Coming home again, Pangea’s pink princess (self-nominated, deal with it) canters across the edge of a dusty plateau. Below, far below for a little girl like her, the canyons and rivers cut through the earth until heat mirages blur them with the distant horizon. There is a sea out there somewhere but it is not in the place where the sky meets the rippling edge of the land. A trick on the eyes that is, a confusion of the mind.
Long black legs, lightened by the dust that clings to them cease their mincing feminine steps. Bi-colored eyes, both azure and deep pink narrow and she looks ever the edge to scan the earth below. Where… are… the… twins…? Not down there, but that had been unlikely. Maybe slithering about a canyon or stinking up a cave like their cave-dad. Morgayne is lonely for a bit of parenting, at least in the form that she accepts. The brothers she has for father and mother, not respectively, jointly.
Tipping her black face up Morgayne bares her fangs and bawls for them, the obnoxious bleat of an infant though she must be nearly a yearling now however dainty she remains. They will come, or someone will. The bubblegum girl lays down on the ledge letting her forelegs dangle over the edge so that she can stare down at the handful of ants far below. There is the queen. There is the squidface. There and there are someone’s ugly kids. Maybe she’ll spit on someone.
when they finally come, what'll you do to them
gonna decimate them like you did to me?
will you leave them stunned and stuttering