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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Dreams of Silence; Diplomatic visit, any!

    keep your dreams in check

     The stallion leaves the gathering of horses, tasked with going to the Icicle Isle. At first, the grulla paint was apprehensive, the cold was rather unwelcoming but the possibility of exploring lands he had never visited was most alluring.

    He had been on quite a few diplomatic visits in the past but it had been quite a while since he had to talk to anyone, he was quite worried he would slip into his past self of clinging to people he met, afraid of being alone.
    Rouhi takes flight with a quick beat of his wings, the exquisite scenery of Hyaline quickly disappearing as clouds smother the sky, covering the land below. Rouhi keeps rising until he is above the clouds, here all is calm and quiet, the flow of air carries varied scents from all the different lands.
    The stallion catches a hint of brimstone as he passes Loess, looking down to try to take a look at the troublesome land, though all he can see are clouds.
    Rouhi now slowly descends until he can see everything below him, the air suddenly becomes quite cold, his fur clinging tight to his painted body as he approaches the frozen island, the land softly glistens as the sun hits it from above, the sight seems quite welcoming, though the cold makes him think otherwise.

    The snow crunches under his hooves as he makes a soft landing, his wings folding against his body as he makes his way inward.
    Before moving any further the stallion announces his presence, calling to the residents. The stallion looks around the island, he lowers his nose to try and see if there is any flora he can heal, though it appears as if everything is in a permanently frozen state.


    Jesper came to Icicle Isle for selfish reasons. After all of the hardships he had endured, the black stallion wanted to avoid the plague at all costs. While it is no longer untouchable, it has come to mean so much more than feeling safe. It is home. He treasures the peace and quiet. He thrives in the climate and, once again, feels like he has a purpose. On this spring day, the male patrols as an equine. By this point, Jesper had grown acclimated to the weather. Now, cold is a relative term. And, he has options if he needs to warm up. The meek daystar catches the bronze tips of his pricked ears and, the streaks of bronze in his tresses. The usual sounds of the Isle include a whipping, whistling, wind, the lapping of waves against the coast and, the dripping of water from an icicle.

    Today, Jesper hears the announcement of someone new. His poll lifts a little higher and his nostrils flare to widen his olfactory channels. He detects the hint of wisteria - familiar to him from his days in Hyaline. He immediately thinks, Solace! and, pushes forward into a lope. Eagerly, Jesper closes the distance with his head held high out of excitement. As he glides across the still snow-covered land, his nares detect the masculine tones of this visitor's cologne. He sighs in disappointment but presses on with a curious energy. Ice blue gaze soon rest upon the grullo and white winged male. Jesper's poll lowers slightly to an alert height but, one of respectful greeting. His ears prick towards the steed and, a genuine smile spreads across his labrums. There is nothing about this arrival or, the male's body language that seems imposing or, threatening. So, until then, Jesper would reserve any judgement.

    He slows to a walk several horselengths before the male and halts just before him. Jesper speaks in a casual tone, keeping his curiosity hidden beneath an inviting facade. "Greetings, traveler. My name is Jesper. What is yours?" He allows a few moments for the tovero to reply before he pipes up again. "We do not get many visitors from the mainland, let alone Hyaline. What brings you this far north?" Jesper idly shifts his weight as he falls silent again. Depending on how the conversation went from here, he had in mind to inquire about old acquaintances. Then again, perhaps too much time had gone by and the Queen Caretakers are retired.
    carnage x bethanie


    keep your dreams in check

    Rouhi shivers as a soft blanket of snow begins to cover his painted back, the shiver in his skin slowly dispelling each layer.
    At first, everything seems quite quiet, though soon he hears the beat of hooves crunching in the snow, slowly making their way over to Rouhi.
    The stallion mirrors the other horse's greeting, gently lowering his body to address the stranger, his wing slightly ajar from his body, caught adrift by the icy breeze. He wondered if any other residents would show up or if the isle was as quiet as it is cold, though Rouhi did not mind, he was quite fond of silence.
    "It is lovely to meet you Jesper, I am Rouhi" he smiles warmly, before he can even state where he is from, the resident is able to identify his scent and place his origin in Hyaline.

    Though rebirthing was unpleasant, the stallion wished it would happen right around now, at least then he could get some warmth for half an hour or so, though then again, exploding into a ball of fire probably wouldn't work so well as a greeting.

    Rouhi watches the mist of snow gather around his feet as the breeze sweeps it away, creating an eery yet calming atmosphere "I am here from Hyaline on a diplomatic visit, though there is no need to make it too formal" he smiles, he only needed to gather some info about the isle but he did not mind making a new friend, especially since it was something he struggled with in the past.


    Pale blue gaze notes the friendly body language of the grullo and white steed. The black sighs gently, out of relief, and keeps bronze-tipped ears pricked alertly atop poll. He listens carefully to the words Rouhi speaks, as well as the inviting tone he chooses when speaking. Jesper nods in understanding as the two-toned male continues. He waits to see if Rouhi offers more about Hyaline; what changes have taken place since his last visit.

    Alas, Rouhi does not continue and so, Jesper speaks up. "I am happy to answer any questions you may have, Rouhi. I was appointed leader of Icicle Isle, following Leilan's term. We align ourselves with Nerine. In fact, we consider ourselves an extension of the Northern kingdom." Jesper refrains from offering more information as the diplomat may not care to know. Having said that, there really is not more to divulge about the Isle, or her residents. He waits, patiently and silently, for Rouhi to inquire about anything more regarding the Isle. Since visitors are far and few between, why rush him along?
    carnage x bethanie

    @[Rouhi] , sorry it is short. Jesper is trying to be polite and, not do all the talking but, still be friendly =)

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