"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Elio remembers dreaming as a boy: Taigan trees taller than giants lifting him gently into the sky, mystical moss and riverbeds leading him to fairies' dens, and nightmares, too--ones larger than life and more terrifying than even Beqanna's worst reality. Even when terrified, dreaming offered him solace when he felt more trouble than a child could bear. He wishes he could go back to those dreams now that he truly needs them.
The burdens he bore as a boy are nothing compared to the pain of true loss he feels now.
Succumbing to the ache is easy. Most days Elio wakes up only to wilt back into restless sleep moments later, too lethargic to protect himself from surrounding weather or grab a mouthful of grass to eat. The worst part of it all is that Lannister can't seem to find him, or refuses to find him, or has found some way out of the dream world and can't find Elio in this realm or the next.
Lepis would know what to do to find Lannister, but even the slightest thought of Lio's mother sends waves of anguish and melancholy crashing over his body. When the grief is at its worst, he is brought to a slamming halt on his knees--feeling nothing, not even the ache of his torn skin and bruised bone as it hits the earth.
He is nothing.
Wholly, completely nothing.
The burden of being and perceiving has become too much to bear.
i don't think i could stand to be where you don't see me
@[Catcher] i'm so sorry he is so sad bc lepis died. i left this kinda open-ended cause i wasnt sure if you wanted them to meet in dream or real world!! <3
01-08-2021, 04:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2021, 04:52 PM by Catcher.)
She’s learned - gradually and very, very slowly - that not everything is remedied within the world of dreams. It’s unfortunate, that it’s beauty and wonder cannot cure the pain and ailing and suffering, in spite of its greatest efforts to play sanctuary. The glamor and endless possibilities of it were enchanting and captivating, and might make you forget...well, everything for awhile, but its effects were only temporary; and to flee from the things that plague, only seemed to prolong the inevitability of some kind of torture.
And eventually we would all have to wake up.
The forest today seemed eerie and mournful and on the brink of something disruptive. That disruption affecting all of the general Beqanna or just herself - she couldn’t tell. But that hardly mattered. One way or the other it would affect her, she knew, and so she cradled the premonition delicately, keeping a watchful eye on it and mindful to watch for any signs of agitation or instability. And she wondered, rather morosely, what nightmarish thing awaited her in this new awakening.
“Elio?” Catcher had nearly stumbled into him, not minding her path or footing, entirely too preoccupied with the pesky thoughts that troubled her. “Elio,” she breathed softly, relieved that it was in fact the sun drenched stallion she had happened upon in his dreams. “It’s me, Catcher,” the painted mare offered, tipping her head just slightly and warming her tired face with a quiet smile and laugh "I know, I look a little more drab than when we first met." It had been some time since they’d seen each other, and at the time her appearance had been considerably more pristine than now with the twigs and brambles that tangled her mane and scratched at her dusty sides.
Her smile falters, realizing how much of a mess she truly was, but again she regains it, stubborn and unwilling to let such silly thought dampen this little reunion.
caught in the afterglow
@[elio] i was uncertain whether you wanted to leave it in the time when you originally posted or bring it up to current time so i left it vague to go whichever route you'd prefer! <3