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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    if looks could kill i'd be an uzi
    The first time I met the girl, it was in a dream.

    The Fates led her to me, she had said, and it was then that I knew. Of course it would come back to the Fates. It always does, back to the Fates and to the inexorable passing of time. Nearly ten score years I have spent in this body, and each feels as youthful as the last. I was immortal, as they called it in Beqanna, with an agelessness to my features that felt wizened beside that youth.

    I still think of her as a youth, when remembering that dream. She wasn’t, not quite. Still isn’t, really. But someday...

    Someday soon, I will find someone who will wish for exactly the right thing.

    Having placed myself at the heart of the empty field, I hope to draw that someday a little nearer. I am without much adornment on this bright day, but the grey, black, and white of my grullo tobiano coat shine bright and clean, and a tiara of short spiraling horns sprout from just behind my ears. They glitter in the sunlight, golden and metallic, a contrast with the soft pinks and purples of the hyacinths that decorate my mane and tail.  I had shed my wings when I slipped beneath the water at dusk, and I will don them again before the sun rises. For now, I enjoy the feeling of the cool breeze on my bare sides and the smell of spring in the air.

    I find him after several long hours, a handsome and smiling pegasus.

    Something about him is familiar, and a minutes of conversation reveal him to be the brother of the boy who’d traded his feathers for a noose. He is unaware of the fate of his family, and I do not enlighten him. Instead, I trick him into a wish (though he does resist), and with what he has told me of his lover I am able to give shape to the girl in my dreams.

    First there is nothing, then a pile of sand, then a filly as gold as the grains that had created her.

    She is long-legged and wobbly, with tufts of hair growing all down the length of her spine. (Why my granddaughter had taken up with such a hairy creature will never make sense.) They remind me of tufts of barley, and so that is the name I give her.

    The pegasus – who I have made her father – protests, but in the end he stands along in the field with a newborn filly. I watch him from above, and he eventually coaxes her to rise, and then return with him to wherever it is he has come from. I do not much care for the raising of the girl. What matters is that she exists, and when I have need of her she will be there.

    ooc: the creation/birth of Barley
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster

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