"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
This was it; her first real chance to prove herself. To not only be Adria's kid sister, but an actual contributing member of her new home. And this was no small task to accomplish. The journey alone had been an undertaking, having to swim the entire length of the continent just to reach her goal. Pangea.
It wasn't as pretty of a place as Ischia, she noted as the rugged shoreline opened before her. She'd chosen to swim because of the sheer distance between Ischia and Pangea, and the less than desirable prospect of having to cross pretty much every other kingdom in between. Maybe on the way home she'd take the land route, get to know others at a slower pace. Once she'd accomplished her goal, it would be a good plan.
For now, her goal was simple: find a horse who knew what was currently going on in Pangea, ask them about it. It was a direct approach to her task. The pearl scaled mare made her way deeper into the dust colored kingdom, taking in the rather forbidding locale. It was such a difference from her island home, she couldn't get over it. The arroyos and canyons made natural mazes in the landscape, and she had to keep pausing to check her bearings.
A sluggish stream provided a much needed drink once she'd separated the impurities from it into their own little sludgy bubble. Clear as black ice now, it made a nice resting place for her to gather her thoughts before being put to the test.
08-26-2019, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 07:53 PM by draco.)
Litotes finds himself stealing his son from Sylva more and more often. While he and Starsin are not back to the level of trust they were on, the Archon finds it easier and easier to be with his friend. Pain lingers, but the soothing balm of their children and hesitant humor eases any open wounds.
“We’re watching borders today,” he murmurs to Draco, who merely nods his head and rolls his shoulders. The boy trots alongside him, a tail that was once fluffy now growing long and stringy and handsome. He glances at his father with red eyes that go soft, only now beginning to understand the layers of suffering Litotes tries to stave off. A smile would tilt his lips if he had it within him to truly allow sympathy; but, he merely turns away from his slowly-healing dad to study Pangea’s hardy shrubbery.
“There’s someone from Ischia coming,” the demon yearling mutters, eyes flickering with the fear-inducement they so easily fall into. A single stern look from Litotes turns that light off, though, and Draco indicates in the direction he thinks the thoughts are coming from. Of course, he cannot use their thoughts purely to locate, but knowing they are in the area allows the two to hyperfocus.
“Here on behalf of Adria?” Draco calls from some distance away, cold eyes going sharp with the look of a too-serious diplomat. He offers his dad a fleeting glance, the tiniest bit of warmth rising in his chest at the approval he feels in Lie’s mind. The pair approach comfortably and stop comfortably, peering at the nereid with curiosity.
“What business does Ischia have with Pangea?” Litotes finally interjects, offering Aquaria an open gaze.
The shimmering nereid looks up with a pleasant smile as she hears approaching voices. Even if they don't sound the friendliest. The pair coming her way walk in companionable tandem, the darker one clearly younger than the pale stallion in the lead. A giggle twitches the corners of her pale golden lips, but she manages to supress it. It would be rude to point out the resemblance the colt's head bears to a large octopus. The young horse had an impressive array of horns that looked an awful lot like the twisting tentacles of one of the larger species of cephalopods.
It did perplex her a bit though, that they knew where she'd come from. Maybe the scent of the island already clung to her skin. She smiled again, semi rigid crest fin flipping from one side of her neck to the other. Her decidedly aquatic appearance probably added to giving away her homeland, now that she thought about it.
"I am, yes." She agreed in her musically lilting voice. Moving to face the pair more squarely, the sea mare dipped her head in polite greeting. "That's actually what I came here to find out. But before I forget, my name is Aquaria. Who do I find myself speaking to?" She addressed them both, blinking her liquid amethystine eyes at them slowly. They were quite a unique pair, and close from the looks of things. Family? It would make sense.
But back to her main objective. "Yes, as you noted, I come from Ischia. My sister sent me as a diplomat. It's been some time since our kingdoms interacted, and we would like to build a relationship with our coastal cousins." The glossy sheet of her cauldal fin swept side to side, fanning her in the still air.
She really hoped she was making a good impression. She'd never been a diplomat before, but it was so interesting getting to travel the lands, meeting new horses and trying to make friends with them! No two horses she'd met since surfacing had been alike, in appearance or personality, but she'd liked everyone in their own way. This was just another opportunity to broaden her knowledge of the earthlands.
