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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  tell me everything you want me to be, ether

    I need you like a heart needs a beat
    but it's nothing new.

    The world spins on without them, and she finds that she doesn’t care at all. They linger in the shadows of Taiga, where the trees are their tallest, and the sunlight struggles to reach. She cannot remember the last time she left this place, and maybe it was unhealthy how tightly she wanted to cling to him. Leaving his side felt like she was being ripped in half, and maybe it is because she will never forget that impossibly long stretch in time when she was sure she had lost him. Even though years, and three beautiful children of their own, have passed since that time, there will always be the creeping fear that he will come to the realization that she was not what he wanted.

    That he will realize he could have someone brighter and better, that life with her is not what he thought it would be.

    That deeply rooted fear – of being left – is what shapes her nightmares now. She isn’t sure when they started, when they changed from that same recurring nightmare that she had for years (the one that used to make her run, as if she could outrun the monsters that lived inside of her own mind) to the kind that she has tonight. This wasn’t the first time her sleeping mind reached into the depths of her and twisted that fear into something real. Until the nightmare felt so tangible that even though she is curled against him her body begins to tremble, and there is something similar to a strangled cry clawing at her throat.

    Something makes her jolt awake – maybe once he was finally gone, maybe once in her nightmare she had already lost him and cried herself raw – with a gasp, the skin of her neck glistens with sweat and her face damp with tears. She reaches for him, and of course she doesn’t have to move far. He is right there, where he always is, and she shifts closer to press her cheek into his chest. “Ether,” she whispers, because saying his name made him feel real. But her heart still thunders in her chest, and the ache in her throat makes her think the cries had been real. She breathes him in, feels the solidness of him next to her, and she reminds herself for the hundredth time that he would never leave, no matter how badly her nightmares wanted to convince her he would.

    I've learned to live with these fatal gifts
    and still you're mine

    He does not sleep. Not in the normal way of sleep. And so the echoes of her nightmares reach him before her eyes ever open. She may not know when they had started again, but he could count the days. Every time it tears him apart. The raw and aching desire to shield her from them is impossible to deny. The helplessness of knowing he doesn’t have that power gouges holes deep into his very marrow.

    The only thing he can do is pull her close, his whispers of love in her ear, against her skin, the only defense he has against the demons that torment her. Demons he is powerless to confront.

    He has not told her how much he truly knows. Cannot bear to see the inevitable shadow of guilt in her eyes if he did. So he does not. He allows the softness of his name on her lips to soothe the ache squeezing his chest, lips pressing against the satin of her skin, the luminous yellow of his gaze shuttered behind lids until he can chase the ferocity from them.

    “Briseis.” Her name is a prayer on his tongue, uttered with every ounce of love and devotion that exist within him. “I am here.”

    He would always be here. An inalienable fact. One she cannot be ignorant of, for all the times he had uttered it to her over the years. And yet, it never seems enough to dispel her fears. Never seems enough to dispel his own. There are times he wishes he could open his heart and soul to her in better ways. To let her feel just how deeply he loves her. To see just how impossible the idea of him ever leaving truly is.

    But the shadows are his only true gift, and they do not possess this power. The only weapon he has against her demons are his words, as insufficient as they are.

    “I love you.”


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