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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  If We Burn, You Burn With Us
    A queen. Alpha. Leader of the herd. Rebel. Traitor. 

    It has been years since Seneka has thought of those titles. But the latter is true, she was a rebel and a traitor. She was the silver grulla filly of the alpha mare. That came with a lot of responsibility and honor. Honor and responsibility that Seneka didn’t want. She wanted to be like the other foals and yearlings, playing and having fun but instead, she was being taught how to hold herself with pride. She had longed to be out of the spotlight. 

    She will be such a great leader. Her mother will be so proud! All hail Princess Seneka. That quickly had turned to She will bring pain and suffering to us all. Rebel!Traitor!.

    Time was coming to where the change of power from her mother to her was about to happen. She was a yearling, in her lanky stage, legs longer than the rest of her body. Mane and tail all grizzly and ratty.
    It was a dark, cold night when the herd was protecting the den, where Seneka’s aged mother was frail and ill. Seneka laid beside her, as her mother was trying to instill the last bits of wisdom that she could to her stubborn yearling. Seneka listened and took it all in, knowing that she will never need this advice. The rest of the mares and foals all bowed their head in reverence as it was announced that the leader had passed.  That night, when everyone was asleep, Seneka left the herd. Knowing she will never be welcome back and she will always remain the leader’s traitor. The traitor to the herd. 

    She traveled long and far, away from all she had known. Her friends, her family all for a life she didn’t want. Now, instead of royalty, she was just an ordinary horse. Just like she wanted all these years. 

    She’s strolling through the meadow, periodically stopping for a bite on the sporadically placed lush mounds of grass and dandelions. 
    She’s holding a secret that she never wants anyone to find out about. That honor and title and everything that goes with it died that night. Died with her mother. 


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