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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    One for All [Camomila]
    Summer on the Isle is not lush enough to permit one to become pleasantly plump as the rest of Beqanna does. The season does require a lot less: less fur because wearing your full winter pelt will make you sweat; less calories burned to keep warm; less time spent sleeping because you are trying to conserve calories and body heat (or, frankly, there is nothing better to do); and, less effort in general. On this summer day, Jesper finds himself in search of the mint green mare, Camomila. With diplomatic and political affairs in order (for now), the black pursues a personal interest.

    He has thought her attractive since the first time he laid his blue eyes upon her. Her aura, her physique and, even the colors which paint her, seem magestic and elegant; and, to a certain degree, mystical. He found her captivating and, for the first time in a while, it is a relief to feel desire again. Jesper kept to himself for the winter months as, most residents either left the Isle for food or, hunker down and, prefer to be left alone. But now, there is no excuse not to be social and mingle. Social, he could be. The equine certainly has no problem using his words though, flirting and courting may prove to be awkward. It sure has been a while. Well, one step at a time, Jesper reminds himself.

    As if meant literally, right hind hoof reaches forward to the ground beneath barrel. Right fore, marked with its fetlock-high white sock, lands purposefully in the coarsely woven grass of the southern coast. Left hind and left fore follow suit, each one made one after the other. The male's stride is purposeful and confident with a relaxed swing through hips. His pace is casual and steady.

    Jesper permits his olfactory sense to track her perfume and, guide him to her side. He approaches the lady with a warm smile and bronze-tipped lobes focused upon her. He halts a respectful distance in front of her but, close enough that, when outstretched, his whiskered muzzle can gently touch hers to exchange their scents in greeting. Only after their exchange does the black greet her verbally. "Lady Camomila, it is a pleasure to be in your company, once more. I must say, the summer days do wonders for your hue. How are you?"

    Slow and easy would be his plan. A compliment or two should break the ice and soften the conversation a bit. If he could avoid discussing matters of the Isle, and its Council, perhaps he could share his own feelings. Content to spend the rest of the day beside her, the stallion assumes a relaxed stance and listens wholeheartedly to her.
    carnage x bethanie

    Spring had come and gone in the blink of an eye. Camomila watched as other mares gave birth to new foals and raise them into summer. It always warmed her heart to see the young ones grow and explore. It was a reminder that their land was growing, that it was finally home to everyone. The young ones were the future of their land, and that gave Camomila more purpose than ever. She needs to protect their future, to help guide them to success and happiness. But, despite her position in the council, she wasn’t feeling like she played a part in making their home grow, a part in making their future. All she did was make decisions with their leader, protect the land and keep the peace. Somehow, that didn’t feel like it was enough…

    The minty mare grazed on the grass, doing her best to externally hide her internal turmoil. Her tail flicked, ear twitched as she took a step forward. She was used to hearing others trotting by and learned most wanted nothing to do with her, so she usually ignored them. However, when she heard approaching steps suddenly stop, her curiosity raised her head.

    Camomila smiles softly at the familiar male and accepted the greeting touch. A light giggle sounded at his compliment. “Why, thank you,” she said. She assumed he was only trying to be kind, so she didn’t put too much thought into his compliment. “I am doing quite well actually. Our land has finally become a real home, and this last spring has blessed us with new foals to help our home grow.” She averted her eyes to glance over the nearby foals with their mothers. But no matter how happy she felt, her eyes could not mask her longing to do more. Camomila looked back at Jesper, “How are you?”

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    The black offers a genuine smile back as the mint dame recognizes him. Her giggle spurs an excitement within that he had not felt in years. He did his best to hide behind his already alert but, warm features. Jesper nods when she mentions how blessed the land seems with new activity and, more youth all around them. Perhaps, she is thinking along the same lines as me, after all, he thinks to himself. The black steed decides to use this energy she brings and, speak honestly. "I am well enough; though, Lady Camomila, I long for a constant companion; a trustworthy partner and friend and, a loyal love."

    He pauses, for emphasis and dramatic effect, here. In the meantime, his aquamarine gaze searches hers, softening to a softer and warmer intensity than before. He hopes his words have intrigued her enough to pull her entire attention onto him. With a gentle sigh, he goes on. "Lady Camomila, I see that in you. You are fiercely loyal to this Isle and, her residents. You are nurturing yet, strong. You are independent and resourceful. My attraction to you grows and, I came, today, seeking your approval to allow me to court you."

