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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [PQ - in progress] and the light lies low
    you look well suited
    like you came to win

    Death, he knows all too well, is one of the constant permanents in life. Oaks is an unwilling friend of that reality, burdened by the magic in his blood to bear witness to the expiry of many lives.

    Even when having been given the temporary gift to slow the approach of such loss, Oaks remains persistently driven to seek out some form of control. Zain had tried to help him, but those lessons had only brought more confusion to the spotted stallion. They had at least discovered, somewhat, that Oaks’ power only affected unhealthy lifeforms. And yet, thanks to the fairies’ minor blessing from his last Mountain visit, the subjects of some of their experiments had not perished quite as rapidly as usual.

    This had left the child-minded Oaks rather perplexed. It was enough of a change to leave him craving more – more power over this ability, a more concentrated grasp of what he’s always perceived as a curse. While unaware that it had been the fairies who had given him that brief glimpse of disease suppression (because he is still a woefully oblivious thing), he has not given up hope that he may be granted a better grasp of his magic.

    So he returns again. The path is familiar by now and he finds himself in the same place as both times before. The vague, subtle thrum of magic seems natural to him this time; the way the wind weaves among the stony hills is reminiscent of childhood daydreams. Eyes wandering over the somewhat recognizable features of his rocky surroundings, he waits silently once more.

    Oaks has returned to try again to have his 1-space Disease Acceleration upgraded to 3-space Disease Manipulation Smile

    Previous attempts: Here & Here
    The magic reaches out again, reconnecting with what it had given him the last time he had come. The magic gifted to him has been well used, and now more seeps into him with each beat of the Mountain’s silent heart. The magic still belongs to the Mountain, and so use of it will be incredibly difficult and physically taxing.

    * * *

    Oaks has successfully rolled for a quest! He must participate in 3 threads, one in which he heals a disease, one in which he manipulates a disease, and one in which he creates a new disease. These should be very difficult tasks for him. You don't have to complete entire threads before returning, just enough to meet the prompt. Reply here with links to the posts once you're ready, and you can tag the Officials in your reply.

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