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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Gypsy Life
    The black blanketed appaloosa mare made her way through the meadow. She grabbed a mouthful of grass and smiled softly to herself. She wandered where her parents and her half-siblings were. She had no idea as to what her siblings even looked like. She decided to turn her attention back to the area around her and gave a soft sigh. The young mare wandered whom she may visit with while she is within the meadow. She slowly placed her maw in the grass and began to graze on the grass. 

    @[Knaught] Sorry its so short
    Knaught wanders around, grazing periodically. He lifts his head suddenly with his black ears perked. There a shadow moving across the meadow. He slowly walks towards it to realize it’s a horse who looks like him! He hides in the foliage, watching the mare from a distance. Little does he know, the filly is his half sister!

    Valorino raised her head when she heard the rustling of foliage and slowly began to scan the area. She finally spotted a figure in that seemed to be hiding and decided to approach the figure. As she got closer she began to see some similarities in their appearances and wandered if they could possible be related. She stopped a few feet away from the stallion and gave him a small smile. She said "Hello, My name is Valorino but please call me Val. What is your name?" She was interested in the male that stood before her.

    Knaught is surprised to see a horse that looks like him. “I’m Knaught,” he says, looking at her and her red leopard pattern. He smiles softly, feeling the warmness coming from the mare. “Where are you from? I haven’t seen you before,” he says, walking out of the foliage.

    Val watches Knaught walk out of the foliage and took in all of his appearance. She returns his smile and said "I don't really have a home. I mostly just roam but hope to find a home." She wandered if he belonged to a herd and how he liked it. She smiled shyly and said "Do you belong to a herd? Do you know a stallion named Below?" She decided to go ahead and ask him if he knew her sire.

    Knaught ponders the name she said. “I don’t belong to a herd. I’m also a wanderer. I think I’ve heard that name before but I don’t know,” he says, honestly not really knowing many other horses around. “Who is that?” He asks curiously as he flicks his ears back and forth.

    nature's first green is gold
    her hardest hue to hold
    The black blanketed filly took in the males words. She gave him a small smile and said "Below is my father. He is who I got most of my colorings from." She was excited to someone whom may just be family to her. She had no idea as to what her half siblings name where. She turned her attention back to the scenery that surrounded the pair.

    That makes Knaught curious as to who his father is. “Hmm..maybe Below is my dad also....” he thinks out loud. “It’s nice to meet you!” He smiles, taking in the scenery. “It sure is gorgeous,”

    nature's first green is gold
    her hardest hue to hold
    The black blanketed filly gave the older boy a smiles as she took in his words. She thought for a moment and felt like she could call the black and purple spotted stallion her brother. She looked back at the scenery and sighed softly. She said "Maybe we could be siblings. Its a pleasure meeting you also. It is definitely gorgeous."

    Knaught smiles as the two of them gaze over the scenery. "I've never thought of having a sister.." he says, smiling. "So..what do you like to do around here?" He asks, curiously.


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