Name: Nashua
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Arabian Hybrid
Traits/defects: Glowing Markings, Wings, Malleable Anatomy, Moon Halo, Invisibility, Healing*
Color: Flaxen Chestnut with glowing gold/white okapi stripes
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [GLOWING MARKINGS 0][WINGS 1][MALLEABLE ANATOMY 2][MOON HALO 0][INVISIBILITY 1][HEALING* 3][empathic echoes 2]
Name: Illuminae
Gender: Mare
Breed: Arabian Hybrid
Traits/defects: Fallen angel, Halo
Color: Black sabino and white with gold sheen chimera
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [FALLEN ANGEL 5][HALO 0][wings1][healing 3][infrared vision 1]
We’re requesting twins, please!
The first is a filly named Sinne, to be played by Jenger. I’d like if she could be black sabino and white with gold sheen chimera, with gold okapi markings.
The second is a filly named Illumaera, to be played by Star. Star would like her to be black sabino with gold okapi markings.
Thank you!