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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i know how it all comes back

    open hand or closed fist would be fine


    the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine

    Rosemary danced when the darkness fell.

    When the light initially left, Rose lifted her head from a quiet graze, blinking confused eyes as she wondered if she had gone blind. Her thought was quickly answered by the panicked calls of her father: "Proverb? Rosemary! Somerset! Lilt?!" After a few slow, calm blinks, Rose was able to spot the soft glow of her mother. She could just barely make out the swishing of her father's shadows, seeing just enough to notice how . . . thick they seemed. Off. Wrong.

    Excitement thrummed in her throat.

    Litotes had quickly ushered Rose over and they figured out safe spaces in the Cove, but Rose could barely focus; and if one were to ask where her family is hiding now, it would take her several moments to pull out the barest remnants of her memory. All she could think about was how the darkness swallowed her whole. How she was going to be another monster's meal soon. How there has never been a more perfect time to explore the singing that called others to her side. Could she seduce a monster into being her friend, to lie in wait while she called forth some helpless victim?

    At Rose's side, Calypso stirs.

    You're thinking about that again? she hisses, rolling on her side to peer up at Rose with one irritated eye.

    Yes, Rose answers.

    I'm going hunting. I'll be back when you're thinking about normal weird shit.

    Rosemary watches her hellcat flip to her paws and trot eagerly into the darkness. Her chest clenches. Why can't her friend embrace the darkness like she does?

    Alone and quietly aching, Rose leans against the bark of tree. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth, humming a sweet, somber tune.

    @[laura] <3

    He does not like straying far from his brother, from his sister. It feels uncomfortable to be alone—not that he has anything to fear in the darkness truly—but to know that he has left them. Of them all, Altar is the most capable of taking care of herself, but that does not alleviate the guilt that he feels. A crushing weight. What if something was to happen to her? What if he was not there to stop it?

    His throat closes up at the thought and he hurries, trying to remember why he had left at all.

    There is a cloud behind him, somewhere he knows, because he can still feel the chill from the snow, but the darkness does a good enough job of hiding it. He can pretend it doesn’t exist and he finds that he prefers that. Prefers to pretend that he did not awaken from that strange dream with the monstrosity chasing him from dawn to desk. Prefers to pretend that something in him had shifted during the darkness.

    His nose wrinkles in thought, head hurting from the process, when he hears the tune.

    His head angles toward it and although he struggles to see in the darkness, he still plunges forward. His steps are heavy, clumsy, but he finally makes it toward the source of the noise, his dark eyes narrowing.

    “Hello?” he calls, surprised by how low his voice has gotten over the months.

    His steps pause as his ears pivot, trying to figure out if he can locate the humming girl.

    If she wanted to be found at all.

    turn your head toward the storm that’s surely coming along


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