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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Newspaper year 195- summer 198
    I'm going to do the crazy attempt of making a 'newspaper', at the request of several oldies returning and having missed out on some things xD. I will try to picture things accurately, but if I make a mistake or if you think your pony should be in this and they're not, just let us know here as a reply, thank you! This will hopefully be helpful as a "who should I stalk" thread as well as a "what the F is happening on here" thread.

    Major Kingdom events yr 195-198
    Sylva has been taken over by Modicum Mortem in year 195 because he manipulated Sabra into thinking she could not care for her kingdom any longer. Sabra and Lavendel were taken in by Hyaline for a short while, whereas Jesper and Deiti ran to Ischia. Other evil-doers gradually joined Morty in Sylva, hoping to wreck more havoc together than alone. As a 'way in', Lokii has killed Brennen's daughters Khaeli and Alonwy in year 196 and took their hearts to show to Morty.
    In year 196, Jesper, Brennen's grandson, spent 6 BQ months in Sylva to learn about the new occupants of his former kingdom first-hand as a spy.
    In year 196, Astarael, a young daughter of Brennen's, went to the mountain to curse the fairies. In turn, they cursed her with Demon Mimicry, to which she walked up to Sylva and announced herself to Morty, who took her gladly as his queen. Modicum Mortem has since died, leaving Astarael as queen of Sylva.
    In year 196, Sylvans stole a pregnant Krone, former Keeper of Ischia, and in year 197, they abducted Wound from Tephra. In fall year 197, Astarael decided to steal a pregnant Lavendel from Ischia, just to mess with Jesper's head.

    At roughly the same time Sylva was taken over (195), Arthas had arrived in Loess, swooning Lepis the now 1,5 year old child-queen of Ivar and Heda, and she gave him the kingdom as a gift. He allied with Sylva, together forming a front of darker kingdoms. In the winter of year 195 to spring year 196, Leilan, a brother of Ischia, had been stolen to Loess but escaped after about 4 months of time there. He says he got bored.
    In year 197, Arthas announced that Wolfbane should be his heir, and after another 6 months in BQ, Wolfbane took the throne as King of Loess in that same year.
    Wolfbane has since appointed Lepis his Cleric and Arthas his General, and has the kingdom for hire. They are currently (year 198) contracted by Nerine, which should last for about a year.

    Ischia (Krakens)
    Ischia has in year 195 been taken over by Brennen to make it into a brotherhood. This plot has been running for some time, where Brennen has been recruiting several young men to Ischia, and voted Krone out of leadership together with his new recruits. Klaudius was notably less than pleased about this and moved his purple family to Tephra in year 196, with the exception of Kylin, who wished to stay because Ischia was her only ever true home.
    Ischia is, next to the brotherhood kingdom, also inhabited by: Kylin, Ivar, Nyxa and Hod (and their children). They live secluded from the brothers.

    Warrick and Wound accepted the purple and green family into their home, although it turns out Klaudius, still angry with Brennen for 'what he did to Krone' wasn't too happy with Warrick and Brennen allying their kingdoms. .
    In year 196, Krone got stolen by Sylva , where in spring year 197, she birthed another set of twins (by Durotan): Kanamae, the oldest son, fled to Hyaline after birth, and Kreep, the second born, was taken in by Jackel and raised with the Sylvans. Krone was killed after birthing her twins.
    In year 197, Wound was also stolen by Sylva and impregnated by Modicum Mortem sometime before his death. In Sylva, she birthed Vadar, where she resides currently still under the eye of Crevan and Maugrim.
    Klaudius in the meantime, had been pushing Warrick to take more action on Sylva. He wanted the best for his family and thought challenging Warrick for the throne would be the best way to achieve that.

