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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i am here to win this fight, any
    He’s been gone so long that he wouldn’t recognize Beqanna even if it hadn’t changed.
    He remembers nothing of the once-kingdoms or their rulers.
    He remembers precious little of his life here or how unceremoniously he had taken his leave.

    Beqanna has its magic, but so do so many other places.
    And he’s hardly aged at all. At least, on the surface.
    And isn’t that all that matters?

    But he meanders into the meadow now and he knows where he is. He does not recognize it, necessarily, because even it has changed. But there is something unmistakable in the air here, the magic here (unlike so many other places) is palpable. It sits like a marble on his tongue, catches in his teeth, gathers like rust in the long column of his windpipe.

    This is Beqanna. This is where it all began, isn’t it? Wars have been fought and lives have been lost and there has been so much bitter suffering. He can taste the sadness in the grass when he takes it into his mouth and chews it slow. An acquired taste, to be sure. He wonders if he’ll be here long enough to acquire a taste for it, wonders briefly why he’s here at all.

    He has never been nostalgic, Flee. Perhaps because he has had so little in his life worth missing and the heart has never been a sentimental muscle. At least, not for him. Maybe he had loved something – or perhaps even someone – once but those days have been gone so long he doesn’t recognize them either. Not that he would want to.

    He has never been nostalgic and so he studies the meadow with an air of indifference that borders on boredom. ‘I needed a change of scenery,’ he’ll say, should someone ask what brought him to Beqanna. Or to the meadow, in particular. As if it’s any of their business. As if he owes any of them anything at all.

    He chews their bitter grass and studies their strange bodies and thinks maybe, if he leaves now, he’ll be able to make it back before sundown.
    F L E E

    Boredom is not something that sits well with Fiorina, so she’s on the hunt. Not to feast, though she wouldn’t turn down a nice deer if she happened across one, but a conversation. At least the chance to get far enough into the introduction before she realized ‘oh that’s why I don’t talk to a lot of others’ and then she could leave again.

    And really, when that is the goal, anyone will do.

    Still, a scent catches her attention. It’s faintly familiar which makes her curious enough to investigate - that’s how bored she is. But it’s not Larva who she finds, just someone who looks vaguely like him. A son or a brother perhaps? Honestly all the horse-looking horses look the same to her, she’d mistake any grey horse for another any day,

    She’s at least 62% sure this isn’t Larva but now that she thinks about it, it’s entirely like the familiarity of the scent is just a fluke.

    She approaches, and it’s when she’s close that she realizes she doesn’t actually have anything to say to this stranger. She starts with a greeting, but it comes out more of a “Hi?” than the traditional ‘Hi.’

    Oh well. She quickly decides that she’ll stand here and frown for another second or two before moving on and trying again.


    art by dozymare

    He is vaguely aware of something moving in his vicinity.
    Not necessarily close enough to warrant him diverting his attention, but close enough that he’s aware they’re there.

    He goes on chewing the bitter grass, thinking about how strange it is that sadness should have a taste, and considering the horizon. Until the stranger speaks and he swings his head around to look at her, startled to find that she is much closer than he’d thought.

    And perhaps stranger is an understatement. He has seen a great many strange and fantastical thing in his time and travel, but he’s not certain he’s ever seen anything quite like her. He does not bother trying to conceal his surprise. Maybe his mother had taught him once that it’s impolite to stare, but his gaze lingers heavy on the sharp edge of her tail and it takes a concentrated effort to shift it back to her face.

    There’s a lot to unpack here,” he says and then forcefully swallows his mouthful of their bitter grass. He studies her face, which is peculiar enough just on its own, and then tilts his head – which suddenly feels really quite ordinary. “You’re certainly unique, huh?” he asks and then exhales a kind of grunt.

    Sorry, where are my manners? What I meant to say is, what’s your name?” 
    F L E E

    It’s an effort not to preen a little under his attention, Fiorina finds she’s quite pleased with the reactions that she causes now and then. She is magnificent and it’s only right that she should be admired. Really, it’s just a short study - but she’s never been particularly skilled at understanding expressions or subtext so she enjoys writing her own stories into the blanks.

    So she does not stand a little taller or tilt her head a little so he can truly take her in, but that frown begins to fade away into something more pleasant.

    There is no offense taken to his words - they are the truth, after all, and she has a particular fondness for truths. Or, part of what he said was the truth any way - there was a lot to unpack. But as for the rest: “I am not as unique as one might hope.” Fiorina replies with a wicked grin and a wink.

    She is the least of the monsters that have returned back to these lands, but she lets the comment remain vague. Let the rest of her family be a surprise should he be unlucky enough to travel the forest on his own at night when they are hungry.

    “I’m Fiorina. And you reek of someone I know.” Then she tilts her head curiously, like a bird might, knowing full well there was a more polite way to say that but if he was going to be blunt she saw no reason to dull her own edges to make someone else comfortable. “What’s your name?”


    art by dozymare


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