When the thin threads are cut and his mouth is returned to him, when he is released from the mountain with his dark and bloody task in hand, there is only one place that makes sense to go. The ghosts are back in full force as he retreats from the magic that had cleared his head. Magnus keeps his stride, berating him. Trying to make him think twice, to reconsider the gravity of what he was facing. ”You are not a killer Ledger.” ”You’re right, I’m not.” Growls the flaxen stallion, annoyance and determination in the single eye, contorting his empty socket in frustration.
He already had a plan and he casts his dark glare at his father, silently cursing him for the little faith that was shown in him. ”I may not be a killer but I have an idea where we can find one.” He mutters roughly, a sick thrill of satisfaction coursing through him as his words sink into Magnus. As the buckskin begins to understand what he is doing. ”You think that keeps the blood from your hands? Keeps your soul clean and intact?” His fathers words hushed but heavy, disapproval reflected on the hard lines of his face. ”I have no choice!” He finally snaps, curved lobes plastering to his skull in irritation and anger.
Magnus falls silent and the flaxen chestnut feels relief at the silence. It continues as they cross into the burnt remains of Sylva. Smoke and ash assault his nostrils, he can smell the scents of familiar beings as well… Offspring had been here and the thought of the black beast naturally leads to her, champagne fur and heavenly wings. Inwardly he groans, why was he doing this? Perhaps he was better off with the vapid replacement that hovered in his chest… No, he wants it. Even if she didn’t deserve it, he wants it back. He wants the chance to feel again, to feel something besides anger and pain.
His hooves crunch over burnt wood and charcoal disks. Continuing until the air seems cleaner and the golden autumn leaves replace the singed empty branches. Everyone knows what kind of place this had become. Everyone knew of Gryffen and his merry bloody men (and women). If anyone may have what he seeks, it would be them.
No sleep tonight
I'll keep driving down these dark highway lines