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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Desolation comes upon the sky // Luster


    It was nice, spending time with her second oldest son. Shahrizai was perhaps the child she spent the most time with, at least cumulatively over the course of both of their lives; Leilan topped him technically but the latter pair shared a very different kind of relationship. Leilan was only beginning to come into his own as a man, a father, and a level-headed creature (and that's not a criticism because Scorch didn't start down that path until her third child with the same stallion, either), whereas Shahrizai was a veteran of adulthood and fatherhood. Her tailless son had a tranquility about him that she was sure came from his father... Leilan definitely did not inherit that same quality.

    Too much Scorch in him.

    During one of their recent conversations, the topic of Shah's children had come up (Scorch's grandchildren). Besides Heartfire, she had yet to interact with any of his children, a fact that both the creatures resented. Shah suggested many names that she might go in search of, but that one that stuck out to her was Luster. Her father spoke of her fondly but the details were lacking; more than that Scorch supposed, Luster had been the only one whose presence Shah could guarantee besides the lovely Heartfire (who, in respect of her namesake it would seem, also had too much Scorch in her).

    The trouble was that she lived some ways away. The trouble in this did not necessarily arise from the actuality of traveling itself, but from the fact that since the spread of the contagion, the ancient mare had yet to travel from Nerine. She had lived now to see one too many shifts in the Beqannian landscape to be able to stomach another; but enough time passed that her vindictive attitude gradually dissolved into huffy sighs and eye rolls. No amount of skulking in the kingdom she knew as home would make the faeries any less chaotic.

    The journey went quickly, with her pass through Tephra going smoothly and without notice. She had spotted Magnus early on, and they exchanged a call across the landscape before continuing on their ways. The two, though not well known to each other, knew that Nerine and Tephra were allied and so did not stress the need of an interaction. Lucky, she thought at first.

    Then she got to the coast; less lucky.

    She eyed the waters for a moment, lifting her head and feeling the wind against her skin. After a short time of contemplation, the mare snorted loudly and shook out her mane; then, she extended a twilight bridge from coast to coast and began to walk across it quite easily. She used this method often when travelling to Ischia, before Brennen moved to Nerine; it saved the literal skin on her back, for the salt water of Beqanna's oceans caused her mutilated body to shrivel up like a raisin, and then bleed like a raspberry.

    Fruit rat.

    Setting hoof on to the white-sand beach of Island Resort, Scorch considered calling out, but decided against it. Luster would find her. Or at least, someone would.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

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