"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
A few have gone before her when she passes through the archway, anxiously keeping to one side. An overblown rose brushes her shoulder and its petals tumble across her back before she disappears.
The lake is dark but glitters before her liquid black eyes. She stares for a few moments, and then peers down into the water where, somehow, her reflection waits. Above the dark eyes velvet antlers of powder blue, reach heavenward. Her pelt is bright white and pointed with cerise. The girl cannot help but turn a circle to see all of herself, waves of pink have overtaken her mane and tail and they twist and bounce with her every movement. It is the wings that leave her breathless. They not feathered but silken and soft. Made of petals themselves, each creamy white fading into pink.
Stretching them to a vast span before gingerly laying the appendages against her back once more the mare directs her attention to the fête and all the faces she cannot know. They are splendid, garish, fierce, and fun and her endless eyes track them all though one would not know for how black and motionless they seem.
Demure, she wanders from the lake side to a shadow curtained corner. She is glad to watch everyone else, though the thought of meeting a stranger she might never identify makes her heart race. Giving the velvet antlers a little shake the rose-petal lass looks expectantly toward another who happens to be wandering her way. “Have you discovered anyone you know, yet?” Her voice is not changed she notices, and hopes it won’t lead to her being found out before she can enjoy her evening of anonymity.
Seven characteristics are in an uncultivated person, and seven in a learned one
Everything around him feels and looks soft. Each blade of grass round, the leaves on their branches a hazy blur as they bob in a comfortable breeze. The air he sucks in through his black nose is laced with some sort of pleasant aroma. He looks out into the mingling crowd through eyes that are covered by a literal mask-shaped marking: silver filigree loops bending and twisting to disguise an otherwise emotionless stare.
Hardly believing it possible, the wanderer had come along at the news of this party to see if his true identity could really be concealed or not. Curiosity, more than anything. A passing fancy that had been satisfied as soon as he stepped through those sweeping arches.
Clever, he thought of himself when given the opportunity to glance at his own reflection like he saw others doing. Same build and height, same mane and tail though both were streaked through with bright, glowing streaks of red. His white markings changed to just the silver mask, his eyes dimmed and turned to molten pewter. Down his throat and covering his chest an overlapping of hard, medium-sized scales had settled like plates on his skin. They were silver too. And to top the look off a brilliant splash of red and silver filigree covered his backside like an artist’s-made marking.
Vadar was impressed.
Now he mingled, approached an antlered mare who seemed to eye him warmly enough when he did so, and replied “Even if I did, I think I'd keep the secret.” He smirked, lowering his deep bass to a near whisper. “Should we guess each other anyways?”
i never said that i would be your lover
i never said that i would be your friend
i never said that i would take no other
The glow of the fae-lights floating in the air around them glints off the surface of the masked man’s scales, drawing the eye. Her dark eyes roam over him as eagerly as her topaz ones would but their abyssal depths give nothing away at all. In this form, with those eyes, she is still beautiful but with an edge of other-worldliness. The eyes might make her more herself than any feature in this body or the one she will return to come morning.
Too bad she cannot keep them.
A conspiratorial smile pulls at her bright lips and she inclines her antlered skull in a subtle nod. “Good to know.” Her own voice low, and then contrasted by a few soft notes of laughter. “Yes, lets try. What will the rules be then? Should we give one another clues?” The woman is only half serious, she would rather not be guessed, would rather play the hidden hostess and keep everyone wondering, perhaps share an interaction with someone that she would not if they knew her face.
“Or... “ She trails off sliding against curtain of shadow as her features drift into a thoughtful blankness, and then there is a subtle mischievous purse of the lips. “A game of questions? ...yes and no?” Looking back to the face of the silver masked man with the molten grey eyes. “If you had another idea of course, please go right ahead.” A quirk of the brow, a game smile whispering across her mouth.
Seven characteristics are in an uncultivated person, and seven in a learned one
Even under the certain safety of a well-placed disguise it’s hard to let go of what he feels inside. His female counterpart was welcome to look; shit he liked the way it made her stare. Enjoyed the sensation of those amber-warm eyes sinking into his skin and then surfacing again without disinterest or disgust. But the vile creature in his gut writhes anyways, reminding him that what they were engaged in was only as real as the illusions surrounding them. He couldn’t forget. Not even for the moment.
But what he could do, what he was constantly getting better at was pretending.
Rules? He thinks with the soft look of disapproval. A raised brow made obvious by the scrollwork covering his sterling-colored gaze tells her exactly what he thinks of guidelines. But he bites his tongue behind a shockingly handsome smirk and meanders casually at her heels, on the other side of the gossamer black curtain so the two of them can view one another through a thin veil of shadows. Momentarily, Vadar distracts himself by watching petals fall free from her wings. They drift on ghostly strings across her cream-colored skin.
“Too obvious.” He decides against her attempts at satisfying his curiosity. It’s a ruse of sorts. He’s grinning the entire time he upbraids her. “The you I’m admiring right now isn’t the real you… ” Vadar murmurs, edging forward down a path that leads them further apart from the others. “I think it’d be more appropriate to fabricate an entirely fake existence to go along with the look.” The stallion laughs smoothly.
Desiring to see her smile as well, he looks back at her now. “You and your lover are cursed.” Vadar begins, lowering his tone to match the mood of an evening sky and blinking fireflies. “Separated you both can stay in horse form, alluring and mystical.” He winks, “But when you come together you can’t help but transform. Your body becomes an antlered doe and his becomes a fearsome predator. One destined to hunt the other for eternity.”