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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And if This is a Coronation I Ain't Feelin' The Love | Bathory
    The meadow was new to her, just as most things in the world still were. She'd never seen grass so tall, nor had she gazed upon so much space before. The creeks through the area glimmered brightly in the Summer sun, and the trees were so wonderfully lush and green. It was all so new, so peaceful, all except one thing - Bathory.

    Her mother was not a new sight to her, rather she resembled a thorn in her eyes. Every morning, Padmarashka rose to her mother's scornful look, though at first she never understood why. She had done nothing wrong, she thought. She would nuzzle against her mother's side just as any other foal would, seeking warmth and comfort through the night, hoping it would bring her sweet dreams and safety. In her mother's eyes though, this was pitiful. 

    "Comfortable?" She would seeth, the annoyance at the young filly clear in her eyes, as Padmarashka could do nothing but gulp and swiftly scoot away from the warm side of the very being who'd only recently given her life. She wondered why she did not push her away sooner, why she was allowed to sleep so soundly through the night, only to be scorned so quickly in the morning? It mattered not, for she learned eventually to huddle somewhere else within the area her mother had found for them to call home. She sought warmth from bushes and other low foliage now, the cold still nipping at her young skin and causing her teeth to chatter as she slept as much as she could through the night, waking due to the discomfort. 

    Padmarashka looked up towards Bathory now as they moved through the tall grass, wondering what had brought them here. Her mother did not like to be covered this often, as far as the filly understood. Bathory had told her that beauty should not be hidden, but rather polished and appreciated, but the child did not yet understand what she meant by this. Regardless, it was strange for them to wander here, and curiosity soon took a hold of her tongue.

    "Momma...Where are we going? The grass here is so big, I can't see!" Her spotted features were fixed in a pout, and though she was unsure if the mare was even paying attention to her, she dare not nip at her tail or nuzzle her legs, as she knew this would be unforgivable in her mother's eyes, and she feared the punishment that would follow her actions.
    The arguments used for wars are just cheap and shoddy

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