And when all the lights are broken, You keep the fire going
Borderline; where was she? Yanhua sighed to the wind and then fell silent, amused at the way his voice sounded almost… musical. He shook his head and thought nothing of it, laughing at the mysticism and chalking it up to wishful thinking paired with the heavy fog of an early Taiga morning. He was out alone for the first few hours, methodically doing rounds and hoping to come across the blue-haired beauty who had recently secreted herself and his unborn child away. No such luck befell Yanhua, and he could only attribute the lack of her laughter and warmth to Amarine’s presence - a thing he was singularly guilty of - and therefore, felt he couldn’t muster up the energy to be angry at Borderline for spiriting away.
He only hoped that wherever she was, she was safe.
If she came home to him, his heart was still hers for the taking; there wasn’t time for love lost in his little corner of paradise. He had enough emotion and heart to give back to the world tenfold, but he did understand that not every horse held that same capacity. He should’ve talked to Borderline, told her what had happened, and so the blame lies on Yanhua alone.
And still, he couldn’t muster the drive to leave Taiga and bend his every waking moment toward finding her. Not while Amarine had uprooted herself for him and not while the twins were still so young. They needed their father and Ama needed his support, and Yanhua refused to be the blight on a family’s memories like his own… Nevermind him, he stopped the thought there. The generational curse ended here, now. He would break that cycle. Permanently.
At the far edge of the Redwood territory he paused for a break, stretching down into his heels and bending his head towards the golden star painted over his chest, relieving the tension in his long back. A pleasant grunt left the stallion’s lips, and then a gusty sort of exhale as he returned to a normal stance with a flick of his tail and the quirk of his hind hoof. Seasonally, the weather was near perfect and the distant hum of the River’s roar beckoned him, but Yan resisted. He closed his eyes to the majestic scene of the woods and raised his bearded chin instead, focusing inward with a smile. Quietly, he gave thanks to the world for blessing Amarine with an easy first birth, for the health and wellness of his beautiful twin foals, and asked for guidance in the days to follow this one where matters of Taiga’s future concerned him.
As if in silent answer, the whispering woods replied and tickled his round copper cheeks.
He only hoped that wherever she was, she was safe.
If she came home to him, his heart was still hers for the taking; there wasn’t time for love lost in his little corner of paradise. He had enough emotion and heart to give back to the world tenfold, but he did understand that not every horse held that same capacity. He should’ve talked to Borderline, told her what had happened, and so the blame lies on Yanhua alone.
And still, he couldn’t muster the drive to leave Taiga and bend his every waking moment toward finding her. Not while Amarine had uprooted herself for him and not while the twins were still so young. They needed their father and Ama needed his support, and Yanhua refused to be the blight on a family’s memories like his own… Nevermind him, he stopped the thought there. The generational curse ended here, now. He would break that cycle. Permanently.
At the far edge of the Redwood territory he paused for a break, stretching down into his heels and bending his head towards the golden star painted over his chest, relieving the tension in his long back. A pleasant grunt left the stallion’s lips, and then a gusty sort of exhale as he returned to a normal stance with a flick of his tail and the quirk of his hind hoof. Seasonally, the weather was near perfect and the distant hum of the River’s roar beckoned him, but Yan resisted. He closed his eyes to the majestic scene of the woods and raised his bearded chin instead, focusing inward with a smile. Quietly, he gave thanks to the world for blessing Amarine with an easy first birth, for the health and wellness of his beautiful twin foals, and asked for guidance in the days to follow this one where matters of Taiga’s future concerned him.
As if in silent answer, the whispering woods replied and tickled his round copper cheeks.
And when all the nights feel like they're closing, You're leaving an opening
@[rosemary] I figured they could play around with their new aura traits this thread, if you want!!