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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  what about the moon drop light

    Spring was moving into summer, and Valoel felt the warm sunny days give him the confidence to wander further away from his family. There was no rebellious desire to do so - or if there was then it was the privileged rebellion wanting to be free of the devoted way with which his parents looked at each other, something that made the young colt scowl or roll his eyes.

    His siblings were of no help - teasing him about this mild form of disgust - and so Valoel does not seek their company either as he moves through the meadow in the late afternoon, the sinking sun providing some relief from the heat that had surfaced during the day.

    And for him, the growing shadows provide other benefits beyond a refreshing coolness. Valoel’s world is a hazy one - the glowing markings on his face lay just around his eyes, and in the daylight the combination of bright sunshine and white glow make his world dizzying and blindingly bright. Now that the light has changed, he finds he can see a little better. Everything is still viewed through a white viel, obscured, and he often wonders what things would look like without it. There are no bright colours for him, just a world of muted pastels and neutrals.

    Through this muted haze he pauses to scan the meadow, the long grass tickling his skin where it brushes up against his legs. His impeded eyesight makes everyone appear dreamlike and thus further gives him courage - because even he has already learned that it is easy to be brave in dreams.


    open thread for any foals!

    Curious by nature, I had found out things about myself rather quickly.  My father had encouraged me all the while and with his love I began to blossom.  Each day a new adventure, with new things to discover.

    One of my most recent discoveries was the fact I could fly!  Well, not in a traditional sense like my father.  I was not adorned with a set of skin taunt wings, but I found my way of air travel to be much less cumbersome in both the air and on the ground.  My long and slender body maneuvered through the air with ease, much like a fish to the sea.  

    I was meant to be here, in the sky.

    Today I found myself lost to the heavens, bounding from cloud to cloud until I was much farther than I had planned.  Looking to the horizon of the north I could still see the mountain tops of the Dale and so I do not worry that I am truly lost.  I would be home before father even knew I had wandered off.

    My teal gaze falls to the sea of green below.  It looked warm and inviting so I decide to encroach upon the terrain and see what more I could discover today.

    Leaping from invisible pedestal to pedestal I begin to descend from the blue skies.  The summer sun gleams off my pearled scales, illuminating me in a faux ethereal glow.  My golden clawed toes grasp the air in which I land before my powerful hindlegs send me to my next landing point until finally I reach the grassy plain.  

    Landing with a soft thud I collect myself, allowing my gaze to sweep the vicinity.  Whether it was where I had land or the angle in which I stood, I did not see the other who occupies the same space as me, but a soft brushing of grass causes my long ears to flicker as I spin around to face whatever, or whoever, was making the noise.


    @Valoel  Not necessarily a foal but does baby dragon count??
    //Dragon Shifting-Jewel Touched-Twilight Manipulation-Immortality\\
    Eastern Dragon Shifter/Sky Type- abilities include air walking,
    storm creation and super senses.

    Dragons do not phase him - that would be a strange thing indeed, in his family where they are common enough. Although he is momentarily startled to find himself occupying the same general area as one, it does not surprise him.

    If it is a dragon, that it. Even through his haze-altered eyes, this one looks more like a worm than any of those he has seen, and if he hadn’t just seen it land he would assume it was flightless. Something that would burrow, maybe, with the pallor of its coat it would suit a cave or other sunless place. Any warm tones that may have existed in reality are dulled by his sight.

    Valoel is pale too but he feels the lightness of his coat differently - something that speaks to him of stars.

    “Hello.” He says simply, not sure what else to say. Not even sure if this creature could talk. He greeted birds in the same fashion when they landed on a branch he happened to be under or a squirrel paused in their scampering to look at him and assess whether or not he was a threat.

    He wondered that about himself too, though the squirrel never seemed interested in hearing that explanation.


    @ EkstaCee

    Rising onto my hunches slightly, I twist at the sound of a voice. 


    My jade eyes focus on the other, quickly determining it is not a wild critter that was shuffling the grass.  "Oh, hello!" I say with a smile.  

    Turning my entire body around to face the stranger more comfortably, I lower all four paws to the ground and pull myself a step closer.  "Sorry if I disturbed you," I add as I come to realize I may have landed in their way.  Nevertheless, I was here now and took the moment to introduce myself, "My names Cece."  My bright eyes blink as I watch the other for a moment, assessing his similar appearance and actions inquisitively.  I wonder for a moment how I had missed such a bright individual, especially their glow in the coming dusk.

    I wait patiently for the others reply before complimenting their ethereal glint, "You look like the moon in the night sky."  There is no hint of ill meaning in the statement, and I quickly note the others wings.  They remind me of my fathers, though slightly different in texture, and so I ask in an excited tone, "Do you like to fly!?"


    //Dragon Shifting-Jewel Touched-Twilight Manipulation-Immortality\\
    Eastern Dragon Shifter/Sky Type- abilities include air walking,
    storm creation and super senses.

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