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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Blood is Thicker Than Water //Trekori, Any\\
    Blood is Thicker than Water

    All the time that has passed between them leaving here as yearlings and now, is a blur for her.  One day they return to only find they must leave again.  Why? She was unsure.  So from the blackened soil of Tephra she had starred out across the oceans to the small isle of her birth.  Wondering what goes on there now.  If it was truly such a bad place under its new ruler.  One she had grown up seeing regularly but never interacted with.  The bay with black wings had stood beside her mother, so she wonders why he had removed her from being the islands caretaker...

    Those thoughts had suddenly faded when Kori arrived in Tephra with news.  News that he was stealing her away.  The golden pinto was chivalrous and quickly confronted Krom.  Telling her twin that he was taking her away from her home and family.  Forcing her to stay in Ischia with him.  She hadn't completely been against it but the look in Kroms' eyes made her nervous.  Never has he been threatening to anyone before, besides Morty of course.  She now wonders what will happen to her here.  What purpose she was to serve and why Kori had wanted her...

    She was not a shy nor quiet girl but as she walked alongside Trekori she remained silent. She was nearly two and her earthy brown coat was now a rosie steel.  Perhaps not even recognizable to those who have seen her here before.  A forgotten princess of Ischia.  The sand bridge was a welcome sight and she crossed it easily.  Much more so as her legs have lengthened with age.  The sea salt waters barely coming up to her knees.  It felt good though, and for a moment she stills and closes her eyes.  Ears twist to hear the faint call of tropical avian.  A sound she has nearly forgotten with time.  It brings a smile to her lips as memories of her childhood surface.  

    When her eyes finally reopen and she again walks beside Kori.  Hooves shifting in the malleable soils underfoot as they find the sandy beaches.  Lavender eyes scan about the area -one she has seen many times- finding it unchanged.  Along the shoreline, tiny sea birds dig bugs from the sands.  It is a small pinkish shell that catches her immediate attention.  With a slight squeal of joy, she picks up her pace to a fancy trot.  Quickly come up upon the trinket, she stops just above it and lowers her muzzle to brush along its surface.  With a content grin she closes her eyes and gathers decorative armor to conform to her delicate features.  A decorative brow band holds the shell upon her forehead, just as her mother had held the green scallop of Ischia.

    With a rise of her head, she turns to look for her escort.  He wouldn't be far off she is sure.  Proud of her decorative display, her eyes find him to ask of his opinion, "Whaddya think?" Lavender eyes roll upwards to the mask of platinum holding the pink jewel centered on her forehead...

    @[Trekori] or anyone else is free to enter as well. @[Brennen] @[Kylin]


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    She's quiet as she walks next to me, more than I've heard her be before - though in truth, our conversations in the past have been succinct to say the least. Still, my eyes go to her worriedly every now and then, roaming over her rosey hide, trying to see what's wrong - but it's nothing visual that's wrong, and I know that well enough. A pang of guilt hits me as we trundle in silence; guilt for having torn away this beautiful woman from her family.

    But then I catch the way she smiles as the Ischian coast approaches - even if she doesn't catch it herself - and the guilt subsides. She's meant to be here, where she was born. Ischia looks good on her.

    Suddenly, she's squealing and prancing away from me, and I stumble clumsily to catch up, enthralled by the liveliness of this darling girl. My amethyst eyes follow where her lavender ones go, catching on the pink shell that stands out against the almost white sand. Curious as to what she will do with the trinket, I watch in astonishment as her eyes close, and some sort of magic bends to her will. Mouth slightly agape, I try to formulate words to express my admiration - but she beats me to it, asking me what I think.

    "Wow," I offer lamely, but the grin on my lips is far from lame. I step closer to her, inspecting her handiwork. "I didn't know you could do that! That's incredible... Were you born with that ability?" I want to ask if she was born this incredible, but I know the answer - and besides, after everything I've put her through, poor Karat doesn't deserve to be shamelessly flirted with.


    Blood is Thicker than Water

    She goes, he follows.  Young love or minor infatuation, call it what you will, she didn't pay no mind to whatever this was.  

    Quickly the island called to her and she answered.  Sweeping the light pink shell from its place among the sands and fixing it to her natural armor.  She was glimmering with pride and slight self-admiration, even before he gasped in disbelief at her abilities.  Examining the delicate artwork and questioning her possession of it.  She giggles with a slight toss upwards of her muzzle, "Of course I was born with it. My fath..."  Just as swift as her happiness came, it drifted beneath the idea that she had abandoned her family.  The thought causes her head to drop slightly and eyes shy to the sands. "I'm sorry," she merely whispers in response to her sudden lack of spunk.  This was harder than she thought it would be...

    She wishes so badly that she didn't miss them.  That she could move on and be happy without their constant presence.  Every memory she has though revolves around them and never before this moment has she been out of their sight.  She isn't alone but deep down something is missing.  Slowly her eyes rise to find his purple gaze, finding it somewhat comforting.  Managing a small smile, she begins again, "I got it from my dad... As did Krom.  His is much more spectacular than mine." She pauses, as she tries to find the label for his powers.  A spark seemingly lights in her face as she remembers, "Equus Ferrum is what Kylin called it." A proud smile curls her lilac lips at this memory.  She had watched the magic slowly consume her brother and it was Kylin that assured them he would not parish as it advanced.

    Looking still into his eyes, she wonders if there is something he wields that she does not see.  With a slight furrow of a singular brow, she inquires with a slightly flippant tone, "So... you got anything cool , you can show me?"  A playful grin forms on her lips as her lavender tail swishes at her hocks.  Waiting patiently for him to wow her...

    @[Trekori] apparently she is an emotional roller-coaster XD and if his "cool" thing is his *cough, cough* she might run away screaming lmao

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