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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shut up and read my lips||any

    The steely blue of his form creases the horizon as a small blemish on the otherwise pleasant summer morning. Obscure moves with a methodical shuffling, his dark eyes nearly glazed as nothing registers. He sort of 'comes to' and notices as the sand and sharp pebbles turn to soil, the way roots disrupt his hard steps, the sound of birds mindless chattering replaces the stupid caw of seagulls.

    "Fucking garbage rats." The three words are muttered under his breath, low and raspy.

    He stops momentarily to gaze upward at a blue sky without so much as a simple fluff of cloud. The roan man pulls his lips to the side in a slow motion frown of acknowledgement of his surroundings. He had seemed to existed for a long time off and away from the hum-drum of Beqanna. How long had it really been? Fuck. He had lost count ages ago. Ob decides maybe he would work on his tan and get a little sun, maybe rid himself from the persistent frigid grip of his bones.

    He says nothing to the soft whispers of 'hello' and 'good morning' from passing women. The dark eyed man doesn't even offer a grunt or his attention. They are all just talking heads full of estrogen and dripping desire. Obscure instead drops his head so he can clip at the smooth green bits of grass because he really had nothing else to do at this moment other than let the sun split his spine and for the nasty little fly bastards to nibble at his flank and tender parts.

    He is not sure if he is happy he has returned to Beqanna.


    i don't give a fuck


    No Crosses Count

    He’s not sure if he’s happy to be back either. Or at least, that’s what he would think if he even knew he had “returned”. Instead he finds himself in strange lands that he has somewhat walked before but can’t recall. The jungle of his birth had been ripped away, the land of ice and snow he had spent his fondest years in gone beneath the sea. It’s the common areas that should ring a bell but still he is oblivious. The past hidden and obscure to him.

    His dark crimson gaze is striking against the handsome defined ridges of his face, scanning the trees and brush with little interest. A few coy glances are sent his way and he responds with a cool smirk. Despite the insane amount of scars that littered his youthful body, it only added to his sex appeal. The puckered skin over his eye giving him a dangerous air, one ladies seemed drawn to like a moth to a flame.

    A stallion stands not far from him, clipping at the grass and ignoring the attention he is also garnering. Watching as a mare calls to him invitingly, only for the male to look through her as if he hasn't seen her. Like she’s a ghost. ”Don’t see anything to your liking?” He calls, raising a brow and giving a boyish grin to the same woman as she passes. They didn’t have to be smart, pretty faces would go anywhere with him. It was just for fun of course, nobody would ever come close to Nocturnal.

    Girl, I've got that silver tongue, Drives you into delirium

    (Apparently Im going to write Cross to all your ponies xD @[Obscure] )

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