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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    cold brew coffee; any


    Maybe this is the best way.

    Romantica had spent her time in the meadow, the forest, the river. She had gladly drank up the wild freedom a nomadic life had promised. She ran free and happy, wild as the winds and twice as fierce. No man nor creature could tame the beast that lay in her belly as she chased the run and made love to the moon with large green eyes and sweet words.

    But now the howl of the wolf does not soothe her soul nor the moan of the meadowlark. Romy makes her through the brambles and snags that threaten the dappled edges of her pale coat. The woman picks her way  through beaten paths and down branches till she stands on the edges of the open land, the small clumps of horses huddled together in conversations that did not reach her ears.

    She draws a breath and exhales loudly as she attempts to steady herself for this next chapter. The gray woman with steely hair stands only a moment longer before she finds herself moving towards the bands of other equines, watching with bright emerald eyes and a soft smile moving over her lips.

    Winter had finally come and the air was refreshingly crisp and cool. It pulled him out of his solitude in the kingdom of Loess with an extra eagerness in his step. Within a few hours he had found himself back in the neutral lands, ready to head to the field and search for new and fresh faces that could help his new home to grow. He figured if he could recruit enough, he could prove to the queen that he was a worthy member to keep around.

    Before he knew it, the smokey cream colored stallion found himself stepping into the field and making his way through the groups of other horses, his eyes traveling over each of them in search of a face that was not yet involved deeply in conversation. Though at first it seems as though there isn't a proper opportunity to make his own offer. Not yet at least.

    So after a while he breaks from the group, stepping away from the others for a moment to gather his thoughts. Though this is exactly when he runs across the gray mare and with a soft snort he blinks in surprise. He is only a few steps in front of her and for a moment he doesn't know what to say. He glances down at her out of the corner of his eye before taking a step back and offering an apology. "Sorry about that, I was just trying to get some space from the crowd."

    "I'm Kakashi. What's your name?"
    K A K A S H I
    winged smokey cream akhal-teke stallion
    currently living within the loess lingdom


    She is a delicate thing. Curves soft and flashing green eyes with dark lashes that sweep over them. Her steps are precise like a prima ballerina as they thud softly against the newly frozen ground of an early autumn. The cools winds tug at her long tail and braids it with unseen fingers against her flank.

    The sounds of hooves beat like a soldier's drum, steady and familiar as she looks to see who the keeper of the tune was. A creamy silver male with pale eyes approaches with a bit of mischief and a lazy smile that crosses his lips haphazardly. Romy finds it charming as she watches how he is a bit clumsy with his tongue, struggling to make words that would delight her. His wings are pretty things painted with a porcelain brush as he keeps them folded to his spine. Romy shares his height and can easily see the way the feathers interlace.

    "The crowd, yes." The glittering emerald of her eyes rotate as she gives a slight look to the others, paying little to no mind before looking back to her fair companion. "I'm Romantica. Nice to meet you." The woman offers her own small smile, the edges of her lips lifting in a curl as the early autumn sun caresses the slight rose tint of her dappled hide. Romy shivers a bit from the chill as she has not grown her winter coat. Her face turns away for another moment to observe some mares huddled together in conversation like nuns praying.


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