    Nerine (Leviathans)
    Nerine has contracted blood alliances with both Tephra and Hyaline in year 194 and 195, respectively. Wound's daughter Wishbone was sent to Nerine as a yearling in year 195, as well as Ilma's younger daughter Tähti from Hyaline a little later, in fall. They were exchanged for Philomena, Scorch's adopted daughter who was sent to Tephra, and Sochi, Sloene's daughter who has been residing in Hyaline. Around spring year 196, Hestia, the queen of Nerine, died and left the kingdom in the hands of Scorch, her Advisor. Scorch led the kingdom for a short while and appointed Wishbone the Nerinian heir to the throne, effectively reinstating the bond with Tephra and making sure the kingdom would be in good, strong young hands. Wishbone has been leading Nerine since the end of summer year 196.
    Before handing over the kingdom to Wishbone, Scorch instated a sister-alliance with the brotherhood of Ischia. Together, both kingdoms held a Tournament for their members to get to know one another and to determine who would be worthy of higher titles in either kingdom. Scorch also appointed Breckin, a diplomat, to the rank of Idrilat (Ambassador/Advisor) on the same day that she handed the crown to Wishbone.
    Wishbone allied with Wolfbane's new version of Loess on the first occasion, and the Loessians abducted Klaudius on his way from Tephra to the plains, to make sure the challenge for Warrick's throne was never completed. Klaudius is currently a prisoner in Nerine, guarded by Scorch.

    Hyaline has grown in year 195 with the addition of Kagerus, and later Ilma who was recruited by Kagerus. All three mares have been actively recruiting since. The kingdom has prospered under Solace's leadership (instilled in year 194), effectively becoming a sanctuary for all horses in need, not only the children and young horses like it used to be before. Hyline has grown from a sub-kingdom to an independent neutral force since, and has allied with Nerine, Tephra, and Ischia as well as keeping a neutral stance with Loess despite their alliance with Sylva.
    Kagerus and Solace meanwhile developed a passion for one another, although Kagerus has not-birthed a son (Abysm) with another man just before, and Solace was carrying Castile's twins (former Regent of Loess, at the time of Lepis' rule). Solace has named Kagerus her partner and the two queens of Hyaline have ruled the kingdom since. They have recently gotten triplets (Kagerus dreaming herself male for conception) and are living a relatively happy life in Hyaline.

    Outside-of-kingdom drama
    The daredevil-queen of Nerine has it going with several men, including Wolfbane, Ivar, and Khaedrik. To be continued... I think.

    Convinced the BQ fairies to revive her husband Hestoni to live with her, but it turns out they are both infertile and will not have any more children. Isn't 10 enough, you guys?

    Brennen's grandson Jesper had lived in Sylva for a while under Sabra's rule, developing a tight bond with Lavendel (Lamb) and his half-sister Deiti while there. Right after instillation of the brotherhood and them hearing about Sylva being turned evil, he insisted with his grandfather he be sent there as a spy. Doing this, he met with every evil horse in that one kingdom, including his niece Astarael, and the mother of his half-sister Deiti who thought he might be Deiti himself (due to their black base colour and sapphire eyes). Scorched by Drax, a former Ischian, and drowned by Maugrim, Jesper developed a PTSD syndrome which, after 6 months in Sylva, almost kept him from coming home to Ischia.

    This Kelpie has been living in Ischia and been waiting for a chance to claim Kylin as his mate, aside from Isobell. He has made it no secret that he wants every mare he can get and does not incline to share (especially not with Klaudius, the father of Kylin's first daughter). Kylin now has a second daughter, by Ivar this time.

    Basically being an ass over the last BQ years, his challenging Warrick for the Tephran throne ended badly for him and he is being held captive by Scorch and Wishbone in Nerine, awaiting a trial of sorts.

    The Tephran king recently found out that Carnage, the one he hates most in this world, is actually his father. After this confrontation, he has decided to ask the fairies on the mountain for help protecting his kingdom, but instead Carnage shows up and dares him to bring him a piece of Pangea, which is currently still underwater.

