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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i've never fallen from quite this high; aten
    "It is sudden to me," Aten cut in. "I certainly didn't expect this when you and I were to meet today. I will be honest. I wished to speak to you on equal ground, to tell you what I know of Taiga, to offer my 'assistance', if you will call it that. I told your dam I would give you a chance to be the leader Taiga deserves, and over the past year, you didn't do anything to go against that. I was ready to stand beside you if you needed me to defend the redwoods, even if you didn't see me as a friend, much less a comrade.

    "Whether you had welcomed my advice or not, I would only wish for you to consider what I have to say. But hearing your wish today, it caught me off guard."

    Pteron goes on to counter Aten's statement about raising a foal, and the golden one knows there is definitely more to the story. He tilts his proud head in almost a wish for Pteron to continue, for he knows how raising a rambunctious foal can be while being saddled with other responsibilities that take up most of one's time.

    He stilled owed Lethia some time given how much more care she'd done for Kalil while Aten had been off completing his own goals.

    The winged tobiano then says something that intrigues the older stallion. Aten's ears flick forward; there is little significant meaning behind Pteron's words, Aten feels. He says there is no one else, but the golden one has a suspicion that if there had been, he and Pteron wouldn't be having this conversation. He says Castile won't approve, but Aten cared not for the Loessian stallion. He had some very colorful words to scream in his ear if they were to ever meet face to face, and he would not be afraid to say any of them.

    The tobiano finishes with a question Aten, at one point, would have dreaded in his younger years. And now, he almost hesitates again, for a part of him is screaming to not give in to Pteron's wish, given the enormous responsibility that came with it. But he was not afraid of that responsibility... there was much more to it, the care of which he would take the regret to his grave if he couldn't live up to it.

    He has his answer the moment the question leaves Pteron's lips.

    "Yes," he tells him with confidence, "I will take Taiga's leadership, and once again hope to do it justice."

    But there is more he has to say. He won't say it all, but perhaps, this will help.

    "Pteron..." he waits a moment to compose himself, "I never hated you, no matter what you may have heard from any of Taiga's residents. I hated myself, for what I allowed to happen. I have considered you the leader a while now, and despite whatever bad blood may run between myself and you, or if it stems between myself and your dam..."

    He trails off a moment, "I do not know if you will take what I am going to say with much concern. You may not consider me a friend, or even an acquaintance. But you have given me the chance I desired. For that, I am grateful to you, I always will be. And so, please know, that if you ever need help in the future, I will be there to lend what I can."

    It is not a promise to everything, only what he can, for there are certain things Aten will prioritize. But he feels he owes Pteron something. Perhaps this is a start.


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    RE: i've never fallen from quite this high; aten - by Aten - 02-02-2020, 11:54 PM

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