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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  who's trapped with who?

    What is happening and the implications of it do not enter the monster’s mind. It had chased a dragon here and it still pulses with the anger at seeing one of those wretched kind. It holds a grudge easily, you see - all it takes is one meddlesome dragon to rid the monster and its daughter of a meal. But there is no satisfying end to this grudge - even if it was to personally eat the heart of every single dragon in this land, it will continue to hunt something else. On and on until one day, it will die and a new queen will be born to carry on the line.

    This dragon did not smell like the other - it is an unknown and strange family - but it followed the lizard all the same.

    It does not comprehend what has happened, why it is in this new land instead of the canyons of its now-home, but it knows enough to know that this is someplace new. That this is not Pangea and the residents do not have the same protection on them.

    It’s black eyes blaze with anger and hunger - nothing more than poor timing that it arrives in this new land with an empty belly. It does not take much for it to burn off the energy between each meal.

    Those eyes land on someone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity when it arrives in this new land. With a vicious snarl it leaps, silver teeth grabbing onto the wings of this nameless victim as they attempt to defend themselves. They scream in terror but it does nothing to dissuade the monster from its task. A moment later and the wing is discarded and twitching on the ground as this creature savagely tears into the neck of this stranger, gorging itself on blood as its prey tumbles to the ground on top of it’s whole wing, fracturing the delicate bones within it. A gurgling cry escapes the fallen victim, quieter than the last scream - as though the monster is drinking in the screams as well as the blood and flesh.

    Its armoured body is coated with blood as it finally stands still so it can eat. Only that knife tail twitches behind it - a casual warning that though it may be eating, it is not wise to approach or interrupt.

    It will teach them the truth over the next year. It is not trapped here with them - they are trapped here with it.


    twenty-nine eaten to date

    @[Anaxarete] first please, @[Castile] if you want, and any one who might want to say hello to Loess' newest captive Smile
    * it's an NPC/unnamed character who Ripley is eating. Let's say it's a fresh arrival to BQ/Loess

    She can feel the tension through the bond. She has been bonded with Ripley since the moment the beautiful girl had been reborn in this fearsome skin.  They had such a special bond - far beyond monster and master like so many assumed.  They had been mentally and emotionally linked since that moment in the darkness and every moment since.  It is through this bond that she ascertains Ripley’s current predicament.  So from her home in Pangea, the shadowmare conveys a message to her companion. 

    She had thought Castile to be foolish but she never thought he was this stupid.  Nevertheless, she was not going to appear at the border and demand Ripley’s release.  No. That wouldn’t do at all. The dragon king would pay dearly, and it would be of his own doing - not her interference. 

    She sends a simple message to the monster queen in that way that only she can, for Ripley no longer understands language.  She heeds only one person alive, and none of them call Loess home.  ”Feast.”  Those in this land were not safe from the predator, and would be shown no mercy.  And then from the depths of their bond, Anaxarete gives Ripley a gift. Protection.  “They will not hurt you.”  Ripley’s own shadow begins to climb up her legs, wrapping around her armored body in a gentle caress.  It envelops her entire body, up to the fearsome crown she wears before sinking beneath her skin.  Magical protection from any that would be foolish enough to attempt to harm her.  The shadowmare has allies in Loess as well, and also provides this information. ”Find my daughter - she is a friend,” thinking of Ciara - the fearsome child who still lurks between the trees.

    “Have fun, my darling.”  She’s sure that Ripley can feel the love and reassurance through the bond before Anaxarete leaves the monster’s mind, and resumes her day in Pangea.

    A N A X A R E T E
    image credit 

    NOTE - Ana is still in Pangea but is communicating with Ripley through their bond and imbuing her with some magical protection while she's visiting Loess. She won't be replying further in the thread.

    Starsin sees this happening and thinks to herself, what the actual fuck, why is the alien here, but also I hope that was one of the girl's Ophie has banged that it just ate, and then she disappears before she gets eaten too.

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