A Few Things You Should Know
- I'll be taking a hiatus from the 29th of Aug - Sept 3rd, since I'll be flying out of state and using that time as a vacation, so this thread will expire August 28th @11:00pm EST.
Most (if not all) board changes should be up by then and after this thread expires I'll unpin it and post an IC, Island-wide thread with all the updates discussed here.
-Love and kisses, Adria! (a.k.a Calcifer)
- First, if you want your character listed anywhere in Ischia you'll want to reply from your character account to this thread. Mares with foals can use one account for both characters.
- In your response please let me know which of the following your character will be:
-Male resident
-Potential Beachmaster**
- Any questions you may have about the following updates and changes.
- Ischia will be getting a facelift! I intend to update our ranks and climate board.
- A new position for male characters is coming:
-**Beachmaster (This rank is given to particular stallions laying claim to one of Ischia's four smaller "sister" islands, displayed clearly on our area map. All beachmasters pend approval from The Dame before the title is theirs to claim.)
- Player-designed names for the four sister islands:
-This will not be a permanent change, just one available during Adria's leadership to the stallions who claim Beachmaster rank. For fun and creativity!
-These names will be displayed on the area map along with the names of the Beachmasters who correspond to each island.
- Adria will be looking to send two of her members out on diplomatic trips. One to Nerine and one to the Eastern lands.
- Both tasks will be given IC (most likely on the NPC account) to give the trip some backstory and to provide your character with an exact idea of what they should be asking during the diplomatic visit.
- More than one character is welcome to apply!
- Adria is looking for a handmaiden, or a second-in-command. Let me know if you think your mare is handmaid material!
- And finally, Adria is more than happy to mock with any character who's looking for battle experience.
- I'll be taking a hiatus from the 29th of Aug - Sept 3rd, since I'll be flying out of state and using that time as a vacation, so this thread will expire August 28th @11:00pm EST.
Most (if not all) board changes should be up by then and after this thread expires I'll unpin it and post an IC, Island-wide thread with all the updates discussed here.
-Love and kisses, Adria! (a.k.a Calcifer)