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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    |not all who wander are lost|
    Righteousness. This is what my name was built upon. I was taught my whole life to show this to the herds that I came into. With that being said, I am sure you would label me as a wanderer. In my eyes though I see it as a chance to explore, be new and follow where the path may lead me. My chestnut eyes have seen many atrocities in the 6 years that I have been living, but this does not stop me from holding what I was meant to do.  My personality might come off too strong, making others to believe I am too aggressive. That is what happens when you travel and experience the world beyond what you know; it molds and shapes you into something new. You may or may not like it.
    As I stumble across this new land, my intuition swarms within me telling me that I should stay. My orbs look across what is dubbed Beqanna, catching in the distance the different mares that are around waiting for a steed to come. I hear the sound of a stream, my ears catching the chirping of the birds and the wind rustling the trees. My limbs carry me over to one of the trees that over look some of the land as I observe those that are around me. I had come to love the silence that comes with visiting a new place. The wind picks up behind me as I feel my blackish blue mane float beside me. My coat is easy to spot, as I do not blend in with many objects. My nostrils flare, as I smell the air and the scents around me, picking up that I will not be alone for too long.
    There is no time like the present, she supposes, to break out of her shell and actually start working for the kingdom that she has been given a seemingly random promotion for doing absolutely nothing. With the new position had come a new power--empathy--and new responsibilities. She has no idea how to lead an entire caste (imagine how Demian must feel! Oh... wait), but she knows that she has to get on the ball quickly if she wants to stay ahead of her other peace members. She wants to have a chance to prove herself to them, to show that she will do everything in her power to deserve the position she was granted.

    Empathy was not something that she expected to get out of the deal. Unlike her healing, which she was born with, she has little to no control over it. It is a constant barrage of emotions from all directions, all the time. The cliffs in the Valley are the only place that she has found a relative amount of peace from the flow of feelings and she's not even sure she wants to keep the power. Sure, it'll be helpful later on; she'll be able to know pretty much when she's being lied to (because who doesn't feel at least a shred of guilt when telling a bold-faced lie?), but what if she's not even cut out to be the Salaam? She sure doesn't feel confident in it yet.

    It is sunny and warm when she set out from the Valley towards the Field, and the temperature continues to climb as she makes her way to where the homeless gather. It is where she probably should've ended up but never quite did, but she has been here once or twice just out of sheer curiosity. Immediately the wave of emotions wash over her, and though she tries her best to block them out, one in particular stands out to the golden girl. She seems hesitant but confident at the same time; a newcomer to Beqanna? Perhaps. They are always nervous, though they try to hide it. Slowly Cress makes her way to the mare, wondering if she, like so many others, expects only herds and cruel stallions. "Hello," she says when she is close enough. "I am Cress, from the Valley. What's your name?"


    been tryin' hard not to get into trouble

    Everdeen has a knack for stumbling onto things, the Valley, her new King, the big bad wolf of the Chamber. It is not surprising that while she visits the field for prospective members, perhaps even future friends that she sees the roan mare. The mare gives off a type of vibe that seems strong, independent. The Valley was looking for that...right?

    The gray tobiano moves towards the mare, noting her chestnut eyes seeming to be polite. Just before she gets to the mare, Cress (whom she hasn't met yet) makes it to the blue roan "Hello, I'm Everdeen...I'm from the Valley also, are you by chance here for a place to call home?" she says, matter of factly as she gives a slight smile. So far she liked her home, there were plenty of handsome men to look at and plenty of tasks to do. She knew a girl ready for work when she saw one and she was fairly certain she was looking at one. 

    e v e r d e e n


    In the distance my orbs catch two mares, one of a flaxen hue and another of a grey hue. I watch as the approach me in a demeanor that is calm but also poised. My body language switches into a comfortable position; letting all my weight go on one limb. My nostrils flare as I catch the scent of both mares, who seem to not know each other. I pick up on the golden mare's voice, asking what my name was. My lips move into a smile before I speak;

    Nice to meet you Cress, what a beautiful name. My name is Dikaia. It is nice to meet you.