"Ischia is currently looked after by my sister, Adria. We're a nuetral territory, a place of respite for those weary of dramatics. If Pangea finds itself interested in alliance, we would be happy to provide a sanctuary of sorts for those in need." Her eyes brightened at the thought. "It's impossible not to feel happier after a few hours napping on the beach, eating sweet fruits. I think you'd love it." She exclaimed in mock confidentiality to the dark colt.
08-30-2019, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2019, 06:20 PM by draco.)
If Litotes were not standing next to him, Draco might roll his eyes at the bubbly nature of the nereid’s thoughts. He peers at her with a blank gaze, forcing the tendrils of fear he wants to send down her spine to the very back of his mind. A faint shimmer remains over the red, but they do not send crippling terror like he is so wont to do.
“Litotes,” the Archon responds, interjecting before Draco can, “and this is my son Draco.” The boy nods his head with a sweet smile, deciding on a whim that he is going to fool this girl into thinking he is something he is entirely not. “Aquaria is such a lovely name,” Draco murmurs, sliding his eyes over her pale sides. “It suits you.” Apprehension colors his father’s mind, but he pays it no heed. He knows his father will not make a scene, and perhaps he will not be suspicious of him.
Draco listens to the hope and sweetness of their visitor, chewing up her naivety and gearing up to spit it out at just the right time. He thinks there is much to be taught by those that are “good,” and Aquaria is a suitable candidate to mimic - that, and she is particularly beautiful. The demon boy is just becoming an age to notice such things, and he finds he likes the glistening curve her skin.
Litotes takes control once politics are brought up, and Draco is content to listen with a lazy flick of his ears; though, he does smirk at his father’s immediate mental distaste over a land considered sanctuary-like. “Pangea can make use of a place for respite. In return we may offer protection for a land lacking . . . dramatics, given Ischia ever needs it - and it aligns with our other allies. Has Adria spoken with the leaders in the South and the North?” Draco only offered Aquaria an equally confidential smile when she directed her attention toward him, simply opting to allow his father to take the lead.
The little mermare bobbed her head agreeably as the elder stallion introduced himself and his son, a sweet smile on her lips. If this was as difficult as diplomacy got, she'd be perfectly happy to do it often. Traveling the realms and makings friends along the way seemed like such a wonderful way to spend her time, and if it helped Adria, well all the better.
Beaming at the colt's compliment, she batted her large eyes at him cheerfully. "Draco is a lovely name too! Does it suit you?" Her question brought her gaze from the youth to his sire, wondering if the paler stallion would have any input on his son's nature. Parents seemed to love talking about their children when the opportunity arose, and Litotes seemed as proud of his offspring as any parent would be.
As the conversation turned toward more serious matters, her demeanor sobered. This was the delicate part of her task. Small talk and making a good impression was simply the beginning. Now she had to focus as carefully as if she were swimming through a school of hammerheads. A few test nibbles were to be expected. A full on feeding frenzy would be a disaster.
Her pearled scales shimmered as she shifted her weight, expression pleasantly bland as she listened to Lietotes assessment of her words. "Protection would be welcome, but is not a priority. I am not the only nereid on the island." She stated lightly. "It would be a fool who attacked us on our own territory."
That was a simple fact. The more of them that gathered on the island, the more secure it's borders grew. They were each of them beautiful, lethal women, who called upon the sea like a dear friend when they felt threatened. Underestimating them was a mistake not many could afford to make.
09-03-2019, 10:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2019, 10:37 PM by draco.)
Draco nearly starts at the twist and turn of the nereid’s thoughts. He peers at her with a hard gaze, picking through her thoughts, and then shuffling through his father’s. The frown on his lips is cold, much too cold for a child his age, and he brushes his father’s side with his shoulder as if he might take it as some kind of warning. Litotes does turn to look at the dark boy for a split second, noting that his son that is adverse to touch willingly touched him. His chest would glow with happiness if he was not already suspicious of the pale woman’s response.
