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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Walking on water - leaders/any/all

    the secret of walking on water
    is knowing where the rocks lie
    Her visit is long overdue, but she’s not an idiot. Lilli being stolen had only been step one of whatever retaliation had been planned by Ghaul, and now she couldn’t find Neverwhere anywhere either. Fiorina, she knows is probably not bothered - most of the residents of Nerine just go on with their daily lives, pretending not to notice or not to care. There is a certain strength to that, that she can appreciate, but she can’t help but worry about the state of a supposed kingdom.

    They are crumbling at the top. Weakened stones are falling off the mountain that once was Nerine, and if she’s not careful, they’ll cause an avalanche.

    No. She will not let that happen.

    But what will prevent that from happening now?

    Personally, I think the world’s just lacking a few heroes now, don’t you?

    They need to strengthen their ties. For too long she has done nothing. Nerine has done nothing. Heartfire had her reputation to rely on, and even then the Loessian family had strolled in and bullied the Taigan one. While Heartfire played the long game, Neverwhere’s game was so long it appeared to the outside world as nonexistent.

    It has to stop. This squabbling over the territory, she will no longer have it. Make up your damn minds, people.

    I often wonder why the residents don’t get a say in it. Just vote and be done.

    She waltzes into the territory, sets up a moderate breeze to clear away the winter fog in a suitable clearing, and calls out into the woods.

    Someone should be able to explain what’s going on here.

    @[Izora Lethia] (maybe Owin if Lethy’s steal is successful?) @[elio] and whomever. She really doesn’t care who, but she wants a brief update and a course of action to strengthen the north instead of letting it be picked on and picked apart ^^

    who gives a damn if we lose the war?

    Curiosity had tangled itself within him since his birth. That had for the last two years been distinctly proven as he had tried so hard to discover something within him that lay too deep below the surface. Today the curiosity that haunted him was overwhelming, yet he chose to fight it. Instead he directed his attention to something simpler as a form of distraction; exploring the kingdom of Taiga.

    For once snow refused to layer the ground and towering pines. Instead the winter's fog creeped through the kingdom, clinging to everything it touched. He's walking slowly, careful not to bump into anything or anyone when suddenly the call of another travels through the silent air and brings him to a stop. Tilting his head, he stares into the fog as his ears twist and turn. It takes only moments for his consideration to turn into a decision and the grullo colt finds himself making his way towards the stranger.

    Unlike many of the residents of Taiga, Voracity is ignorant to the knowledge of what has been going on recently in the land he had decided to try and make a home in. He knew nothing of Ghaul, Neverwhere, Izora, Elio or Nerine. He was only two after all. Politics was not yet an interest that he had tapped into. Though, how fitting it would be to learn a little something when that's constantly what he was trying to do anyway?

    Before he knows it, his long slender legs carry him into a clearing specifically free of fog and at it's center he sees the pink spotted mare and his lips purse together in thought. Slowly he comes to a stop, a good distance away and he clears his throat. "Hello, Welcome to Taiga," he greets her exactly the way Gluttony had taught him to do so. Yet even though it is a formal introduction he refuses to give her his name. Something deep within tells him he isn't the one she is looking for. Though that doesn't mean he won't stick around to find out who is.


    let the walls come down. let the engines roar.

    It has become a common thing for Lethy now, to be called upon from the corners of Taiga's lands. The call that came while she pulled at the ground looking for something to eat was no different. At least this time it didn't seem to be an intimidating call. With ears standing on edge the buckskin matriarch made her way towards the summons.

    When the fog around her began to clear in an unusual way she knew she was getting closer, and not long after the sound of voices caught her attention. She spotted the duo standing in the middle of the clearing, a pink appaloosa mare she hadn't yet got the pleasure of meeting - though she had an idea of who she might be - and a young boy she had only met but a couple of days ago.

    Her amethyst eyes greeted the pink and rose gold mare with warmth and her voice was welcoming, I heard and I came. My name is Izora Lethia, but you may call me Lethy. To what do I owe the pleasure? though she was curious and the question was there, she left the question hanging in the air to make room for introduction from the appaloosa mare. Her eyes darted to Voracity, for only a second but she did not fail to offer him a small, pleased smile as well.

    forget me not; but never remember

    @[Eurwen] @[voracity]


    Elio takes his time when he sees the call.

    There's not much that happens in Taiga that he isn't paying attention to, now that he realizes he cannot shake her.

    He had meant to leave, truly. It's not that he considers the challenge a mistake, nor his sudden surrendering, but that he realized challenging was violent. That he didn't want to hurt Lethy - and thought he may be a fighter born of cursed blood, he doesn't have it in him to harm others when it is not entirely necessary.

    And battling someone that calls themselves a Matriarch? Someone that watched him grow in Taiga? He couldn't do it. Despite his anger of being purely judged off of his mother, despite Nashua leaning so close to Celina, despite it all - Elio had gone off by himself, later that day, when the sun was setting in living colors on the ocean and - well, he had just screamed. Screamed fuck it all and why and when he had run out of words he just yelled.

    Because Wolfbane had become too much, because his dreams were bigger than his capabilities - because he feels the twisting hurt of his mistakes, and all that he knows he must accomplish.

    I'm alone, he thinks, though it is not as somber as it once was. Alone, and that's that I need . . . I think.

    "Hello, Lethy," Lio murmurs with a dip of his head, coming to a halt beside her. He had been so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize just how close he'd come to the group. There's a boy he doesn't recognize, but one that smells of Taiga, so he offers him a large, warm smile.

