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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  these nights never go to plan; anyone

    who gives a damn if we lose the war?

    For the first year of his life, Voracity had spent his time growing next to his adoptive family and discovering that he was nothing more than a "plain jane". Each of them had their unique 'gifts', but he so far had nothing. Though what he did have was the mind to explore and discover and the desire filled his soul until on days, like today, he found himself curiously entering the different lands of Beqanna to see what they were all about. With long legs and a slender frame that he had not yet fully grown into, the two year old made his way through the forests of Taiga. Lost on him were the ideas of borders and permissions to enter. Unlike the older generations, he didn't see the need for such things.

    Though unlike the older generations, he had not yet experienced the risks that letting just anyone wander around pertained. With confident steps the grullo painted colt slipped through the trees, his blue eyes wandering across the thick pine needles and sturdy trunks. This was a land that had history and it was evident. If only he knew that his great grandfather, Demian, had once ruled this place, let alone discovered it with others when the world of Beqanna had been "reborn". Though his father Requite had not stuck around to spare such details.

    With a soft sigh, the young grullo colt found his way towards the river that flowed through the forest. The flow of water called to him and before long he found himself at the water's edge. The sound of water rushing over rocks and along the banks was soothing to his constantly churning mind and for a moment the constantly stressed colt found peace. For once he wasn't surrounded by his brother's constant chattering and his mother's cult-like immaturity. Though it was what he was most used to and in this moment of solitude he suddenly realized that he had no idea what he should do. "Crap," he mutters to himself under his breath. 


    let the walls come down. let the engines roar.



    anyone may join in Smile
    [Image: mNiVeEy.png]
    "Whatchya doin'?" she shouted from her perch nearby. The weather had grown colder and her fur had grown thicker and it only made sense to her to seek out a nice lounging spot in the sun.

    She had spent the day in this form, her wolf form. Brown, reddish body sprinting haphazardly through the giant redwoods she's called her home since the beginning of time - well at least her time. She had stopped of course to snack on a small hare, filling her belly. With a large yawn it was then that she made her way to the river's edge, gulping down freezing water to appease her dry throat, before picking her spot ontop of a nearby outcrop of stone hedges.

    Perfect, until now.

    The sound of the grullo boy making his way to said rivers edge had woken her out of her hazy sun bathing. She watched him for a moment through one opened eye, before getting up, stretching, shouting at him, and then jumping from her perch.

    While she waited with a mischievous smirk on her face, Oectra shifted back to her horse form.. for some reason others found this form less intimidating. She chuckled at the thought of Ghaul chasing her around a small clearing Get out, dog!

    Now she stood before him, a slender filly about the same age as him. Her brown and red fur were replaced by a mostly white with chestnut overo markings coat, her brown forelock had fallen haphazardly across her face. At her side, nearly tucked away, were a pair of large, white, fluffy wings. Her hooves, now a dazzling blue chalcedony stone, kicked lazily at the hardened dirt infront of her. She inspected the stranger-boy with bright, icy blue eyes. "You should of nocked first." she teases with a lopsided smile.

    @[voracity] Oectra needs friends (:
    there’s no part of scripture that ever prepared you for his hands - hands that map
    a communion in the cradle of your hips. hands that kiss hymns up your sides.
    She had considered simply returning to the far corners of Taiga where she could be alone with her remaining family once more. Her soul is restless, though and she finds herself remaining nearby the bickering population. Their voices keep her turbulent thoughts away and living vicariously through them is rather nice. Virgo watches with tired eyes as they mull about and gossip, or otherwise go on about their day. But there is someone a little farther away from the others she does not recognize. Curious. Did the commotion draw him here too?

    Her gaze darts to the girl who shouts, a little wolf that is equally foreign to her. When she was still a small child, the predators were exactly what they seemed. A quiet laugh fills her chest as she draws closer to the pair. This one becomes a little filly, though, and that change no longer shocks Virgo anymore. She’s rather cute, or maybe the barbed woman just has a soft spot for younger generations these days. Becoming a mother had made her a pushover, in some ways.

    You should introduce yourself when you meet someone new,” she states with a half smirk across her pale face. “My name is Virgo. Who are you, Storm Eyes?

    Her attention drifts back to Voracity then, studying the brows furrowed in concern and the posture so weighed down by troubled thoughts. She has always had a penchant for giving out nicknames and time has not changed this habit.
    he confesses how long he’s looked for a place to worship
    and, oh, you put him on his knees.

    who gives a damn if we lose the war?

    "Whatchya doin'?" the shouted question pulls him away from his thoughts suddenly and with a quick snort the colt finds himself turning quickly towards the unknown voice. "W-what?" A few feet away is a young wolf making her way towards him. Though before he can blink she begins to shift and then she is a filly of brown and white and for a moment the feeling of envy infects every space between his ribs. "You. You were a wolf," he whispers. Oh how he wished he had a gift like that. A solid blue eye travels across her features before suddenly landing on her white fluffy and feathered wings.

    With a creased brow he is no longer able to hide the envy from drowning in his eyes. "You should have knocked first," he knows she's teasing but a feeling of warmth fills his cheeks as the blood rushes to his face. "Maybe, he rolls his shoulders in a shrug as he looks away. "Though my mother says I don't have manners." Glancing back at the filly he presses his lips together in thought. "Do you live here? It seems like a nice place to call home." His thoughts drift back to Pangea's dark and pale colored landscape though his memories only last for a few moments before being interrupted by a new presence.

    "You should introduce yourself when you meet someone new," the statement pulls a small smirk out of his serious features and for a moment he is amused. Something deep within him is drawn to the sass in her comment. Though that could easily be due to the blood running in his veins. So many on his father's side carried that same sass. "My name is Virgo. Who are you, Storm Eyes?"

    With slow steps the colt turns towards the gray mare and he tilts his head curiously. "Hello Virgo. My name is Voracity," the corners of his lips threaten to turn upwards into a smile, though his darkened nature pushes it back down. "What's your name?" For a moment a blue eye meets with one of Virgo's before the colt turns his attention back to the wolf blessed filly. 


    let the walls come down. let the engines roar.


    @[Oectra] @[Virgo]
    She watches the boy with curious eyes, the inner frustrations evident on his young face. I was. she responds light heartedly. She moves closer to inspect him better and her eyes light up, growing wide  but you remind me of the silver fish that dart through the river. Beautiful. she looks back and forth between the boy and river, hoping to spy one of those fish so that he could see. There was no reason to be jealous of her, it was just one of those annoying traits she inherited from a father she never met.

    Don't worry, my mom says the same thing about me. She's hardly one to talk though. with that she gives a small belly chuckle. It's a great home. I've lived here forever, but my mom came her from Pangea with my father. I've never met my father though. she was always prone to offering more information than she was asked for.

    Before she could continue on with her rambling though, another stranger joined them. Her tail moved with excitement, dispite the mares comment. She was used to it from her own mother.

    Virgo. Voracity.

    Her face crinkled for a moment, she wanted a cool name like them. They even both started with a V. With a start, the mares comment finally set in! She really didn't introduce herself. How rude. Oops.

    When the boys attentions returned to her she offered both the strangers another wide, lopsided smile. My name is Oectra. I'm sorry I forgot that earlier. I thought it was a great day, because I got to nap, but it just got a whole lot better. Are you guys staying a while? oh, she sure hoped they were.

    @[virgo] @[Verocity]

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