“I do not think he underestimates you,” the demon boy interjects before his father can, and (surprisingly - perhaps it was the shoulder brush) his father remains quiet. “Though it is hard not to.” This he states simply and bluntly, no driving force behind the words. Lie turns a sharp gaze upon his son, and the star-studded boy merely shrugs.
“What do you want from Pangea, then?” the cremello asks as he turns back to Aquaria. He would apologize to the mare if he did not feel like he was being roped into a pairing with hardly any information.
A flicker of fear inducement makes Draco’s eyes glow, and he fights the need to grin eerily at the mare. “And if you do not want anything from Pangea, then why skirt his question?” This Draco thinks will get a verbal reprimand; instead, he hears the mildly fearful what the hell? in his father’s mind and settles into comfortable satisfaction. He likes to know he is impressing his parents, even if it makes them apprehensive.
Again, the feeling of swimming among sharks. She watched as something seemingly unspoken passed between the father and son, the gentle expression not leaving her face. Still, an edge of apprehension glimmered at the edge of her mind. Perhaps she'd been overconfident at the beginning of this conversation. Even if she had though, it was too late to back out. This was a test, and she liked doing well on tests.
The colt's words didn't phase her. She was smallish and, yes, maybe a little fizzy-brained. No one had ever expected much of the water nymph, not even herself. This current dash of initiative was uncharted territory for her, but being back in her sister's presence made it feel necessary. If nothing else, she wanted Adria to be proud of her. So she just smiled at the boy, wondering what on earth had occurred in his short life to make him so sharp edged, and nodded in agreement.
When his father took up the conversation, she laughed apologetically. "Sorry, I should have been more clear. Ischia isn't looking for protection, but a partnership. We're a peaceful island community, yes. We don't believe we need to war to be of use, although friendly sparring matches could be useful for both of us from a skill building point of view. This isn't Ischia looking to exploit others. We're just wanting to be good neighbors in the world community." She nodded toward the unseen coast line, illustrating her point. "I'll have to speak with my sister, but perhaps some sort of exchange could be worked out. As far apart as our lands are, I'm sure we could learn a lot from each other." She suggested, thinking aloud.
Her feet shuffled a little uneasily, her eyes returning to the colt. There was something queer about the boy, something she couldn't quite define. As sweet as he'd been at the outset, he now had a much chiller persona in place. She saddened a little, unsure if she'd been as successful at friend making as she'd originally thought. "I don't think I've skirted anything, minnow," her father's term of endearment slipped out. "Just making my points. And yes, my sister has been interested in communication with all quarters of the land. It is not such a bad thing, to see how the rest of the world is doing, even if we do not generally participate."
She didn't understand the apparent aversion these horses had to the idea of nonviolence. In her opinion, her talents were much better suited to making things beautiful, rather than as weapons of war. If it came down to protecting her home and family from those who would do them harm, then so be it. She would fight and fight well. On the other hoof, picking a battle just for the thrill of it seemed like a waste of energy better spent elsewhere.
Draco can feel his father relaxing and does not like it. He bites back the urge to send his fear into his father, knowing that will be crossing a line surely to get his ass beat. He peers at the nereid with continued suspicion, combing her thoughts as they pass through her brain.
Perhaps she is being truthful, though he cannot find it within himself to care.
She made her bed, and she should sleep in it - as far as the colt is concerned.
“My suspicious son . . .” Litotes begins in response to Aquaria’s speech. “Forgive him, Aquaria. He is a relentless creature.” This the cremello punctuates with yet another harsh look at his son. “As for your proposition, I think we can do well with a tentative alliance. Pangea is already tied to Loess and Nerine, very closely. Perhaps we should set up a friendly spar as an act of good faith? I know this one could get rid of some aggression.” This he says as a joke, though perhaps he should take his son’s coldness a little more seriously.
Draco swallows back something cruel and keeps his eyes from rolling to the back of his head. “Yes, why not?” the colt adds with a pained smile. “Maybe you, Aquaria.” There is a saccharine purr to his voice as he imagines her pale fur bending beneath his force. “Though I suppose you both think I should be matched with another yearling.” He sighs dramatically, tossing his crimson gaze back to the pretty woman.