of Beqanna. The peoples of the Gates were a frequent sight, rallying for support where they could. Aoi could admire that, although she could never be so humble as to ask for help from anyone other than a sister.
Her mother had taught her kindness from a young age, but the Jungle had taught her strength in herself. The Jungle had taught her survival. The Jungle had fueled her desire for justice. So, when she had heard of the destruction of the Mother Tree, Aoi eagerly anticipated the reaction of the Gates. Aoi would never fight a battle for someone unwilling to fight for themselves, but she would aid in a quest for just revenge.
She eagerly returns to her Jungle home. She has been gone for weeks, but she is better for it. Her travels have pushed her stamina, and her muscles show more powerfully beneath her painted flesh. But, oh, how she has missed the warmth and humidity of the Jungle. Her skin drinks in the moisture like thirsty, desert ground as she slips quietly into the undergrowth.
Lagertha’s ululating call reaches her, and Aoi is quick to follow it. She joins her sisters, and listens to the words spoken, but she holds her tongue for a time. The talk of aligning with the Chamber for the good of their Kingdom causes her jaw to clench. She is disappointed to see some of her sisters shrink in fear of a few absent magicians. But, she must admit that the thought of their Jungle burning in the same way as the Mother Tree ignites something within her, but it is not fear.
Joscelin speaks much more eloquently than Aoi could have concerning the strength of the Dale and the cause of justice. Aoi nods in agreeance. Then, the Khaleesi speaks, and Aoi is rallied in spirit.
“Allying with the Chamber is a slippery slope.” She says. “I too doubt that they would stand with us in a time of need. They prey on the weak. Should we ever show fault, they would be the first at our throats.” There is a fleeting look of disgust on her face as she says this. “The Gates want justice. They cannot achieve this on their own. We have the strength to tip the scales in their favor. I stand with my Khaleesi in favor of the Gates.” She says resolutely.
Another month, another year. Time passes like the river's current and passes her by as though she is a boulder. Life continue on around her and she doesn't try to catch up. This life will never end for her. One's lifetime is a mere blink for her. The urgency to succeed is gone as is the desire to continue her lines. While most of her sisters count their days Nayl simply basks in hers.
That doesn't at all mean that her loyalty to the Jungle is moot. This is where her heart beats, where her blood runs, and where she feels so alive. She has never - will never - leave, she has told herself on countless occasions. Even as the monarchy changes with each generation Nayl will remain a constant. She will be that river rock that remains stagnant and strong as the world rushes past.
Her involvement is steady. It isn't superior as she finds days to slip away into silence; nonetheless, Nayl has always been here listening and watching her sisters. Throughout the last few months she has noticed the increase in activity and interkingdom representatives. Her curiosity was piqued but she never acted on it until now when Lagertha calls them all to her. With natural ease Nayl slips into the conversation and lets her autumn eyes flicker across the group. Lagertha, however, holds her attention for the longest until her gaze breaks away in thought. There is unrest among the other kingdoms and, as always, they try to pull the Jungle into its problems because of their strength and prowess. It's a compliment, really. Nayl can't hide the smug grin that crookedly adorns her lips.
After all have spoken she finally decides to include herself. A brow is raised underneath her forelock for a fleeting moment until her face adopts something more stern to match their predicament. "To side with the Chamber is to support their decision to attack the Gates, burn the tree, and abduct their Queen. I, personally, don't condone that. The Jungle, I think, doesn't either." Her gaze is cast across them all, her head turning to look at the sisters alongside her before finding Lagertha again. "I think standing with the Gates and having the Dale as allies as well would be ideal. The Chamber and Valley are not typically kingdoms that can be easily trusted." They flake away and they do as they want. Their political ties rarely last with kingdoms different from their own.
"And you wouldn't want to cause an upset by breaking ties with the Dale in order to side with the Valley and Chamber. That would just make the Jungle look weak as though we need to hide behind strong alliances."