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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    from the ashes, a fire will be woken | jesper
    from the ashes, a fire shall be awoken
    Her comment alluding to her ability, springs up a well of questions from the man before her. She smiles micheviously, her black-lined lips upturning on her white and red mouth, her flaming eyes sparkling. He settles onto the damp ground of the forest, comfortable sitting before the fox. Her tail flicks idly behind her every so often, a smooth and sweeping motion with the softness of the sound echoing in the silent forest. “I was born an equine,” she states casually, her white chest expanding as she inhales deeply, and then exhales in a quick snort. It is a form she rarely takes anymore, being with Crevan so long, though she it is still easy for her to shift to the onyx mare with red embers freckling her haunches and flaming tendrils of wild, unruly hair. Her life before the fox had been mundane, however, and she wandered listlessly throughout Beqanna. She had always been rather solitary, and though she does not know when or how, the gift of the fox spirit had been graciously bestowed on her. It only further encourages her recluse personality, diving into the depths of shadowy forests and listening only to the instincts that came with the vulpine form.

    Merida does not go into all the details of this - she does not share much of her personal life with anyone, even her wolf-friend (who is her only friend at the moment). “There is the equine and there is the fox.” Her voice is simple, and a quick shrug of her shoulders show how much she cares for the equine side of her. Sometimes, though, her horse spirit begs for company - which is why she is sitting before Jesper now, instead of disappearing into the denseness of the winter-laden woods around them.

    She is enjoying the gushing amount of compliments coming from the stallion, and with a generously vain expression, the foxes ears tip back slightly with pride, a grin pulling away her lips to reveal shining canines. Her tail thumps pleasantly, showing her delight. “It is hard for a horse to master much of anything,” she tells him honestly with a tip of her black snout upwards. “But perhaps you will be gifted just as I have been. Then, I can teach you.”

    The situation seems all too familiar, though the roles are now reversed. She had learned everything from the wolf when she had first been given her new ability, and now she is here offering the same thing to Jesper - even though he does not yet have a second skin. She used to be nothing - plain and without defenses - but now she is something greater, something wonderful. She is haughty as she looks down on those without the abilities to shed their horse-skin, knowing that the freedom she has in her shifting abilities is far greater than any other ability a horse could possibly have.

    @[Jesper] <3

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    RE: from the ashes, a fire will be woken | jesper - by Merida - 05-05-2018, 09:04 AM

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