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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  the altar is my hips, ashhal

    After her previous encounter with Ashhal, she felt she had a good idea of what to expect from him. He hadn’t been especially kind to her even when she was posing as her mother — a woman he supposedly, on some level, had feelings for at one point in time. Had it not been for her ability to uncover a heart’s desire (even when hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and a shield of swear-words) she might have doubted they were romantic feelings—he certainly hadn’t acted particularly fond of Ryatah.

    This only further bolstered her curiosity, to see what he might be like with a complete stranger. Perhaps he was bitter towards her mother. If he was like any of her other romances, he probably had an entire list of reasons to be.

    Based on his response, though, he is just charismatic all the time.
    And it wasn’t his charming way of speaking that enchanted her mother, she had a pretty good guess what had.

    “My, my, trying to tempt me with a good time already?” There is a laugh that rolls beneath the words when spoken, though the spark in her black eyes is not entirely genial. She remains where she stands, watching him from the limited space that is left between them; close enough that he could see the way the light of her halo illuminates her eyes or all the subtle ways her lips begin to curve into a smile, but not close enough that she could touch him. She is certain that he has reduced most of his interactions with the opposite sex to only turning into one thing, and while that was never off the table for her, it was so boring when given up that easily.

    He had already shown her that he had plenty of spark—what a waste it would be to let it burn out so quickly.

    “I have a feeling you’re not someone I would have forgotten had our encounter ever resulted in that, so I think it’s safe to say that no, the back of my head wouldn’t look familiar.” She regards him again with a tilt of her head, as though she is again scanning him for some way to place him, like she might jog a memory. “Have you ever been to Pangea? Maybe I’ve seen you passing through.”
    so we're slaves to any semblance of touch, lord we should quit, but we love it too much


    Messages In This Thread
    the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Desire - 06-28-2021, 11:10 AM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Ashhal - 06-29-2021, 02:47 PM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Desire - 08-10-2021, 01:54 AM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Ashhal - 08-11-2021, 10:40 AM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Desire - 09-06-2021, 02:33 PM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Ashhal - 09-09-2021, 12:30 PM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Desire - 10-07-2021, 04:24 AM
    RE: the altar is my hips, ashhal - by Ashhal - 10-13-2021, 09:44 AM

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