    Jesper is careful with his words. He had yet to hear her direct interest in him. Call him old-fashioned (immortality certainly has its quirks) but, he simply could not rush in and ask her to be his mate. No. If she could feel the chemistry he picks up on every time he stands in her aura then, this connection would surely blossom into one of grace and power but, all in good time. He knew his offer may seem intimidating so, he stands in a patient calmness that has his heart pounding, in anticipation, within his chest cavity.
    carnage x bethanie

    A warmness swelled in her chest at the sight of Jesper’s smile, and a certain softness fell upon her face. She always enjoyed seeing others smile. He started his reply, and her softness was replaced with curiosity, and then back again. Only this time, there was something more behind her eyes. A constant companion, a trustworthy partner and friend, a loyal love. Jesper had admitted what it was he was hoping to find. Why he was telling her, she couldn’t quite say. But it gave her pause. There was something about having such a thing that made her suddenly feel so...lonely. Camomila had been all on her own most of her life. Her status made her impartial, so she hardly had any friends. She had treated everyone with equal kindness, as if all those within her Kingdom were her own family. That’s because in her mind, they were. But she never got the chance to get to know any of them. And her real family...they weren’t with her. Her parents retired and had gone off doing their own thing, while her brother made her his enemy.

    Perhaps...perhaps what Jesper was looking for, she had also come to desire without realizing it. But she felt selfish to allow herself to imagine having a mate. She was fortunate to have what she has, a high position in the council. Her people were supposed to be her top priority, the only thing she could afford do think about. Wasn’t asking for something more personal too much? She knew the answer, however. Many others have mates and foals while maintaining their positions, some are even leaders. She was no different. But it was her obsession with protecting those below her that made her feel as if she was an exception. She never made time for herself; it’s only natural she feels selfish whenever she finally does. That didn’t mean there was anything wrong with it.

    Jesper’s voice broke the silence between them, his eyes locking with hers. She couldn’t bring herself to turn her gaze away. His words sank in slowly, as she had never heard them spoken to her before. No one had ever shown such an interest in her. Perhaps it was her work that drove males away. It was all she ever had her nose buried in; so why approach a mare who’s too busy working to pay them any attention? But Jesper was different. He claimed that her dedication to her work and residents was attractive. He even went as far as calling her nurturing, strong, independent and resourceful. They were qualities she had known she had, but never gave much thought to, never considered admirable, or even attractive. They were things she had to learn in order to be a good leader. She needed to watch over and protect the residents of her land as a mother to her children, and be just as powerful whenever they are threatened. Independence and resourcefulness was necessary, as the only one she could truly rely on and trust was her own judgement. Things went wrong if she entrusted important tasks to others. She did all of the work on her own, carried the full weight of leadership on her shoulders. She would not give that burden to any other.

    Jesper liked those things about her, and was not driven away by them. He was attracted to her because of it. She blinked a few times, her face heating up to the tip of her ears, heart pounding. He wanted to court her. Someone actually wanted to court her. Jesper was always kind and respectful, and the fact that he asked for her permission, and wished to take their time courting before deciding on a mateship or not, was very admirable. It made her heart warm, and a soft smile splayed across her gentle face. He is a fine stallion, and Camomila couldn’t help being tempted by his offer. They both wanted a mate, and he cared for their land as much as she did. He was dependable, honorable, faithful and true. He is very charming, polite, and she found his company quite pleasant. Those were reason enough to give him a fair chance.

    She broadened her smile just slightly, “You are very kind to ask me. I would be honored to court you.” She dipped her head in agreement, habit making her more formal than she had intended. She hoped it wouldn’t offend him...

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    The black wonders how his words will be received. His light blue gaze flicks over her mint features as he tries to read between her smiles. She is smiling he thinks to himself. She seems receptive. Things with Lavendel had unfolded much faster. Though, it is difficult to say if that was for the best. Alas, Lavendel is his past and, he hopes that Camomila may be the key to his future.

    His focus shifts from his inner musings and back onto the radiant mare. For a moment, she appears in shock. As if, this sort of thing just doesn't happen to her. His rubbery lips maintain the gentle curve of his warm smile while he patiently waits for her reply. Her words soon reach his bronze-tipped lobes and, he hears, "You are very kind to ask me. I would be honored to court you." She then dips her profile. Jesper lowers his poll as well though, he steps forward to extend his whiskered muzzle to brush against hers. The gesture may be too forward but, he intends to reassure her that this is real. He wants to be here, with her. He exchanges a warm whuff and presses the soft, fleshy part between his nostrils against her nose. He holds the touch for a breath or two more then, he withdraws his head. He takes a step back so he is not invading her space for too long and then, he finds his gentlest voice. "We can go at your pace, Cam; as slow or, as fast, as you would like. Um, if it is all right with you, I would like to show you something. Maybe tomorrow?"
    carnage x bethanie


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