    I give a nod and turn to the second mare who introduces herself as Everdeen. She conducts herself quite like I do. I catch that she is from the same place as Cress, which makes me take note  that the Valley must be a popular area. My lips part to reply;

    The Valley seems to be a popular place. I give a smile to both mares. I am looking for a place to live, I tend to wander but something inside me told me to stay here for awhile

    My intuitiveness is something that always keeps me in line. It has helped me stay out of situations that would not help me later on down the road. I shift my weight to my left foot awaiting the two mares to respond.  

    At the risk of sounding productive, Kushiel found he enjoyed the Field. He liked the crowds, and the small dramas that unfolded. It was full of potential, and Kushiel hoped that if he spent enough time there, he might soak up a little of it.

    That being said, he did very little recruiting while he was here.

    Recruiting, he had found, was very hard work. It required the diplomatic grace he only pretended to have when his queen was watching. Unfortunately for Kushiel, his queen was almost always watching. She had spies everywhere. He grinned a little, she was one knock out of a lady. Kushiel was not above admitting that one of the reasons he liked being in the Field was that it was one of the few places his queen might not be watching. He could commit travesties of diplomacy without fear of being cast out of his kingdom.

    This might have been a foolish assumption, but if Kushiel had to always be on his best behavior he would go truly mad.

    He was mulling over his potential insanity when he saw two Valley members clustered around an unsuspecting little blue girl. This truly wouldn’t do. He walked over, a little spring in his step and easily inserted himself into their conversation. He recognized one of the Valley girls from her visit to the chamber, the other he didn’t know.

    “Ladies, ladies please.” He said chidingly to Cress and Everdeen.

    “Don’t lie to the dear girl.” He looked earnestly at Dikaia, though he hadn’t heard her name.

    “Don’t let them fool you, the Valley is really quite dull, trust me, I was born there. You should come to the Chamber instead. We have a perpetually burning tree. All the valley has is political unrest.” This was all an intense level of bullshit. The Chamber was actually allied with the Valley. If he was going to suggest a kingdom other than his own it would be the Valley. In fact, his own mother still lived in the Valley. However, he was here now, and perfectly capable of suggesting his own home.

    “I’m Kushiel, and I’m afraid I’ve missed your name?” Another easy smile for his new friend, and a conspiratorial wink at mares from the Valley, as if they were in on his joke and would find it as funny as he did.

    In the fields a lone mare stood grazing her red velvet tail swished on her red dub legs her ear's flicked constionly listening for danger her brown eye calm and bright her sides heaved calmly

    A lone mare stood in the middle of the field grazing her red velvet tail swishing against her red dun legs her ear's flicking constionly her brown eyes calm and bright her sides heaved peacfully
    As I wait to hear the response from the two, my ears perk to the sound of heavier footsteps. My orbs look out across the field to see a dapple grey stallion walking up to the group. Instantly my thoughts come rushing in knowing that this is going to be a rollercoaster with 3 mares and what seems to be a cocky male by the spring of his footstep. Don't get my wrong though, I do fine with stallions; just at times they seem to be clueless.

    I catch the sarcasm in his voice when he spoke, making me believe that he is a character. My body weight shifts to on all fours as I figure this would take some cunningness.

    The Valley is quite dull, huh? Well it looks to me that it has all the strong mares there I look to the two mares and give a smirk My name is Dikaia. It is nice to meet you, Kushiel.

    So far this land seems to be interesting. Not many have I come across that allow mares to come into the field to try to recruit other mares. I study the three that are from the same home, all seem to be strong and willful, which is something I like.
    Dazed looked at the stranger horses nervously she swished her and held her head high trying to look brave she nickered back at the mare"hello i am dazed by your beauty"

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