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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  A New Star Is Born; Felicyta, Amenadiel

    It was a particularly warm morning as birds sing and the rivers defrost. Spring has arrived. Babies being born, flowers blooming. Sun getting warmer. It’s been a long winter for Crucis and Amenadiel. The buzz of excitement and energy bounces between the pair as they await for the arrival of their firstborn.

    These last few days has been rough for Crucis. She’s missed being able to take long flights with Amenadiel under the stars, just the two of them. She’s been so uncomfortable recently despite Amen’s best efforts. 

    It’s had been a long night, Crucis feeling the early start of labor as she anxiously walks around the pond with Amenadiel beside her, constantly looking over worried. It breaks Amenadiel’s heart to see his loved one in pain, but knows it will be well worth it once their baby is on the ground. 

    They slowly make their way to the edge of the lake, stopping for Crucis to catch her breath. She looks to Amenadiel as she lays against the cool grass while he stands guard over his laboring partner. 

    She lets out a weak whinny as her body begins to follow its urge to bear down. Her body is exhausted and coated in sweat as she labors as night falls and the stars begin to grace the night sky. She whimpers softly as her newborn emerges during the last few pushes. Just as the foal emerges, a comet flies above them lighting up the night sky. 

    Crucis, exhausted lays against the cool ground. After a few minutes of rest, she sits up and begins to lick off the gangly wet newborn who weakly tries to lift her head off the ground. The newborn blends into the night sky as Crucis’ ethereal light glows over her. While licking the dark filly’s head, Crucis smiles as she recognizes the crescent on the filly’s forehead, the same sigil as the one on hers. Amen beams, watching Crucis as her maternal instincts kick in. 

    The young filly looks wide eyed at her doting mother and father. A small nicker escapes her lips as Crucis wraps her head over her, nickering in response. Crucis stands up, shaking off before gently supporting the wobbly filly to her feet. The filly makes her way to her mother’s nipple as she sucks happily with her little tail wagging before laying back down and falling asleep between her loving parents. 


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