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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    FLASH. Give me nostaligic childhood yearnings. [Dahmer, Smoak, Open]
    Keep a little fire burning;
    however small, however hidden.

    Winded from his game of Kingdom with Solace and Svedka, though still full of energy, the bone-armored colt flops playfully down beside the creek and gazes skyward with bright hazel eyes. He snorts at his friends as he lay concealed in the tall grasses, "I think that Solace and I won," he gloats to Svedka tauntingly before rolling onto his back and kicking his lanky appendages into the air. The sun is high overhead and nearly blinding, so the champagne-colored colt straightens a foreleg to shield his sensitive eyes from his overwhelming brightness for a few moments, looking positively odd as he pauses his rolling to catch his breath.

    He's just about to suggest another game when a resounding whinny interrupts his stream of thought, coaxing an exaggerated sigh from the colt's open maw as he rolls back onto his hooves and pushes himself upward. "Aw, Dad…" he frowns as he looks at the blue-tinged twins before gifting them with a shrug of his bone-plated shoulders and then bolting away without another word. His legs are still awkwardly long, though he's nearing a year old and the lankiness will soon disappear. In the meantime, Smoak has learned how to use them to push his lithe frame to high speeds. He bounds over one lava stream and then another, rounding a bend in the creek and the small copse of trees where Dad usually hangs out when he's not outside of Tephra doing things for Offspring, and then accelerates once more as he hits the field and a straight shot towards Dad and the winged visitor at his side.

    Smoak presses his tiny muzzle to the bone plating on his chest as he comes to a sliding halt on the soft earth, nearly colliding with Dad's broad chest. He opts not to look upward at Dahmer's face, where he's quite sure a frown of disapproval would be waiting for him. Instead, the son of Ellyse turns his gaze to the winged lady beside him and gives her an extravagant bow before raising his head back up in the most formal way possible (an act of diplomacy he had learned from Solace) and clearing his throat. "Welcome to Tephra!" he offers to the painted mare before finally turning his hazel gaze towards Dad. "Why do you always hang out with horses who have wings if you aren't going to use your own?"

    Candor - Smoak's greatest asset.

    lineart colored by sanaa


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: FLASH. Give me nostaligic childhood yearnings. [Dahmer, Smoak, Open] - by Smoak - 09-11-2017, 11:53 AM

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