    Among the brothers to vote against Krone and then being stolen to Loess, he has an interesting relationship with both Loess and Ischia, trying to mend (failing at that) the kingdom's strife as much as he could after being stolen and escaping. This was over as soon as Wolfbane took the Loessian throne, however, Arthas and Leilan are still on rivalry with one another.
    Presumably heartbroken by the Nerinian diplomat Breckin due to misunderstandings, the has taken it upon himself to roam around Beqanna and be with every other girl he can find. Not exactly the right behaviour for a warrior brother of Ischia or a son of an Amazon legend, but not (yet) to the extend that this reflects badly on his brothers. Recently, he and Breckin had another meeting (further complicated by Arthas) and a major fallout right after. Feels if you want them!

    Major quests
    The Alliance - The Alliance has taken place again, this time putting Kagerus and Brennen in the finale. Brennen has won the Alliance and a year of immunity for his whole kingdom, the new Brotherhood of Ischia.

    The Beqanna Games - The BQ Games were well-received, with a lot of horses gathering to play. Horses were put in teams of three, each horse doing three quests in the categories Courage, Intelligence, and Strength. The three winning teams were: Team Beta, consisting of Mosrael, Jesper and Castile (third place); Team Zeta, consisting of Khaedrik, Belgaer and Scorch (second place), and Team Iota, consisting of Madelyn, Amorette and Leilan (first place). Each team was rewarded with a metallic bronze, silver, or golden mane and tail, respectively. Needless to say they all take pride in their new colours, though of course, some brag more than others.
    Year 198 summer-fall update

    Warrick has fallen ill. Kromium, one of Klaudius’ numerous spawn, has challenged for the volcano-kingdom’s leadership and won by forfeit due to this illness. Due to Warrick’s relative absence, there’s nothing else to report thus far, though it seems some previous members are slowly returning to the kingdom. Will they accept Kromium?

    With the death of Modicum Mortem, Astarael has taken over as queen. However she seems to have kept quiet, and now Arthas, champion of Loess, is claiming it. It is unclear if the Sylvans will not counter this and vote for someone else yet.

    Wishbone has ruled Nerine for a time but the responsibility seemed to take it’s toll on her freedom. She has passed the crown on to Breckin and left Beqanna for a while.

    Wolfbane has been absent for a while, apparently searching for Wishbone. Upon his return Arthas had almost taken over, but votes fell in favor of giving Bane another chance.
    During his absence, Lepis had since attempted a steal from their neutral neighbor Hyaline, to which the Hyalinian queens responded with the notice that they closed the border and a less-diplomatic PS which suggested the Leviathans probably would not take this well either. Lepis attempted a second steal for Ilma, who now has stolen her in return.

    Relatively peaceful and quiet, with the queens’ family growing steady. The Loessian steal has upset the higher members of the Hyaline council, and it is not yet clear how this will play out.

    Brennen won the Alliance and with it an unstable magic trait. With his retreat into his family’s grove, nothing seemed to have happened thus far. He only came out recently, possibly to make good on his promise and still go to war with Sylva.

    Outside-of-kingdom drama

    Supporting the Nerinian change of crowns where she can, she still has time to talk and fight with family members as well as her old friend Brennen. This latter results in an unexpected pregnancy.

    Still captive, currently insulting the new queen. Smart move, K.

    Has conpleted his mud-eating challenge in hopes of gaining protection for his kingdom, even with the recent takeover.

    Apparently deciding that getting with other girls isn’t enough to fill the void, has attenpted suicide when the fairies did not give an easy solution. Was made immortal due to this act. Is a sad pony instead of an angry one at the moment.

    After her first fight with her mate, has been to the mountain to request inmortality for Solace. Was granted, though Ice Fairy appeared still upset from her previous encounter and scarred the painted bay.

    Quick update, tell me if you miss somethinf inportant or add it below please!
    (Sits in car and is bored lol)
    This makes me giggle... XD

    Could add that Kaurma compulsed Wolfbane in making her Queen consort of Loess... Drama is sure to unfold as she attempts to keep control of his mind Wink

    I love this idea!  We needed a journalist and I'm sure it helps Kahz to keep up with history page Smile
    -Semi Active-
    just saying this is awesome thank you for compiling it!!

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