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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  hello darkling my old friend


    some say I should learn to cry but I only learned how to fight
    and I know everything must die but nothing fades like the light

    Elio is quiet in his contemplations. So much feels so uncertain. He closes his stormy eyes, coming to a stuttering halt and wondering if the part of his brain that processes his father will ever stop twisting and turning. Tornado after tornado tears up his brain, leaving Lio to deal with the splintered houses and displaced people.

    It's a cold winter's day in Beqanna. Elio is trekking through the frost-covered foliage and crunchy soil after stopping to wonder when he might find relief. There is a brief flash of relief, when the sun flashes through gray, snowy clouds - but Lio is too intense too focused to allow it to offer him much relaxation.

    Slowly, the white begins to build and build around Elio. He is so terribly golden amongst the white snow and now he feels naked, stripped bare, as if someone has ripped his jacket from his arms and left him shivering in the weather. The man would smile, if it weren't for a plague of contagious and dangerous thoughts.

    At the River, Elio pauses. The water is rushing and fierce. He wonders what it will feel like to jump in.

    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]

    The snow falls, a pristine halo for the golden wraith that lingers within those wintery swirls. It's irony at its finest that a man who deals so much in shadow finds himself in an endless landscape of white.

    Yet it suits him. The perfect canvas for the amber lines of his lean frame and handsome visage. Not that he had ever paid much heed to such things. No, his wealth does not lie in his appearance. It lies in the nimble curl of his beckoning fingers. Figuratively speaking, of course.

    It lies in the shadows.

    He has no real reason to be lingering in the hush of the snowy river. No reason behind pure whim. And it is that more than anything else that draws him to the hazy figure in the distance. Even when he recognizes the figure, he would say it is whim that keeps him there.

    Others might say it is fate, but he'd never been much inclined to the fates.

    A slow and wicked grin begins to curve his lips as he recalls why this particular horse is familiar. A grin that is accompanied by an evocative gleam in his dark eye.

    Between one breath and the next, a large, shadow-black serpent is slipping towards Elio, winding weightlessly around limbs and shoulders with a creeping familiarity. A whispered greeting. "Hello friend."

    you're burning up the sky, you're a constellation
    I think that I could die for this revelation



    some say I should learn to cry but I only learned how to fight
    and I know everything must die but nothing fades like the light

    Elio doesn't mind the winter. In fact, he is beginning to wonder if he should head back to Taiga, to see if the snowfall at the river is as beautiful among those tall, foggy trees. Beneath a canopy of a tight copse of trees he would lay down, curled as tightly as possible, and watch the little white flecks fall around him.

    The water rushing is loud and unsettling, a whooshing noise that makes his ears flicker just a little bit nervously. Elio can't hear much over the din, and he doesn't like that his back is to the trees.

    He is right to be suspicious, as he normally is. When the shadow snake spirals around his limb, he starts - but not like the first time he had encountered the creature. It is exactly like the darkness the boy in Loess had created. The boy that made Lio wonder if there had to be a reason for everything. He cranes his neck to peer at the serpent, at first not saying anything in response to its whispered greeting.

    Snow, ice, and mud crunches beneath Elio as he turns away from the River to peer into the shadowed trees. He smiles a bit, not paying attention to the snake but wondering if it still lingers, then calls -

    "Won't you come here, friend?" he calls, voice lilting in an almost flirtatious way. Elio found after his first encounter with Darkling that he liked the strange boy and his sudden whims.

    He was unlike anything he had met before.

    "And can you conjure something other than a snake?"

    @[Darkling] elio is trying to say he loves bad boys and he wants darkling to put on a shadow leather jacket
    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]

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