    "And hello to you two, as well," he states louder than his previous words. Lio knows Lethy has already done the standard diplomatic meeting, so he remains quiet, allowing room for the Nerine-smelling stranger to speak.

    i don't think i could stand to be
    where you don't see me

    @[Eurwen] @[Izora Lethia] @[voracity]
    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]

    the secret of walking on water
    is knowing where the rocks lie
    Her call does not go unanswered, and she smiles gratefully at the colt who is first to greet her. ”Hello,” she offers in return. Before she can follow up with a name or a question for one, however, she is greeted by a mare whose scent is as close to Taiga’s as Taiga’s is to hers. The way she speaks, it becomes apparent to whomever listens, that she has been a diplomat of rank in this place for some time now, at the least.

    ”I’m Eurwen, a diplomat of Nerine.” Any former titles, she leaves behind, as well as her other ties to the kingdom - they are not necessary. She is here as herself, a worried young mother. While speaking, another face appears, curious perhaps or also of certain rank, or both, she can’t really say from his greeting. ”Lilliana being of both lands, I’m afraid I’ve neglected to visit as often as I should have.” she starts apologetically, looking from one to another.

    Her tail makes a whooshing sound in the breeze of her own, earlier creation - one, unfortunately, she cannot control once made, and thus, not stop; exactly the reason she had not used any more force. As the fog clears in swirls around the trees, she wonders briefly what else she might find in this forest; what secrets it has yet to reveal to her.

    (If only she knew.)

    Her attention back on the mare who seems to be leading, the pink-dotted mare focuses her dark gaze on them with a question. ”I really wish to know what is going on in Taiga. I’ve heard rumours of ruckus, and I wish to know if Nerine could still help. I know you’re all set on your freedom…” she trails, remembering the deal her mother had made with even Aten’s predecessor. ”But I really think we are stronger together.”


    who gives a damn if we lose the war?

    It isn't soon after that he greets the unfamiliar mare that two more Taigan residents make their way to do the same. First comes @[Izora Lethia] and for a moment the colt feels a motherly warmth wrap around him. Her smile offered is more than enough to draw a small smile from him in return before his attention is drawn to @[elio]. The stallion's wings were large and beautiful and his crimson markings drew in the small colt's focus. Like Elio his markings were different. Instead of his grullo markings being a darker gray, they were snow white. It's only after a minute or two that he realizes he is staring and when he does he glances towards the ground quickly as he shifts his weight. "Hello," he greets the stallion and @[Eurwen]. A small blue eye shifts upward before his attention is drawn back to the pink spotted mare.

    Now was the time for him to observe, to learn and grow in the ways of diplomacy. Yet he couldn't help but find himself simply hypnotized by the beautiful appearances of the trio in front of him. Sometimes, deep within, the small colt would wish that he was like the rest of them. Though so far he had yet to discover if he had been blessed with a gift, or simply made an abnormal creature in a magical world. "I really wish to know what is going on in Taiga. I've heard rumours of ruckus, an dI wish to know if Nerine could still help. I know you're all set on our freedom... But I really think we are stronger together."

    The statement is what snaps Voracity back into reality and for a moment his lips twist in thought. 'What is going on in Taiga?,' he thinks. His eyes shift between Eurwen, Lethy and Elio and for a moment his tiny brain explodes in thought. 'Is there something wrong here?' He watches them all, though he says nothing. It was not yet his place to have an opinion.


    let the walls come down. let the engines roar.


    ooc: this sucks but hi, i'm here! i'm so sorry for the wait <3
    Lethy's attention is pulled from the spotted mare by the arrival of a fourth, but when she sees Elio approach and stop surprise swirls through the purple of her eyes briefly followed by simple happiness. Hello, Elio. she responds just as quietly before turning her outward attention back to the full group. It genuinely pleased her that Elio had come back to Taiga after all that transpired. When she had left the "battlefield" she had been filled with sadness with the thought that she would not see him continue to grow and flourish in Taiga. To see him here now, gave her hope.

    It is when the pink spotted mare asks about what is going on in Taiga, and if Taiga needed help, freedom, and working better together she nods in seriousness as she listens. Her amethyst eyes watch the woman for a moment and then she peers softly to Elio -though she was sure their predicament had been part of the "ruckus" she was referring to Lethy felt that his being here now was enough to dismiss the whole situation together, he was here for Taiga that much was obvious- before returning and responding to the woman. "Ah, a ruckus. We have had a few run ins with the south lately, peace and freedom do not come without tribulations that much we all know. As for help, one would be a fool to decline any form of help from an ally." with this she gives the dappled mare a warm smile.

    I'm assuming you have heard about Lilliana being stolen away to The Cove, or maybe Pangea. We have recently moved the seat of leadership to a counsel of three but with Lilliana gone, our third seat vacant as of right now. her eyes flash to @[Elio] for only a moment before returning to Eurwen, and myself as sitting counsel member of inner territory relations, I was hoping not to leave Taiga but to find someone to check in on Lilliana. I would send one of my best but as you said the "ruckus"... I don't want to leave us vulnerable."

    Lethy's mind wandered to the red dust of Pangea and the red coat of her close friend, the worry was evident behind her purple eyes. I agree with you, there is strength in togetherness. The North, especially in these uncertain times, need to use our similarities and differences to unite. Lilliana and I had had conversations in the heat of moments before she was taken about our Kingdom and what the futures of each Northern residence could and should look like. She was taken before anything concrete could be discussed between leaders, but I look forward to those conversations and I hope you will be apart of them sooner rather than later. Lethy knew every voice mattered; leader, diplomat, defender, resident. However, as much as Taiga's future mattered to her right now, Lilliana's future was forefront in her mind.
    forget me not; but never remember

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