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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A summer storm crackles in the heat ; Raed
    The season had shifted into summer. The heat of mid-day now drawing sweat to Lethy and Owin's hides as theywaste the lazy, hot day away. It surprised Lethy how much Owin had filled out in the last couple of weeks. His legs were still long, but he was sporting the muscles of a little brother whose sister doesn't slow down from adventures. His form was rounding out with muscles and fat accumulated after birth. 

    He was a quite boy, more reserved than she would have expected. Though her first encounter with a babe was Popinjay and she never stopped. Owin was more relaxed, and she almost wondered if that was really how he was or if he just knew that was what Lethy needed right now. Laboring Owin had taken alot out of her and had left her exhausted. More exhausted than a few weeks could make up for. 

    She knew he possessed the same mind reading abilities as his father, and she had been working with him in respecting boundaries lately. Though she didn't think he listened when it came to her mind. 

    Lethy watched her golden, blue boy jump and frolic around not far off chasing a butterfly. The sun that filtered through the large redwoods bounced off of his golden hide, illuminating the brilliant blues of his father.

    His father.


    Her mind filtered through memories and emotions in one swift moment. He had not been to visit her since the last time they had really been together. The storm in his eyes pushed to the front of her thoughts, his blue eyes, grey and stormy while his coat brilliant and bold. He was perfect, in a reckles, unreliable sort of way. But her heart ached to see him again. To see him walk beneath the cover of her home. She wished he would wander here for a change.

    A crack of thunder not far off brought her attention back to the moment infront of her. The heat had been harsh all day, almost sufficatingly so, but it had cooled of quickly in a matter of minutes. The sky had darkened as a storm was setting to roll in. A storm as unpredictable as the man who fathered the boy that was now pushed up against her side. It could be seconds, minutes, or even hours before the storm hit. How long would it take for Raed to come?
    forget me not; but never remember


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