Name: Ophanim
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Wings, Immortality, Glowing tattoos, Dragon mimicry, Halo, Color changing
Color: normally gold tobiano, but breeding as peacock ore with silver mane & tail. Body color is this:
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [WINGS][GLOWING TATTOOS][IMMORTALITY][DRAGON MIMICRY][HALO][COLOR CHANGING][covered in frost][horn]
Name: Starsin
Gender: Mare
Breed: hybrid
Traits/defects: Mind reading, Immortality, Shattering
Color: Gray (born black) with glowing constellation dapples
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [IMMORTALITY][MIND READING][SHATTERING][disease acceleration][fairy dust]
Asking for a filly named Lilt, and just that she is not gray :)
In case of multiples, Thais (girl) and Varick (boy)
Played by Colby
Name: Ophanim
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Wings, Immortality, Glowing tattoos, Dragon mimicry, Halo, Color changing
Color: normally gold tobiano, but breeding as peacock ore with silver mane & tail. Body color is this:
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [WINGS][GLOWING TATTOOS][IMMORTALITY][DRAGON MIMICRY][HALO][COLOR CHANGING][covered in frost][horn]
Name: Starsin
Gender: Mare
Breed: hybrid
Traits/defects: Mind reading, Immortality, Shattering
Color: Gray (born black) with glowing constellation dapples
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [IMMORTALITY][MIND READING][SHATTERING][disease acceleration][fairy dust]
Asking for a filly named Lilt, and just that she is not gray :)
In case of multiples, Thais (girl) and Varick (boy)
Played by Colby