"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
07-11-2019, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2019, 12:47 PM by brunhilde.)
and all the quiet nights you bear, seal them up with care
no one needs to know they’re there, for i will hold them for you
Sometimes Brunhilde wonders what she would have been like as man. Would she have been as handsome as she is beautiful? Would the vibrant sunset of her coat ripple the same way? Would women desire her butterflies, find her unique, long to gaze into her golden eyes? She wishes she wore the type of body that drew the eyes of women, not in jealousy but in desire. As she grows older, she finds she wants twine around feminine curves than she wants to rub against masculine ridges. Perhaps one day she will find a man with a gentle gaze and wayward swing of his hips, but she doubts it when she lives amongst wild and roguish men. At least, they are what fill her home. More delicate men may reside elsewhere.
The graceful flame chews on her options as she finally arrives at the river. Curiosity and boredom have drawn her out of Loess. The depressive funk she was in feels as if it is slipping away as the spring arrives, and Hildy steps into a new skin while the flowers attempt to bloom.
The snowmelt creates a raging river. Being a creature of fire, Brun his averse to the crashing rapids. She tucks the fire of her wings closer to her body, prancing anxiously along the shore. Some strange draw is begging her to take a step in, then another, and another, until she is nearly submerged in the chilly water. She wonders what it would feel like to have her wings doused, then shakes her head uncomfortably. Her fiery appendages are new, but they already fit well upon her back. The idea of losing them stresses her.
So, the woman stands upon the damp dirt and pebbles, shuffling every so often. She drops her muzzle to the water and sips, still debating if she should turn tail and run.
someone come bother my fire baby, also all of her threads with this html has to be tagged mature because bewbz
I can remember a time when I was so afraid when even my shadow wouldn't follow me
Delicate features cringe on her golden face as she watches the weather float on from outside her cover of trees. She really hated winter, it has been said before and it will said again. Elaina is a child of summer through and through. She is a child of the sunshine, of flowers standing tall and beautiful, and she is a child of the warmth that she remembers surrounding her back when she had been with her family. This is not Elaina’s first winter, she had experienced her first when she had lived in Windskeep, her birth land. She remembered having fallen asleep between the dark form of her father and the creamy form of her mother, feeling safe and snug as they kept close to her. Not too far off lay her buckskin grandmother, always staying close to the small family inside an even larger extended one. Then, those eyes of amber had open beneath the fluttering of long, dark lashes and they opened wider still when the sights outside greeted her. It was a land cast into an alabaster shade, sparkling and shining in the morning sunshine. Quickly, she had wriggled out from between her parents and raced to the outside, her feet sinking immediately beneath the flakes stacked on top of each other. That ash dusted muzzle lowered towards, touch reaching out hesitantly to taste the little creations only to find they tasted like water, and were cold to the touch. How strange! She stomped around in the strange landscape, kicking up her heels as her parents watched, leaning against one another like perfect puzzle pieces of contrasting colors. It was only when a cold breeze brushed by over the icy landscape and Elaina felt a deep chill down to her bones that she moved back to the warmth and safety of her parents. “Okay,” she said in her young, little voice. “I think I am done with this, you can take it back to where it came from now.”
And has been her feelings on the matter of winter since.
She finds her way to the river once again, not sure why she enjoys the way it babbles and talks, filling the silence of her thoughts and concerns offers her so much comfort. She brushes past the tree line to the becoming ever more familiar sight of the rushing water. Elaina expects to be alone on this chilling day, but she seems to wrong on this idea, because amber eyes spot a girl wading into the river, nearly submerged in the no doubt icy waters. It is when she notices her wings, wings made of fire that pushes Elaina to move out from the trees, intrigued by what she has seen.
