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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There was never any question (Tiberios)

    One more time. The silver queen promised herself that this would be it. They had met briefly, driven by the season to find the comfort of each others embrace and create the new life that was gently swelling her sides. It had left her feeling hollow. Each time she saw him it drove her mad. Her love for him had never faded, she had never strayed to the side of another, she never even entertained the thought. He was her one. Her only. From the first time she had spoken to him she had loved him. The curve of his neck and the smooth pink of his scars. Every last goddamn inch she had worshipped. Of course she had been younger then and would have followed him anywhere. Time had made her wiser and the ache that he left behind had made her stronger. This time would be different. This time she was in control, she knew who she was and what she needed.

    Shatter Me enters the meadow with the quiet grace she had always possessed. Her head is held high and her bearing is proud. She is a queen and fits the role well, radiating calm and poise. The snow is starting to melt, giving way to spring, and she cannot think of a more fitting locale. This would be the last time she would look for him, or so she told herself. She didn’t have much of a plan, only that this time she would bare her feelings and leave him to decide. She was going to start the next chapter in her life and it was up to him to decide if he wanted to be a part of it.

    shatter me

    queen of the falls


    One last time. He inhales the thought and releases it to the wilderness. A prisoner he’d been before, to others perhaps, but now he’d spent his time chained to his memories. He’d lost himself out here - away from his kind. Unkempt, dirty, thin: Tiberios was a shadow of his former self. With hollow, amber eyes he blinks softly and rethinks his wasted existence, finally tucking it away to a place where it could never wound him again. He bears the scars of his battles past proudly now and thinks often of the love he left behind. Shatter had been the only faint light in this exile. She’d come to him again in her time of need and he’d replenished her, undoubtedly sparking a new life. But what she hadn’t expected was the new life that the encounter had sparked within the spotted brute.

    So for a final time the haggard stallion takes in his empty surroundings and turns away from them forever, kicking up his heels in an uncharacteristic gallop and driving himself back to her fading arms.

    Of course, when he arrives, she’s waiting. He’d always kept her in that state. He eases himself into a lurking walk, wading gently past the others so that he wouldn’t reveal himself just yet. Stunning as always, there’s a new emptiness to her eyes. The hope he’d instilled in her so long ago was finally in its dying breaths. The urge to call out to her is overwhelming, but he reminds himself of what she’ll see when he makes himself known. An emaciated black sabino with tendrils of tangled, black mane. Scars gone grey and hard over time. New white hairs along his muzzle and eyes that gave the illusion of a greying, aged man. Tiberios is different … so different.

    He inhales, gathering his thoughts and feelings before breaking clear of his cover. With a low call he answers her questioning eyes and waits, hoping that it’s not too late.




    It takes her a minute to fully recognize the mangy creature before her. His coat was dirty but the right color. His scars were old and almost blended in with the dirt she saw on his body. It wasn’t until she saw his eyes that she really believed the two were the same horse. Taking a step in his direction, she sighed deeply, “Oh Tiberios”. All of the emotion she said she would keep under control swept over her like a tsunami. Her love burned as brightly as ever, the ember he lit in her breast rekindling at their meeting. Sadness followed hand in hand with her joy however. It physically pained her to see what he had let himself become. Didn’t he know? Didn’t he know how beloved he was? Not just by her, but their daughter, his father, all the people of the Dale would rejoice at his return.

    She doesn’t hold back, quickly trotting to his side, pressing herself against him just to feel that he was in fact real. She draped her neck across his and rested her cheek against his withers pulling him into a warm embrace. Tears streak her gunmetal hide and a tremulous smile winds its way along her lips. She plants tender kisses against him , afraid that he will disappear again. Taking a step back, she once more appraises him, and feels rather sheepish for her display. “How have you been?” The question tumbles like a bad habit landing at her feet. Clearly he had not had it easy during his self imposed exile, but she was still afraid to pry any further. It was an awkward question, but far easier than what she really wanted to know. Why did you go?

    shatter me

    queen of the falls


    Shatter always says what he cannot, and then some. There’s no hint of awkwardness, no shy reprimand of his absence, not even a lingering tendril of hate for his abandonment. She makes up for so much lost time in a matter of seconds, and she worships him as if he were still the young idiot who’d stolen her heart so long ago. Tiberios understands now more than ever that it should have been someone else who loved her (and without him knowing, there may be someone else out there who does.) But Shatter had refused to give up on him, and for that he would never go missing again. The warm embrace she holds him in now causes a wild shiver to run tangent up his spine, and his lips are quick to bless her skin in return.

    “Shatter.” He replies, reverent with the word as it leaves his mouth. When she steps back he refuses the action and moves instead with her, feeling the necessity to have some part of him touching her. There was never a time for reassurance until now, and he needs her to understand that every of inch of him is devoted to her unconditionally. He will never be far from her again. “I’ve been lonely.” He answers. A quip accompanied by a tender smirk. One of his ears crooks in her direction, and he finds that the broken tone still lingers in the air around them. She still hesitates, still fears.

    “It’s time for me to come home.” He states, lowering his head so that it will rest on the supple curve of her back. What he doesn’t say is that ‘home’ has a new indication for him. The Dale - there was nothing left for him to return to there. All that he had left behind in that kingdom had found new purpose, new meaning without him. What truly mattered was a living, breathing entity. A flesh-and-blood daughter who hounded his memory and deserved a present father. “I’ve missed you so much.”




    Her breath hitches in her throat, choked up with all the words she had never said. Now she would have the opportunity. She had loved him, and lost him. They had a beautiful and strong daughter, and another child on the way. The family had always been there, just missing a piece. Now they would be whole at last.

    His kisses send shivers along her skin and cause small patches of water to blossom up and down her legs in excitement. His touch would never stop making her heart light up with excitement. She had been alone so long that part of her still had difficulty believing it was real. She would always be afraid of waking up one morning to see that he had disappeared again, but for now being together as they were was enough to put her fears aside.

    She smiles at him when he mentions home. As wide and bright a smile as she has ever given. It radiates throughout her body and makes her glow. “You’re all to right my love. It is time to come home, and get you cleaned up.” She teases him playfully before turning to leave. She waits for him to stand next to her so that they can leave this place behind and start this wonderful new chapter of their lives together.

    shatter me

    queen of the falls


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