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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  save me from the nothing I've become - carnage

    lord, I fashion dark gods too;

    He has come to know her body so well, over these meetings. Not just in the way he usually knows their bodies – but the added intimacy of how she looks in death, or in space, or in some land he’s conjured from nothing.
    He knows her mind, too. He’s been within it, rifled through her thoughts when he finds it beneficial – though he often stays out of her mind, preferring instead the surprise of her actions, her words.
    He had not been sure, how she would answer. He had not wanted to cheat this time, he wanted to hear her assent or denial from her own lips, fresh.

    She repeats the question, and he sighs.
    “Did I stutter? Yes, kill it.”
    To drive home the point, he pushes the alien to its knees. It shrieks in surprise – an unpleasant sound, raking the ears – but he shuts the noise off mid-cry. He is trying to make it easier, for her. A gateway drug of this alien thing, made prone before her.
    But she does not move, does not partake in this offering. Instead, she speaks, says I can’t. And looks at him, as if he might change his mind.
    He is no longer smiling. His head shakes, just slightly.
    “I suspected as much,” he says, “I just thought you might bend. For me. After all, it’s not like you wanted to die, either.”
    Not that she was given much of a choice, in those occurrences. Not that he’d listened to any drowning pleas.

    With another motion, he lays the creature out flat. It does not move, though its eyes twitch rapidly in their sockets, looking between the two. He doesn’t know how much the alien comprehends about the scene before it, but nor does he care. It could be dead soon, anyway.
    He compels her body forward, moves her like a doll. Poses her, with one hoof just above the alien’s skull. He meets her gaze, holds her there, in this precipice.
    “It’s freeing, you know,” he says, “to kill. No feeling can match it.”
    Ironic, perhaps, to speak of freedom as he holds her in this position, on the edge of unmaking her.
    “Last chance,” he says, and release his hold on her, leaving her to decide if she will bring her hoof down on the alien’s skull, or withdraw and risk whatever happens next.

    c a r n a g e


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    RE: save me from the nothing I've become - carnage - by Carnage - 06-30-2020, 06:31 PM

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