The sunflower girl comes from a land of magic, but it didn't seem to hold the same amount as this land did and Elaina is immediately taken by this girl and what she possess. “That looks cold,” she shouts out to the girl, hoping she would not startle the girl too much if at all. “Couldnt wait until spring?” She asks with a lilting note of playful laughter ticking the edges of her lips. This is when Elaina steps closer, letting her hooves touch the icy water, still so curious and enthralled she hardly can help herself but to move closer to the mare. “Your wings,” she says, pauses, that look of awe clear on her golden face. A breeze ruffles by, revealing that heart shaped birthmark on her brow. “They are beautiful.”
07-12-2019, 10:55 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2019, 10:57 AM by Aodhan.)
ice and fire
All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
Seals were great in the winter, especially surrounding Icicle Isle, but sea serpents were so much better.
Almost as fast as the falcon could dive, the white overgrown eel could now round the lands of Beqanna. Well, sometimes one just loves snooping around or racing the currents. The underwater world was full of surprises, and the number of different creatures he could see and try to replicate was huge. Nevertheless, he hadn’t yet decided which was better, flight or swimming - but then he didn’t really have to choose.
Nearing the rivermouth, currents grew stronger and the white serpent takes the challenge gladly. The river is cold and foaming, ideal for one so big and muscled as he is now, and so the white-and-gold sea serpent plunges himself upstream, a test of strength for the muscles he only had to think of to create. How different this was from being a rock for such a long time!
But propelling himself forwards with impeccable speed, he nearly misses the call of flame out of his green orb’s corner. Having reached a shallow bank, the serpent turns and curiously curls himself up underwater, debating if he should go to shore with a big jump and change once more, or if he enjoys the water just a little longer and see how long it takes the girls to see the great white figure, adorned with golden backfins, staring at them conversing.
They’re lucky he was born a horse. After all, if he was only a predator, one of them would be long dead by now.
@[brunhilde] @Elaina forgive the crappy introduction please
and all the quiet nights you bear, seal them up with care
no one needs to know they’re there, or i will hold them for you
To say she does not want to be bothered is an understatement. Brunhilde is experimenting with the unknown, and the idea of a stranger’s eyes upon her while she sits within uncertainty leaves a vile taste in her mouth. Hildy, Khal purrs in her mind, amusement clear in his tone. He is tucked away in some of the bushes upon the opposite shore, feline eyes twinkling as he watches over her. She casts him her signature irritated look before realizing his gaze is gesturing at a woman behind her. Her sigh is released just as Elaina begins to speak.
“Maybe I prefer the cold,” she calls out without turning to look at the sweet-voiced mare. The water does not part for her when she begins to back away; still, she finds her footing and slowly wades into shallower water.
It is not until Khal yells Brunhilde! and her eyes fully focus on the water that she notices the white and gold serpent. Initially, her head pulls back an inch, though she quickly finds she is not particularly terrified of creature. Khal, on the other hand, bristles at the opposite shore, predatory fangs baring in a pissed off growl. The pebbles clatter beneath Hildy’s hooves when she continues to back away, an almost taunting leisure in her steps. Not stupid, but not particularly wise, she hardly bows to those that wish to terrify.
Her lion companion still angrily glaring into the water, Hildy settles into a relatively safe bubble. Her hungry, golden eyes drift slowly down Elaina’s face. “Pretty,” she murmurs, sidling closer. “I’m Brunhilde.”
@[Elaina] @[Aodhan] don't mind brun hitting on a straight girl
I can remember a time when I was so afraid when even my shadow wouldn't follow me
“She’s beautiful, you know.” He breathes as he watches her in the distance. “It was the first thing I noticed when I met her. Not her physical beauty (though she has plenty of that, mind you), but the beauty of that light that I could see dancing just behind her eyes. It was incredible, just to see how alive and full of energy this one little person could be. And, I’m embarrassed to admit … I fell in love right on the spot.” Benjamin had spoken these words to Beylani however long ago, on the ancient grounds of Windskeep as Elaina danced in the distance, chasing butterflies, believing if she just ran fast enough, just ran hard enough, maybe she could lift off and take to the skies. He speaks these words about that beautiful golden daughter of his, a smile on that usually solemn face. Elaina would have loved to hear those words, it would have tickled her pink, but, as fate would have it, they were just another thing that was lost when Frostbane stole a father from his daughter.
