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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Chaos has my head spinning [Gryffen/all]

    beg me not to

    I sense another twisted descendent of mine. This one is not the silly little boy in what is now known as the Brilliant Pampas. No, this one is far more interesting, and he peaks my interest far more than the other. I pull my dished face in closer to my chest, my lips rippling into a nasty grin to show off jagged and pointed teeth. I kick my black hooves into a wicked trot and clack my teeth together in a show of dark pleasure.

    As I move through the lands, I whisper a call for the boned creature. “Join me in this chaos,” it says, mirroring that dark pleasure that shadows my face. I can feel it in my own bones, this one would be more than happy to assist in my own chaos-making.

    It does not take long for him to join me, and when he does, I join with him, as if it was what I was born to do. I lift myself upon his figure, thrusting myself into some unseen orifice and delivering a seed through the magic that chaos breeds around us. From that seed, a life begins to grow within him. I breathe the words in his ears, a plan, as I slide away from him, grinning once more. “Join me,” I say again, before turning my attention on the land before me, on the volcano in the distance.

    I move with ease into the land, casting my attention into the area for any signs of life. I don’t care who. Stallions, we’ll kill them. Mares, we’ll rape them and collect them. Foals, same as mares. I smile even broader at the thought, growing eager. I pay little mind to my companion, the bone creature that now carries my growing child. I know he is there. I know he is eager, too.

    Finally, I sense something, grinning, I move toward it. “If it’s a mare or foal, feel free to have your way with them.” I throw the words casually over my shoulder for his nonexistent ears to pick up.


    Photo by Anudariya Munkhbayar from Unsplash

    @[Gryffen] @Any

    beg me not to

    All encompassing power. This is everything I had longed for my entire life and even the eternity I had spent in the afterlife. It leaves me drunk with a crooked grin stretched across my black features.

    Truth be told, I never expected to share this moment with another, but I must admit that I thoroughly enjoy watching as @[Gryffen] takes each of his victims, first the mare, then the stallion. As instructed, he slaughters the stallions and relishes the blood splattering his pure-colored coat until he is all red to match those eyes. My eyes. My own eyes glint in satisfaction. Sick, twisted satisfaction. Though the blood does not show as more than a slick shine, I paint myself in the blood of the stallions nonetheless, rolling in their parts, chewing on their hearts.

    But Gryffen cannot have all the fun with the mares and foals. Those that he rapes and slaughters spring back to life. But they do not just spring back to life out of nowhere. No, I kneel down atop their bloody carcasses and thrust myself upon them, releasing my seed within them. That seed spreads and heals them just enough that they can climb back to their hooves. With each body that rises, a peel of laughter rips from my lips. I lick the blood from their withers and usher them forward, toward the volcano.

    Time is of the essence, now, as Gryffen grows and expands. And I nip at those stragglers that resist us. The magic of our seed binds them to us, and though they try to resist, it is fruitless effort. They are forced to the edge of the volcano whether they want to or not.

    I turn to the pearl-colored stallion stained red, my pointed teeth dripping blood, “It is time,” I breathe, elation filling my chest as I examine the rounded belly of my grandson carrying our sick love-child.

    Just for good measure, I swing behind him once more and slide atop him, thrusting myself upon him once more. My bloodied teeth rip and chew at the flesh of his withers. I grab a lock of his mane at the top of his head and rip his head back as my legs grasp at his shoulders. I had done this many times in my life and in death, but it has never felt as good as this, drunk with power, surrounded by our conquests, about to unleash a living nightmare on the world around us. I drive my seed home one more time, strengthening the bond between grandfather, grandson, and son, before I release him, sliding back to the ground to spit strands of Gryffen’s mane from my mouth.

    “Release the beast.” I grin, more satisfaction dripping from my face than I’ve ever experienced in life or death.


    Photo by Anudariya Munkhbayar from Unsplash

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