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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    he laid low the warriors of old; wishbone
    he laid low the warriors of old
    He had been drowning at one point—barely held together by the strings of life that kept him breathing. When he had lost his children, he could not bear to see himself around anyone. He could not even bother to be in the presence of his love, Porcia. Their entire world had been torn into two, pulled instantly apart the moment they had created a family. It had been a mistake in the end, just two parents who should have kept a closer watch on their children—but a mistake that cost them both more than anything.

    Rome cannot help but blame himself, but he cannot allow himself to drown into the bitterness of shame and sadness. He must arise from the chaos the world has brought Porcia and him—he must do something. There is a fire now that burns within him, a passion to do something than lie idly around day after day. It scorches his mind, consuming his thoughts.

    A purpose grows within him now.

    The spotted stallion searches for the one person he never thought he would ever think of trying to find. He needed more than ever to find and speak to the young Khalessi. It was with her that his purpose was to be born—his intentions needed to be heard, to help be guided if he was to do anything now.

    Rome searches the land of Nerine. By now he knows this land more than he ever thought possible, after all it had become his home. However, he had only been a resident here. There was no oath that held him here as it had with most of the other residents of Nerine. He did not sell his loyalty to anyone else except to Porcia and the family he had planned on creating with her. It was time for a change, and today would mark that.

    He finds the bay Khalessi eventually within the more common areas of their home. Rome does not hold himself back from approaching her. When his mind is set onto something, he puts his whole self into it no matter the cost. It was today that he did so, not bothering to hide behind the normal conversations he has always allowed himself to dwell and fall into easily with others.

    “Wishbone,” he pauses for a moment, “Khaleesi.” Rome corrects himself, the formalities of kingdom are not something Rome has always been attuned with but he is not absent-minded on the ways of a working kingdom. His own mother had held high positions and he grew up in the desert kingdom in another world long ago before Beqanna had been swallowed away. “My name is Rome. We must talk,” he moves straight to the point.
    tarnished x lucrezia

    I decided to get him involved Smile

    she’s got jumper cable lips
    she’s got sunset on her breath. now i inhaled just a little bit, now i’ve got no fear of death

    “Wishbone is just fine.”

    Her words drift into his ears on the smoke of her exhale into the wintery air. The bitterness of the air clings to the tissues of her lungs on the inhale, stinging faintly at the linings of her chest cavity. This is Wishbone’s second winter in Nerine now, among the hardy cliffside kingdom and its equally-as-hardy residents. While she still dreams for Tephra’s everlasting warmth and sweat-inducing humidity, the thickness of her winter coat has grown in well this year and the chill of the season is less daunting.

    Her intense amber eyes roam across the stallion’s body, curiously pinpointing the shape of his paws against the snow and the signs of flexibility that rest along the slopes of his muscle. Although Wishbone mentally frowns at herself for this behavior, she cannot deny that her mind is already finding a place for him among Nerine’s ranks. The color of his body and the dappling of his spots too would be easy to conceal in a summertime forest, but he stands out well against the backdrop of the white snow-drifts and the dark green of the pine trees.

    A fierce smile dances on Wishbone’s mouth as he moves right to the point. She can appreciate someone who isn’t willing to waste time. “If you insist.” There’s a laugh in the back of her throat, but it has concealed itself into a teasing expression that tugs one sloping corner of her mouth upward. Although she is a queen, Wishbone tires easily of the language of a diplomat. Her own words — with the mouth of a sailor and a sense of humor that doesn’t fit with the most rigid — are much more comfortable. “What should we talk about?”


    @[Rome] / sorry this took me actual years to respond to :/
    he laid low the warriors of old
    Rome has never been one to dwell into the politics of Beqanna. He often would have favored a life with only adventure and exploring beyond the lands that laid over the horizon of his homeland. But his life had changed—for the better—when he had met his black lover, Porcia. And then it was the fate of their first set of twins that had shifted his intentions for his current stance within Nerine.

    He is not familiar with the way Wishbone is. It is truly his first time ever interacting with the leader of his home, but he can imagine she is fierce and strong. Her smile at his words tells no other tale of his thoughts he had before on her. The stories of the sisterhood still ring truth to this day even if they are no longer in the jungle he had grown up knowing them to inhabit.

    “I want to make myself useful around here,” a tone of seriousness follows along with his words. Rome would have been more at ease with witty words and banter, but he feels the need to make his point clear. His intentions to make something of himself more in this land was important to him and those that were in his world. “My family means everything to me, and so does this place. I want you to know I will do what it takes to ensure Nerine is always safe.” Rome pauses for a moment, turning away from Wishbone.

    The ocelot horse overlooks the warm spring day around them. It is not the place he had grown up in and learned to love, but it is a place he has grown to call home and found a warm, safe spot within his heart. “I want to give my life to this place, even if it means the end of me.” He ends with returning his gaze back to her, fortifying his meaning to be true and honest.

    “I will do what is ever required. No matter what it might be.” The world would no longer be black and white for him. If he was going to protect his family and his home he would have to be willing to do anything—and he was without hesitation.

    “Where must I start?” he asks with a soft smile when he locks his gaze with hers. Must he give an oath to pledge his loyalty to her and Nerine? Must he kill someone to show his dedication perhaps? He doesn't know what requires him to show and be considered a faithful servant of kingdoms when he has only known the road of solitude and loyalty to those he loves and cares about.
    tarnished x lucrezia


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