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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  So why are you running away [Oceane/Any]
    I can see through you, see your true colors
    Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
    It is not the answer he was looking for nor one he would settle for. Oceane leaves little room for negotiation and his expression remains as smooth as ever despite the flare of annoyance he feels within. She wasn’t going to make this easy for them at all. There are parts of the Loessian that remind him of his mother and perhaps that is what makes him reluctant to upset her despite the pain and grief Tantalize had caused him. He can hear Aela’s silvery laugh in the distance, a reminder of why he was here. And why he would continue forward with their plans, with or without Oceane’s blessing.

    So he merely shrugs nonchalantly, as non-plussed as ever, as he says, “Expansive yes. But we all crave a change of scenery every now and then.” He cannot flat out lie to her nor does he really want to. It seems they would have to go about this in a more clever way. He doesn’t doubt that Aela would have some sort of cunning plan already in the works, perhaps already quietly stirring some dissent beneath the surface. It seems they would have to make it seem like the Pampas were just unwilling victims dragged into chaos that they had actually caused in the first place. But that is a discussion he would have later with his companion, in private. He thinks he might whisper it deliciously in her ear the next time he explores the golden curves of her body. He had found that nothing got Aela in the mood more than teasing her with schemes of disorder.

    She glances over at the three they have left behind but he does not, continuing to study the winged mare with subtle curiosity. He is well aware that when they are to part they will both confer with their parties and discuss observations. He wonders briefly what they all will say about him behind his back and finds he doesn’t much care to think further beyond that. The cold cavern of his chest seems to constrict slightly, become a little icier, when she ruffles her feathers and speaks of meddling. He catches the meaning in her words and while he is aware that she is more specifically referencing Sylva, there is a small threat that includes him too. He regards her impassively and the roguish smile remains but his tone is a little colder then it had been before.  “I believe my father thought much the same as you. He wasn’t much a meddler either. Unfortunately he’s gone and his legacy with him. It seems long years of peace don’t get your name written in the books of history.” The Tephran Overseer had only seemed to interfere in the politics of others when it had personally affected him. There are still parts of Sylva that had never recovered from the fire he had unleashed upon the trees in the aftermath of his rage, when he had saved his mother and their unborn child. Perhaps there are some that remember Offsprings accomplishments but he had yet to meet them. He is unaware of the ravaged one-eyed stallion staring at him as he says this, one who had served beneath his sire before he had been born. He pauses for a moment as he smiles at her, the red of his eyes glimmering with renewed devilry. “Besides you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

    Their business concludes quickly after that, each giving the other much to think about. She speaks of visiting the Pampas and he dips his head slightly in deference to her. “I look forward to it.” He says with a wicked curl of his lips. She calls to her people and he begins to amble towards Aela. He is stopped by the branded stallion and his red gaze lingers on the ravaged puckered skin, wondering what had caused such destruction. He catches the other’s dark gaze as Ledger politely offers his leave and he gives his own with that smug smirk but he doesn’t like the way the stallions gaze seems to linger on him. Like he had figured something out.

    By the time he makes his way towards Aela, she is no longer alone. “I don’t think that will be necessary.” He responds coolly, his red eyes hard as he looks at Cheri with open disdain. He had not been this close to the onyx and green mare since that day in the Pampas and his jaw tenses in remembrance. He can smell the stink of the mystery stallion stronger now, drowning out most of her stormy scent he had come to know. There is a flare of anger as that slithering feeling within him starts to stir and he fights it down by turning his blazing gaze on Aela. He comes closer to her, his glittering shoulder brushing against her slender one, as he casts her a sinful grin and thinks of what they might get up to in these hot springs once they are alone. They didn’t have such things in the Pampas and he can already imagine the salt of her skin on his tongue and the way her coat would tarnish from the steam and glisten beneath him. There is a thrill of satisfaction as his muzzle extends and finds a small wildflower that had somehow nested itself in the silky strands of Aela’s mane. Blunted teeth easily remove it from it’s entanglement but he lets his touch linger only for a moment before depositing the bloom at Cheri’s hooves, as if she was a maid left to clean up the mess left behind. His gaze remains on his golden companion as he says dismissively, “We can find our own way out. That will be all Cheri.”


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