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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Cannibal Glow (Colby)
    church bells
    a diamond bullet

    and a gun made of gold
    Wind howled fiercely in the dead of night, a bone chilling shiver grappled the flesh of the dancing being. If their bones could jangle, oh what sweet music they would sing, a dirge for the day and a serenade for the stars above. 
    Church Bells fast approached the river, its lively splashing speaking to them, beckoning them to come closer, and as they did they saw their moon white hide in the reflection of the water. The only distinctive markings on their body were a few splashes of black and some swipes of pink, apart from that their skin was perfect, pale, pristine. 

    A whip of their exposed tail bone swung their onyx hairs, slapping away some pestering bugs. They lowered their head and began to sip the cold, sweet water of the old river, which did nothing to disturb it from its journey to the ocean beyond.


    dragon-shifting daughter of ashhal and ryatah

    She is older, but the childishness of her face is still evident. There is the beginning of curves and angles in her yearling body, a telling sign of what was to come, although they remained mostly hidden by immature baby fat and undeveloped muscles. Slowly, the dark pitch of her once black coat had begun to fade, and even though she was now the same startling, nearly unnatural white as her mother, there was a small disappointment in not looking identical to her twin anymore. She was sure Cassian didn’t mind, and perhaps there was something striking and pleasing about seeing the black and white pair together, but she can’t help but to feel some sadness at the change. It was the only thing she had had to make her feel normal.

    When she comes to the river today, it is by ground. She has been cautious of her dragon form as of late, for she didn’t like the change that took hold over her. It had been easy to ignore, at first; the flashes of anger that came from nowhere, and the sudden craving for blood and bone. But as time wore on, they became more persistent. There were times she became afraid that she didn’t have the self control to keep from doing something she would regret later, and the feeling terrified her. So it became easier to simply bury it.

    But even in her equine form, there was always something noticeably reptilian about her eyes. Angular, with black pupils that slit through the ice blue of her irises. It’s those eyes that settle on the older horse near  the river, and after a moment’s hesitation, the young girl makes her way over. “Hi!” She offers an amicable smile along with her greeting, although she can feel a faint tingle of uncertainty creep up her spine. She didn’t talk to strangers often, especially not without Cassian. “My name is Casimira.” Her gaze sweeps across the stranger’s face, noting the different hues and markings. “I like your pink.”


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