Elaina has never been proud or arrogant and so when a stranger dismisses her with ease, Elaina is not hurt, but she cannot deny that she is curious. She has never thought so highly of herself to deem herself worthy of everyone’s affections and attention. In fact, Elaina was much more content in the company of a few others. “Just be safe, please,” she calls out to her, thinking, perhaps, she ought to leave this mare to her devices and move on. But it is in about the same moment that Brunhilde notices something stirring beneath the surface. “What is that?” Elaina ushers under her breath, attempting to not raise her voice out of fear that the loud noise may disturb the creature. Her breath is caught in her lungs, she holds it, as if this is the one thing she can offer the mare who now slowly backs out of the water. The matter and suspense is not made any lighter as the mare seems to almost taunt the serpent creature as she exits the river.
It is only when the stunning mare exits the moving water and comes to Elaina’s side that the golden, sunflower mare can usher a sigh of relief. Her own eyes of amber look at the way those golden eyes saunter down her Spanish face. “Are you okay? That thing didn't bit you did it?” She asks worriedly, amber eyes searching the mare’s body for any sign of injury. Elaina still holds a mild blissful ignorance and so she hears Brunhilde’s words as a simply compliment and nothing more. “Thank you,” she says with a pretty smile. “You are quite stunning yourself, I mean your wings,” she says almost breathlessly, unsure of how to describe the mare before her. The mare has moved herself closer to Elaina, still, the golden mare does not mind, her assumption is it is all friendly. “I am Elaina,” she says before eyeing the water once more. “Do you think it’s gone?”
08-26-2019, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 02:04 PM by Aodhan.)
little fire
All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
To terrify is not the goal, hence his waiting to be spotted instead of popping up right next to her head. It is merely to find the extent of shifting and changing. For one with a trait like his, the possibilities are endless and he wants to familiarize himself with every possible situation. The fact that he actually found someone standing in the river, is new, and therefore must be investigated.
The serpent-formed male watches the scene unfold with curiosity and amusement; frankly, it’s quite a funny one, even with the muffled underwater sounds. As soon as they make eye contact, the flame-winged mare seems undisturbed, but backs away at any rate as if that was the normal way of walking in and out the water for her. The cat though, is far more interesting to the shifter, yet instead of being scared by the predatory animal’s stare or it’s hissing, he lazily swims towards the shore and lifts his large, finned (and shark-toothed) head out of the water, to study the lion, thinking of taking the same shape - about just in time to hear the golden-coloured mare behind him, ask if “it’s gone”.
His head still sticking out of the water like a submarine’s periscope, almost within reach of the predator on the shore but safe enough for now - knowing cats don’t particularly like the water - the serpent turns his head slowly, to stare at the palomino with a slight trace of offense on his reptilian face. ”Hello to you, too.” Beautiful these mares may be, they’re quick to judge a book by its cover. ”What form would you prefer instead? The lion?” he moves his head to indicate the glaring cat, then looks to the fire-winged mare, ”...your companion?” Looking back to Elaina, he gives her a grin and changes - matching her exactly, down to being female, and propels his new mare-body across the water, swimming with ease to meet them though the copy of Elaina doesn’t set foot ashore just yet. ”As you wish. Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder after all.” ‘she’ says when she meets the duo (though with a different edge in ‘her’ voice, betraying the fact that fake-Elaina was originally male).
Studying them both from the water’s shallow edges, the newly-made palomino mare now wonders if she offended her mirror image a little too much. But then again, what good is shifting and being able to alter oneself, if he only takes the form of non-existent creatures? No, actually this might be much more fun. Perhaps he, she, should take the form of another horse more often. It might prove useful somehow, he figures.