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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I love the way you hate me; BADWOLF
    The clear, moonless night danced with starlight, dark enough Badwolf could look up and see stardust laced with shadows. Dark enough she could creep out of the shelter of naked tree branches that had long since dropped their leaves without feeling naked and exposed herself. She could dissolve into dust a bit like those distant stars, though nothing as glorious as that faraway shimmering galactic band, nothing so grand. Hers was the dust of earth, humble and ashen, not glittering with life and possibility.

    She was a daughter of magic and misery, and where those who came before her could turn the world to dust on a whim, she could only break down parts of herself, sacrificing bits of who she was over and over, letting her self give way beneath the demands of a ravenous world that only ever always wanted to devour. But no matter how much of her the vicious world might consume, each piece would only turn to dust in that cold bitch’s mouth, dust and ash that crumbled away into nothing, only to come home and restore itself to her body.

    Because fuck you. You’ll never get all of me.

    The grey of her coat had faded further through the years since she’d last set foot in Beqanna, soft white laced with dapples, and soft steely blue snowflakes still fell in lazy drifts down her skin barely visible beneath the light of cold, sparkling starlight. When the moon rose high in the sky, it lit her up like a heartless, vicious spotlight, highlighting every imperfection of her form, every awkward angle and curve that made her something not quite hideous, not quite horrific, but cursed with ugliness all the same. But the stars. They were quieter, leaving her the sweet lie of the shadows that were the only thing to ever embrace her.

    So when darkness blanketed the land once again, she crept out of the cave that shielded garish blue eyes from the blinding light of day. She itched to see the stars; it shivered along her skin like sand clinging to her hair, her whole body aware of the sensation, waking up and needing to move. She wasn’t built to be cooped up, but it was her only option during the day if she wanted to function.

    Maybe once the plague was cured, darkness would fall across the land, and endless night that left her free to roam. Wouldn’t that be a lovely change? Ha. The world was never so kind, not to creatures of dust and shadow.

    She paused though, a different kind of shiver running down her spine as she stepped into a patch of forest that seemed darker than the others around it. Normally this would be a pleasant surprise, but in this particular case it set the hair down her spine tingling and standing at a hint of attention, a cold shudder like icicles trailing along her skin. She stilled, bright blue eyes searching the darkness until they found the eerie green glow of eyes watching her. Caution should have won out, but she’d never claimed to be smart.

    “Who the fuck are you then, spooky?”

    Messages In This Thread
    I love the way you hate me; BADWOLF - by Pazuzu - 03-05-2019, 05:15 PM
    RE: I love the way you hate me; BADWOLF - by Badwolf - 03-08-2019, 03:32 PM

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