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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Izora Lethia
    Elio is quiet as he leads Lethia to the clearing by the river. His mind is still, calm, easily aided by his own emotion magic. There is a somberness to his peace, as if he is truly mourning that their decisions must come to blows. He fights the urge to look back at the mare, to ask her one more time if they could come to some other compromise.

    But he knows in his heart that they have made their decisions about him. That no matter what he does for Taiga while Champion, or how much they claim to be friends with his mother, they have all decided the Lepanes are not worthy of the land. He especially finds his sympathy lacking when he realizes how backwards it is to claim to his face how Lethy loves Lepis and then in the same breath say she cannot trust Elio because of Lepis.

    Now, Elio does feel a bit of anger, like the day he encountered Celina and Wolfbane: righteous. To be cast out of the land he was born in simply because of his mother, pah. They were all once strangers to Taiga, but Lio never was. This land is his heart.

    "Here," the golden man says, coming to a slow halt and tucking his wings close to his sides. The land that stretches before them is covered in pine straw and malleable clay. A large rock bulges straight ahead of where the pair stands, at the very opposite side of the clearing. Their space is oval-shaped, about eight hundred feet wide at its longest and five hundred feet wide at its shortest. It's late evening, and the sky above is clear and blue - not a cloud in sight.

    Elio turns to peer calmly at his opponent, and then steps onto the battlefield.

    Elio is challenging Izora Lethia for the leadership of Taiga.

    The terms:
    If Elio wins, Izora Lethia and Lilliana must step down, and Elio will take the crown.
    Battle to be held in Taiga, in the clearing mentioned above.
    Three days between posts.
    1000 words or less for each post.
    3 attacks.
    Izora Lethia will go first.

    Elio's stats:
    Warmblood build
    Self-healing, invisibility, wings, empathic projection
    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]
    Lethia follows Elio with her head held high. Honestly, she doesn’t even know how his prior summons lead to this. Lethy was not a fighter at heart, but she would fight if all her other options were exhausted. She knew Lilliana and herself could not allow Elio to lead Taiga, she had only hoped that she had had time to ask the other Taigans if they felt the same way. She would have listened to them, as she always has. She tried to offer him a place amongst his home, of good standing and with the ability to still protect Taiga if that’s what he really desired. She would be lying if she said that she believed wholeheartedly that protecting Taiga was Elio’s only motive, especially after watching Aten accept stepping down to Champion in order to do just that. It was good enough for Aten, why then was it not good enough for Elio?

    A small, inaudible sigh left her velvety lips as her dark, purple eyes watched Elio guide her to his choice of battleground. When they arrived, chin still held high, she scanned the area in which they would fight, and her brow creased at the thought. Lethy was entirely built of peace, as was evident in the way her magic wrapped itself tightly around her. She would need to let that magic go if she is to have the adrenaline to fight someone she had known since he was a boy.

    When she made her way to the opposite side of the oval clearing she turned to look at Elio in all his fiery youthfulness. She let her blanket of peace slip from her sides, the crows feet at the corner of her eyes deepened as a small, understanding smile made its way to her muzzle, quickly replaced by all the emotions she had kept out for so many moons.. Enough to invigorate her.

    Elio, I am sorry it had to come to this. I will accept your challenge but I have terms of my own. If I lose, Lilliana and I will step down. If I win, however, you must accept the role of Champion for at least two years.
    Lethy’s Stats:
    Peace Induction

    Lethy’s counter terms:
    If Lethy loses she will step down from leading 
    If Lethy wins @[Elio] will serve as Champion for at least 2 bq years

    Edited to take Lilliana out of the counter terms.
    Elio rejects these terms, but is surrendering the challenge.
    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]

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